Reintroduce Debugging database handler; update main to allow for environment definition that will branch between all debug handlers or real effect handlers
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ dist*
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ How to navigate this codebase (as of revision 77131c4a):
- Effect definitions
- Utility function for lifting IO to effectful's IOE
- Database
- Database effect handlers
- Database effect handler
- Table definitons as functions
- Helper functions for constructing SQL queries
- Handlers
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type AppEff =
, Error ServerError
data AppEnv = AppEnv { pool :: Pool Connection }
data AppEnv = AppEnv { pool :: Maybe (Pool Connection) }
newtype UserId = UserId Int
deriving (Show, Generic, FromField, ToField, FromHttpApiData, ToHttpApiData)
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Pool
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField (ToField)
import Effectful
@ -45,32 +46,73 @@ runDatabaseIO :: DatabaseExeEffects es
=> Eff (Database : es) a -> Eff es a
runDatabaseIO = interpret $ \_ -> \case
DatabaseInit -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool -> liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
execute_ conn createUsersTable
execute_ conn createLogsTable
pure ()
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
DatabaseRead (statement, values) -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn ->
query conn statement (Only values)
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool ->
liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> query conn statement (Only values)
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
DatabaseRead_ statement -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn ->
query_ conn statement
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool -> liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> query_ conn statement
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
DatabaseWrite (statement, values) -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool -> liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
execute conn statement values
pure ()
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
liftWithPool :: (IOE :> es, Error ServerError :> es)
=> (Pool Connection) -> (Connection -> IO a) -> Eff es a
liftWithPool p f = liftIOE $ withResource p f
runDatabaseDebug :: DatabaseExeEffects es
=> Eff (Database : es) a -> Eff es a
runDatabaseDebug = interpret $ \_ -> \case
DatabaseInit -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn "Mocked setup of the database"
DatabaseRead (statement, values) -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn
$ "Mocked a READ database operation with statement:\n"
++ show statement
++ "\nValues:\n"
++ show values
pure []
DatabaseRead_ statement -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn "Mocked a READ database operation on all users"
pure []
DatabaseWrite (statement, values) -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn
$ "Mocked a WRITE database operation with statement:\n"
++ show statement
++ "\nValues:\n"
++ show values
createConnectionPool :: ByteString -> IO (Pool Connection)
createConnectionPool connectString = newPool $ defaultPoolConfig
(connectPostgreSQL connectString)
@ -102,3 +144,11 @@ createLogsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS logs ( \
\ source VARCHAR(100), \
\ context JSONB \
databaseEscapeLog :: (IOE :> es, Error ServerError :> es) => LogLevel -> String -> Eff es ()
databaseEscapeLog level msg = do
time <- liftIOE getCurrentTime
liftIOE $ putStrLn
$ "TIMESTAMP: " ++ show time ++ "\n"
++ "LEVEL: " ++ show level ++ "\n"
++ "MESSAGE: " ++ msg
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ rootHandler = (writeLog Info "Hit the root!")
userListHandler :: CRUD es
=> Eff es (Html ())
userListHandler = do
writeLog Info "Selected all users!"
users <- databaseRead_ "SELECT id, name FROM users"
writeLog Info "Selected all users!"
return $ V.baseDoc $ case users of
[] -> warning "No users found"
_ -> foldMap userHtml users
@ -15,19 +15,48 @@ import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static ((>->), staticPolicy, noDots, addBase)
import Servant hiding ((:>), throwError, inject)
import qualified Servant as S
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
-- Types
data RunMode = Production | Debug
proxy :: Proxy AppAPI
proxy = Proxy
-- Application
main :: IO ()
main = do
pool <- createConnectionPool "host=localhost dbname=demo"
let env = AppEnv { pool = pool }
runAppEff env $ databaseInit
run port . middleware . serve proxy $ app env
(envPort, envMode) <- do
port <- lookupEnv "PORT"
env <- lookupEnv "ENVIRONMENT"
pure (port, env)
app :: AppEnv -> Server AppAPI
app env = hoistServer proxy (Handler . ExceptT . runAppEff env) handlers
let port = maybe 8080 read envPort
mode = case envMode of
Just "production" -> Production
_ -> Debug
env <- case mode of
Production -> do
dbPool <- createConnectionPool "host=localhost dbname=demo"
let env = AppEnv { pool = Just dbPool }
appEff env databaseInit
pure env
Debug -> do
let env = AppEnv { pool = Nothing }
appDebug env databaseInit
pure env
run port . middleware . serve proxy $ app env mode
app :: AppEnv -> RunMode -> Server AppAPI
app env Production = hoistServer proxy (Handler . ExceptT . appEff env) handlers
app env Debug = hoistServer proxy (Handler . ExceptT . appDebug env) handlers
handlers :: ServerT AppAPI AppEff
handlers = rootHandler
@ -39,16 +68,22 @@ handlers = rootHandler
middleware :: Application -> Application
middleware = staticPolicy (noDots >-> addBase "data/assets/public")
runAppEff :: AppEnv -> AppEff a -> IO (Either ServerError a)
runAppEff env = runEff
-- Effect Stacks
appEff :: AppEnv -> AppEff a -> IO (Either ServerError a)
appEff env = runEff
. runErrorNoCallStack
. runReader env
. runDatabaseIO
. runLoggerPSQL
. inject
port :: Int
port = 8080
proxy :: Proxy AppAPI
proxy = Proxy
appDebug :: AppEnv -> AppEff a -> IO (Either ServerError a)
appDebug env = runEff
. runErrorNoCallStack
. runReader env
. runDatabaseDebug
. runLoggerConsole
. inject
@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ liftIOE m = liftIO m `catch` \(e::IOException) -> do
-- Log IOExceptions to stdout
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "ERROR Exception: " ++ show e
-- Throw a custom Servant ServerError
throwError $ ServerError
throwDefaultISE :: (IOE :> es, Error ServerError :> es) => Eff es a
throwDefaultISE = throwError $ ServerError
{ errHTTPCode = 500
, errReasonPhrase = "Internal Server Error"
, errBody = renderBS V.internalServerError
Reference in New Issue
Block a user