Compare commits
10 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
![]() |
a11fcd37f7 | ||
754302e543 | |||
bf47f02282 | |||
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3d5e4db7d8 | |||
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# the sampu Haskell blog engine
|||| (not live yet!)
a _work-in-progress_ blog engine using simple flat-file Markdown content storage
@ -14,18 +14,46 @@ Therefore, `la sampu cu sampu lo ka samtci`!
- [Haskell](
- [Twain](
- [Lucid2](
- [Lucid](
- [Clay](
## Goal
Provide a simple blog engine that is easily customizable via HTML fragments.
## Deployment
## Build and Deployment
We're not there yet! This project is built and packaged with Nix,
so I will provide directions on deploying with Nix as well as via OCI
containers once there's something viable to run.
Only Nix build instructions are provided below.
### No Containers
1) Clone this repository
2) Build the application (with flakes enabled): `nix build '.#'`
3) Set the environment variables
- File: `cp data/.env.example ./.env; $EDITOR ./.env`
- If you want to set them in a different way, you already know how.
4) Run the application: `./result/bin/sampu`
### Containers
1) Clone this repository
2) Build the container image (with flakes enabled): `nix build .#sampu-container`
3) Load the container image: `podman load -i result`
4) Run the container using your favorite orchestrator or...
5) Use a NixOS configuration:
virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.sampu = {
image = "sampu";
ports = [ "${SAMPUR_EXTERNAL_PORT}:3000" ];
volumes = [
environment = {
SAMPU_PORT = "3000";
SAMPU_TITLE = "Your Blog Title Here!";
SAMPU_BASEURL = "http://example.public.tld";
## Development and Support
Per the permissive ISC license, you are free to do what you wish with this
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
BLOGTITLE="Anon's Blog"
SAMPU_TITLE="Anon's Blog"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
h3{margin:0.25em 0 0.25em 0}
p{margin:0.4em 0 0.4em 0}
body {
margin: 1% 2%;
font-size: 1.25em;
font-weight: 300;
text-align: left
body li {
list-style-type: "~> ";
.main {
margin: 1em auto;
max-width: 60%;
.navContainer {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.mainNav {
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
box-shadow: 4px 4px 6px #ccc;
display: inline-flex;
.mainNav li {
list-style-type: none;
.mainNav li a {
display: block;
text-align: center;
padding: 0.25em 0.3em;
text-transform: lowercase;
.notFound {
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
.notFound h1 {
font-size: 500%;
font-weight: 200;
.postList {
font-size: 1.5em;
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Copyright [Your Name](youremail@address.local)
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
"nodes": {
"haskell-flake": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1707835791,
"narHash": "sha256-oQbDPHtver9DO8IJCBMq/TVbscCkxuw9tIfBBti71Yk=",
"lastModified": 1728845985,
"narHash": "sha256-0KkAWCRBNpno3f+E1rvV9TOr0iuweqncWGn1KtbrGmo=",
"owner": "srid",
"repo": "haskell-flake",
"rev": "5113f700d6e92199fbe0574f7d12c775bb169702",
"rev": "2393b55948866f39afcfa7d8a53893a096bcd284",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@ -33,20 +33,14 @@
"nixpkgs-lib": {
"locked": {
"dir": "lib",
"lastModified": 1706550542,
"narHash": "sha256-UcsnCG6wx++23yeER4Hg18CXWbgNpqNXcHIo5/1Y+hc=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "97b17f32362e475016f942bbdfda4a4a72a8a652",
"type": "github"
"lastModified": 1727825735,
"narHash": "sha256-0xHYkMkeLVQAMa7gvkddbPqpxph+hDzdu1XdGPJR+Os=",
"type": "tarball",
"url": ""
"original": {
"dir": "lib",
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixos-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"type": "tarball",
"url": ""
"parts": {
@ -54,11 +48,11 @@
"nixpkgs-lib": "nixpkgs-lib"
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1706830856,
