Stop hardcoding feed URL; update environment variable helper function names and add new SAMPU_BASEURL env var
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
BLOGTITLE="Anon's Blog"
SAMPU_TITLE="Anon's Blog"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: sampu
version: 0.5.0
version: 0.6.0
license: ISC
author: James Eversole
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ executable sampu
, time >= 1.12.0
, twain >=
, wai-extra >= 3.0 && < 3.2
, wai-middleware-static >= 0.9.0
, warp == 3.3.25
, xml-conduit >=
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -35,11 +35,17 @@ main = do
++ "All required environment variables:\n"
++ unlines required
appPort :: IO String
appPort = getEnv "APPLICATIONPORT"
-- The port to run the web server on
port :: IO String
port = getEnv "SAMPU_PORT"
appTitle :: IO String
appTitle = getEnv "BLOGTITLE"
-- The site's title; used for HTML title and XML feed title
title :: IO String
title = getEnv "SAMPU_TITLE"
-- The site's public-facing base url with no trailing slash
baseUrl :: IO String
baseUrl = getEnv "SAMPU_BASEURL"
requiredEnvVars :: [String]
requiredEnvVars = [ "APPLICATIONPORT", "BLOGTITLE" ]
requiredEnvVars = [ "SAMPU_PORT", "SAMPU_TITLE", "SAMPU_BASEURL" ]
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ import qualified Core.Handlers as Handle
import Control.Monad ( mapM_ )
import Data.String ( fromString )
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp ( Port, run )
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger ( logStdoutDev )
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger ( logStdout, logStdoutDev )
import System.FilePath ( takeFileName )
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ import Web.Twain
-- Get the port to listen on from the ENV and start the webserver.
main :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
main postNames = do
port <- Conf.appPort
port <- Conf.port
let app = preProcessors
++ (routes postNames)
++ postProcessors
@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ main postNames = do
-- These Middlewares are executed before any routes are reached.
preProcessors :: [Middleware]
preProcessors = [ logStdoutDev ]
preProcessors = [logStdoutDev]
-- These Middlewares are executed after all other routes are exhausted
postProcessors :: [Middleware]
@ -48,7 +47,8 @@ routes postNames =
-- Takes a post's name extracted from the filepath and returns a valid route
mdFileToRoute :: FilePath -> Middleware
mdFileToRoute postName = get (fromString $ "/posts/" ++ postName) (Handle.posts postName)
mdFileToRoute postName =
get (fromString $ "/posts/" ++ postName) (Handle.posts postName)
buildMdRoutes :: [FilePath] -> [Middleware]
buildMdRoutes postNames = map mdFileToRoute postNames
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Web.Twain
index :: ResponderM a
index = do
-- Query the system environment for the BLOGTITLE environment variable
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
title <- liftIO Conf.title
-- Read a Commonmark Markdown file and process it to HTML
homeMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
-- Get the Footer content from Markdown
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ index = do
-- Responds with processed Commonmark -> HTML for posts existing at app init
posts :: FilePath -> ResponderM a
posts postName = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
title <- liftIO Conf.title
footerMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
postMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid ("./data/posts/" ++ postName ++ ".md")
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (basePost postMd) footerMd
@ -40,45 +40,46 @@ posts postName = do
-- Builds an index of all posts on filesystem as of application init
postsIndex :: [FilePath] -> ResponderM a
postsIndex postNames = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
title <- liftIO Conf.title
footerMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (postIndex postNames) footerMd
-- Generates the XML feed at /feed
feed :: [FilePath] -> ResponderM a
feed postNames = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
title <- liftIO Conf.title
baseUrl <- liftIO Conf.baseUrl
time <- liftIO $ fmap (\x -> timeFormat x) getCurrentTime
-- Create Atom [Post] to populate the feed
feedData <- liftIO $ mapM makePost postNames
feedData <- liftIO $ mapM (makePost baseUrl) postNames
-- Send an XML response with an automatically populated Atom feed
send $ xml $ LTE.encodeUtf8 $ renderFeed
$ autoFeed (baseFeed title time) feedData
$ autoFeed (baseFeed title time baseUrl) feedData
-- Base feed data structure which we populate with entries
baseFeed :: String -> String -> Atom.Feed
baseFeed title time = Atom.nullFeed
baseFeed :: String -> String -> String -> Atom.Feed
baseFeed title time baseUrl = Atom.nullFeed
(pack $ baseUrl ++ "/feed")
(Atom.TextString $ pack title)
(pack $ time ++ " UTC")
-- Create an Atom Post for each markdown post present
makePost :: FilePath -> IO (Post)
makePost x = do
date <- getModificationTime $ "./data/posts/" ++ x ++ ".md"
makePost :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Post)
makePost baseUrl postName = do
date <- getModificationTime $ "./data/posts/" ++ postName ++ ".md"
return $ Post
(pack $ (timeFormat date) ++ " UTC")
(pack $ "" ++ x)
(pack $ show x)
(pack $ baseUrl ++ "/posts/" ++ postName)
(pack $ show postName)
-- YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | 2024-02-24 16:36
timeFormat :: UTCTime -> String
timeFormat x = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" x
timeFormat date = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" date
-- Refer to index comments
contact :: ResponderM a
contact = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
title <- liftIO Conf.title
contactMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
footerMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (baseContact contactMd) footerMd
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ body_ = do
strong ? do
fontWeight $ weight 600
li ? do
listStyleType $ other "~> "
listStyleType $ other "\"~> \""
footer_ :: Css
footer_ = do
@ -109,8 +109,7 @@ nav_ = do
margin (em 0) auto (em 0) auto
padding (em 0) (em 0) (em 0) (em 0)
overflow hidden
boxShadow . pure $ bsColor "#ccc" $
shadowWithBlur (px 4) (px 4) (px 6)
boxShadow . pure $ bsColor "#ccc" $ shadowWithBlur (px 4) (px 4) (px 6)
display inlineFlex
li ? do
listStyleType none
Reference in New Issue
Block a user