diff --git a/src/Feature/Sharing/SQLite.hs b/src/Feature/Sharing/SQLite.hs
index fc7afb5..4e0ea08 100644
--- a/src/Feature/Sharing/SQLite.hs
+++ b/src/Feature/Sharing/SQLite.hs
@@ -39,10 +39,44 @@ insertNewSecret sec life link maxViews = do
readEncryptedSecret :: String -> [SecretEntry] -> PurrAction (Maybe T.Text)
readEncryptedSecret key sec = do
- decKey <- liftIO
- (sequence $ decryptSecret key <$> decodeSecret <$> listToMaybe sec)
- return (ET.decodeLatin1 <$> decKey)
+ db <- dbPath
+ liftIO $ incViews sec db
+ delete <- liftIO $ deleteExpiredSecret sec db
+ decKey <- liftIO ( sequence
+ $ decryptSecret key
+ <$> decodeSecret
+ <$> listToMaybe sec )
+ if (delete)
+ then return Nothing
+ else return (ET.decodeLatin1 <$> decKey)
+ where
+ incViews :: [SecretEntry] -> String -> IO ()
+ incViews [] _ = return ()
+ incViews (sec : _) db = do
+ conn <- liftIO $ open db
+ liftIO $ execute conn
+ "UPDATE pws SET views = views + 1 WHERE link = ?" (Only (link sec))
+ liftIO $ close conn
+-- Returns True if deletion occurs, informing the caller to not provide
+-- the successfully retrieved secret to the requestor.
+deleteExpiredSecret :: [SecretEntry] -> String -> IO Bool
+deleteExpiredSecret [] _ = return False
+deleteExpiredSecret (sec : _) db = do
+ time <- liftIO $ epochTime
+ if ((date sec) + ((life sec) * 86400) < time) ||
+ (views sec >= maxViews sec)
+ then deleteSec sec db
+ else return False
+ where
+ deleteSec :: SecretEntry -> String -> IO Bool
+ deleteSec sec db = do
+ conn <- liftIO $ open db
+ liftIO $ execute conn
+ "DELETE FROM pws WHERE link = ?" (Only (link sec))
+ liftIO $ close conn
+ return True
encodeSecret :: B.ByteString -> T.Text
encodeSecret b = ET.decodeUtf8 $ B64.encode b
diff --git a/views/gen.hamlet b/views/gen.hamlet
index ad06b58..aba30ae 100644
--- a/views/gen.hamlet
+++ b/views/gen.hamlet
@@ -9,11 +9,35 @@
Generate New Password
Share Generated Password
+ Valid for:
+ days
+ views