"narHash": "sha256-a0NYyp+h9hlb7ddVz4LUn1vT/PLwqfrWYcHMvFB1xYg=",
"lastModified": 1727826117,
"narHash": "sha256-K5ZLCyfO/Zj9mPFldf3iwS6oZStJcU4tSpiXTMYaaL0=",
"owner": "hercules-ci",
"repo": "flake-parts",
"rev": "b253292d9c0a5ead9bc98c4e9a26c6312e27d69f",
"rev": "3d04084d54bedc3d6b8b736c70ef449225c361b1",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: sampu
version: 0.3.0
version: 0.10.0
license: ISC
author: James Eversole
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ executable sampu
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -optl-pthread -fPIC
build-depends: base
, bytestring >=
, clay >= 0.14.0
, commonmark >= 0.2.4
, directory >=
, dotenv >=
, feed >=
, filemanip >=
, filepath >=
, http-types
, lucid >= 2.11.0
, text >= 2.0
, time >= 1.12.0
@ -37,5 +39,5 @@ executable sampu
default-language: GHC2021
@ -35,11 +35,17 @@ main = do
++ "All required environment variables:\n"
++ unlines required
appPort :: IO String
appPort = getEnv "APPLICATIONPORT"
-- The port to run the web server on
port :: IO String
port = getEnv "SAMPU_PORT"
appTitle :: IO String
appTitle = getEnv "BLOGTITLE"
-- The site's title; used for HTML title and XML feed title
title :: IO String
title = getEnv "SAMPU_TITLE"
-- The site's public-facing base url with no trailing slash
baseUrl :: IO String
baseUrl = getEnv "SAMPU_BASEURL"
requiredEnvVars :: [String]
requiredEnvVars = [ "APPLICATIONPORT", "BLOGTITLE" ]
requiredEnvVars = [ "SAMPU_PORT", "SAMPU_TITLE", "SAMPU_BASEURL" ]
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Text.XML (def, rsPretty)
data Post = Post { _date :: Text
, _url :: Text
, _title :: Text
, _content :: Text
@ -24,4 +25,7 @@ renderFeed = fromJust . Export.textFeedWith def{rsPretty = True} . AtomFeed
-- Convert a Post to an Atom Entry
toEntry :: Post -> Atom.Entry
toEntry (Post date url content) = (Atom.nullEntry url (Atom.TextString content) date)
toEntry (Post date url title content) = (Atom.nullEntry url (Atom.TextString title) date)
{ Atom.entryLinks = [Atom.nullLink url]
, Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent content)
@ -6,48 +6,41 @@ import qualified Core.Handlers as Handle
import Control.Monad ( mapM_ )
import Data.String ( fromString )
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp ( Port, run )
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger ( logStdoutDev )
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger ( logStdout, logStdoutDev )
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static ( staticPolicy, noDots, addBase, (>->) )
import System.FilePath ( takeFileName )
import Web.Twain
-- Get the port to listen on from the ENV and start the webserver.
main :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
main postNames = do
port <- Conf.appPort
let app = preProcessors
++ (routes postNames)
main :: IO ()
main = do
port <- Conf.port
let app = preProcessors
++ routes
++ postProcessors
run (read port) $
run (read port) $
foldr ($) (notFound Handle.missing) app
-- These Middlewares are executed before any routes are reached.
preProcessors :: [Middleware]
preProcessors = [ logStdoutDev
, staticPolicy $ noDots >-> addBase "data/assets/public"
preProcessors = [ logStdoutDev
, staticPolicy (noDots >-> addBase "data/assets/public")
-- These Middlewares are executed after all other routes are exhausted
postProcessors :: [Middleware]
postProcessors = []
postProcessors = []
{- The application's core routes expressed as a list of WAI Middlewares.
The list of post names is required so that the postsIndex handler can
automatically build an index of posts available to view. -}
routes :: [FilePath] -> [Middleware]
routes postNames =
[ get "/" Handle.index
, get "/posts" $ Handle.postsIndex postNames
] ++ (buildMdRoutes postNames) ++
[ get "/contact"
, get "/feed" $ Handle.feed postNames
-- Core routes expressed as a list of WAI Middlewares.
routes :: [Middleware]
routes =
[ get "/" Handle.index
, get "/style.css" Handle.theme
, get "/posts" Handle.postsIndex
, get "/posts/:name" Handle.posts
, get "/contact"
, get "/atom.xml" Handle.feed
, get "/feed" Handle.feed
-- Takes a post's name extracted from the filepath and returns a valid route
mdFileToRoute :: FilePath -> Middleware
mdFileToRoute postName = get (fromString $ "/posts/" ++ postName) (Handle.posts postName)
buildMdRoutes :: [FilePath] -> [Middleware]
buildMdRoutes postNames = map mdFileToRoute postNames
@ -1,87 +1,139 @@
module Core.Handlers where
import qualified Core.Configuration as Conf
import Core.Rendering
import Core.Feed (Post(..), autoFeed, renderFeed)
import Core.Feed (Post(..), autoFeed, renderFeed)
import Core.Rendering
import Fragments.Base
import Fragments.NotFound
import Fragments.Styles as S
import qualified Text.Atom.Feed as Atom
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LTE
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Lucid (Html)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import Web.Twain
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Lucid (Html)
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200, hContentType)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime)
import System.FilePath.Find ( always, extension, fileName, find, (&&?)
, (/~?), (==?) )
import System.FilePath ( dropExtension, takeFileName )
import Web.Twain hiding (fileName)
-- A ResponoderM capable of lifting to IO monad; constructs response to clients
index :: ResponderM a
index = do
-- Query the system environment for the BLOGTITLE environment variable
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
-- Read a Commonmark Markdown file and process it to HTML
homeMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
index = do
(title, homeMd, footerMd) <- liftIO $ (,,)
<$> Conf.title
<*> mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
<*> mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
-- Respond to request with fragments compositionally to create a home page
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (baseHome homeMd)
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (baseHome homeMd) footerMd
-- Responds with processed Commonmark -> HTML for posts existing at app init
posts :: FilePath -> ResponderM a
posts postName = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
postMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid ("./data/posts/" ++ postName ++ ".md")
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (basePost postMd)
-- Responds with processed Commonmark -> HTML for posts
posts :: ResponderM a
posts = do
postName <- param "name"
postValid <- liftIO $ postExists postName
case postValid of
False -> missing
True -> do
(title, footerMd, postMd) <- liftIO $ (,,)
<$> Conf.title
<*> mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
<*> (mdFileToLucid $ postPath postName)
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (basePost postMd) footerMd
postExists :: T.Text -> IO Bool
postExists postName = doesFileExist $ postPath postName
-- Builds an index of all posts on filesystem as of application init
postsIndex :: [FilePath] -> ResponderM a
postsIndex postNames = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (postIndex postNames)
postPath :: T.Text -> FilePath
postPath postName = "./data/posts/" ++ T.unpack postName ++ ".md"
-- Builds an index of all posts
postsIndex :: ResponderM a
postsIndex = do
(postNames, title, footerMd) <- liftIO $ (,,)
<$> mdPostNames
<*> Conf.title
<*> mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (postIndex postNames) footerMd
-- Generates the XML feed at /feed
feed :: [FilePath] -> ResponderM a
feed postNames = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
time <- liftIO $ fmap (\x -> timeFormat x) getCurrentTime
-- Create Atom [Post] to populate the feed
feedData <- liftIO $ mapM makePost postNames
feed :: ResponderM a
feed = do
(postNames, title, baseUrl, time) <- liftIO $ (,,,)
<$> mdPostNames
<*> Conf.title
<*> Conf.baseUrl
<*> fmap (\x -> timeFormat x) getCurrentTime
feedData <- liftIO $ mapM (makePost baseUrl) postNames
-- Send an XML response with an automatically populated Atom feed
send $ xml $ LTE.encodeUtf8 $ renderFeed
$ autoFeed (baseFeed title time) feedData
send $ atom
$ TLE.encodeUtf8
$ renderFeed
$ autoFeed (baseFeed title time baseUrl) feedData
-- Atom feed response headers
atom :: ByteString -> Response
atom f = withHeader (hContentType, "application/atom+xml") $ raw status200 [] $ f
-- Base feed data structure which we populate with entries
baseFeed :: String -> String -> Atom.Feed
baseFeed title time = Atom.nullFeed
(Atom.TextString $ pack title)
(pack $ time ++ " UTC")
baseFeed :: String -> String -> String -> Atom.Feed
baseFeed title time baseUrl = Atom.nullFeed
(T.pack $ baseUrl ++ "/feed")
(Atom.TextString $ T.pack title)
(T.pack $ time ++ " UTC")
-- Create an Atom Post for each markdown post present
makePost :: FilePath -> IO (Post)
makePost x = do
date <- getModificationTime $ "./data/posts/" ++ x ++ ".md"
return $ Post
(pack $ (timeFormat date) ++ " UTC")
(pack $ "" ++ x)
(pack $ show x)
makePost :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Post)
makePost baseUrl postName = do
date <- getModificationTime $ "./data/posts/" ++ postName ++ ".md"
postContent <- mdFileToText $ "./data/posts/" ++ postName ++ ".md"
return $ Post
(T.pack $ (timeFormat date) ++ " UTC")
(T.pack $ baseUrl ++ "/posts/" ++ postName)
(T.pack $ show postName)
-- YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM | 2024-02-24 16:36
timeFormat :: UTCTime -> String
timeFormat x = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" x
timeFormat date = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" date
-- Refer to index comments
contact :: ResponderM a
contact = do
title <- liftIO Conf.appTitle
contactMd <- liftIO $ mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (baseContact contactMd)
(title, contactMd, footerMd) <- liftIO $ (,,)
<$> Conf.title
<*> mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
<*> mdFileToLucid "./data/posts/"
sendLucidFragment $ basePage title (baseContact contactMd) footerMd
-- Respond with primary processed CSS
theme :: ResponderM a
theme = send $ css $ TLE.encodeUtf8 $ S.cssRender S.composedStyles
-- Helper function for responding in ResponderM from Html
-- Helper function for responding in ResponderM from Html
sendLucidFragment :: Html () -> ResponderM a
sendLucidFragment x = send $ html $ lucidToTwain x
-- 404 handler
missing :: ResponderM a
missing = sendLucidFragment pageNotFound
-- List of all non-hidden .md posts that aren't part of templating
mdPostNames :: IO [FilePath]
mdPostNames = mapM (pure . dropExtension . takeFileName )
=<< find isVisible fileFilter "./data/posts"
isVisible = fileName /~? ".?*"
isMdFile = extension ==? ".md"
isHome = fileName /~? ""
isContact = fileName /~? ""
isFooter = fileName /~? ""
fileFilter = isMdFile
&&? isVisible
&&? isHome
&&? isContact
&&? isFooter
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
import qualified Lucid as LU
import System.IO ()
@ -18,3 +19,8 @@ mdToLucid cmtextinput = case (commonmark "" cmtextinput) of
mdFileToLucid :: FilePath -> IO (LU.Html ())
mdFileToLucid path = fmap (mdToLucid . decodeUtf8) (B.readFile path)
mdFileToText :: FilePath -> IO (Text)
mdFileToText path = do
htmlContent <- mdFileToLucid path
return $ toStrict $ LU.renderText htmlContent
@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ baseDoc title bodyContent = doctypehtml_ $ do
link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ "/style.css"]
body_ bodyContent
baseFeed :: Html ()
baseFeed = div_ [class_ "main"] $ do
h2_ "Oops, I haven't been implemented yet."
h3_ "Check back in a couple days!"
baseFooter :: Html () -> Html ()
baseFooter content = footer_ $ do
p_ $ content
baseHome :: Html () -> Html ()
baseHome content = div_ [class_ "main"] content
@ -31,19 +30,24 @@ baseNav = div_ [class_ "navContainer"] $ do
li_ $ a_ [href_ "/contact"] "Contact"
li_ $ a_ [href_ "/feed"] "Feed"
basePage :: String -> Html () -> Html()
basePage title body = baseDoc title $ baseNav <> body
basePage :: String -> Html () -> Html () -> Html ()
basePage title body footer = baseDoc title $ baseNav <> body <> baseFooter footer
basePost :: Html () -> Html ()
basePost content = div_ [class_ "main"] content
postIndex :: [FilePath] -> Html ()
postIndex postNames = div_ [class_ "main"] $ do
postIndex postNames = div_ [class_ "postList"] $ do
h1_ [class_ "title"] "All Posts"
ul_ [class_ "postList"] $ do
ul_ [] $ do
(\x -> li_ $ a_ [href_ (pack $ "/posts/" ++ x)] (fromString x))
pageNotFound :: Html ()
pageNotFound = baseDoc "404" baseNav <>
(div_ [class_ "notFound"] $ h1_ "404 NOT FOUND")
none :: Text
none = mempty
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
module Fragments.NotFound where
import Fragments.Base
import Lucid
pageNotFound :: Html ()
pageNotFound = baseDoc "404" baseNav <>
(div_ [class_ "notFound"] $ h1_ "404 NOT FOUND")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
module Fragments.Styles where
import Clay hiding (main_)
import qualified Clay.Media as M
import Data.Text.Lazy hiding (center)
import Prelude hiding (div)
cssRender :: Css -> Text
cssRender css = renderWith compact [] css
priColor, secColor, terColor :: Color
priColor = "#f1f6f0"
secColor = "#222323"
terColor = "#6D92AD"
composedStyles :: Css
composedStyles = do
core_ :: Css
core_ = do
a_ :: Css
a_ = do
a ? do
textDecoration none
color terColor
body_ :: Css
body_ = do
body ? do
display flex
minHeight $ vh 100
flexDirection column
fontFamily [] [monospace]
fontSize $ em 1.25
fontWeight $ weight 300
textAlign start
margin (em 0) auto (em 0) auto
strong ? do
fontWeight $ weight 600
li ? do
listStyleType $ other "\"~> \""
footer_ :: Css
footer_ = do
footer ? do
bottom (em 0)
margin auto (em 0) (em 0) (em 0)
width $ pct 100
backgroundColor terColor
textAlign center
padding (em 1) (em 0) (em 1) (em 0)
boxSizing borderBox
p ? do
fontSize $ em 0.75
margin (em 0) (em 2) (em 0) (em 2)
color priColor
a ? do
color priColor
html_ :: Css
html_ = do
html ? do
backgroundColor priColor
color secColor
p_ :: Css
p_ = do
p ? do
margin (em 1) (em 0) (em 0.6) (em 0)
main_ :: Css
main_ = do
".main" ? do
margin (em 0) auto (em 2) auto
width $ pct 60
notFound_ :: Css
notFound_ = do
".notFound" ? do
margin (em 0) auto (em 0) auto
textAlign center
h1 ? do
fontSize $ pct 500
fontWeight $ weight 200
color terColor
postList_ :: Css
postList_ = do
".postList" ? do
margin (em 0) auto (em 0) auto
minWidth (pct 60)
maxWidth (pct 95)
overflow scroll
ul ? do
fontSize (em 1.5)
code_ :: Css
code_ = do
code ? do
color priColor
backgroundColor terColor
overflowX scroll
pre_ :: Css
pre_ = do
pre ? do
color priColor
backgroundColor terColor
overflowX scroll
nav_ :: Css
nav_ = do
".navContainer" ? do
margin (em 1.5) (em 0) (em 1.5) (em 0)
width $ pct 100
textAlign center
".mainNav" ? do
margin (em 0) auto (em 0) auto
padding (em 0.5) (em 0.5) (em 0.5) (em 0.5)
overflow hidden
boxShadow . pure $ bsColor "#ccc" $ shadowWithBlur (px 4) (px 4) (px 6)
display inlineFlex
li ? do
listStyleType none
a ? do
display block
textAlign center
padding (em 0.25) (em 0.3) (em 0.25) (em 0.3)
textTransform lowercase
mobileFriendly_ :: Css
mobileFriendly_ = query M.screen [M.maxWidth 768] $ do
".main" ? do
width $ pct 95
".postList" ? do
width $ pct 95
@ -3,26 +3,7 @@ module Main where
import qualified Core.HTTP as HTTP
import qualified Core.Configuration as Conf
import Control.Monad ( mapM_ )
import System.FilePath.Find ( always, extension, fileName, find, (&&?)
, (/~?), (==?) )
import System.FilePath ( dropExtension, takeFileName )
main :: IO ()
main = do
mdFilePaths <- getMdFilePaths "./data/posts/"
-- Pass only the post names extracted from their filepath to HTTP.main
let mdFiles = map (dropExtension . takeFileName) mdFilePaths
HTTP.main mdFiles
-- Return a list of all non-hidden .md files except for and
getMdFilePaths :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getMdFilePaths fp = find isVisible fileFilter fp
isMdFile = extension ==? ".md"
isVisible = fileName /~? ".?*"
isHome = fileName /~? ""
isContact = fileName /~? ""
fileFilter = isMdFile &&? isVisible &&? isHome &&? isContact
Reference in New Issue
Block a user