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module Research where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
2024-12-18 19:41:12 -06:00
data T = Leaf | Stem T | Fork T T
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
apply :: T -> T -> T
apply Leaf b = Stem b
apply (Stem a) b = Fork a b
apply (Fork Leaf a) _ = a
apply (Fork (Stem a1) a2) b = apply (apply a1 b) (apply a2 b)
apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) Leaf = a1
apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Stem u) = apply a2 u
apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Fork u v) = apply (apply a3 u) v
reduce :: T -> T
reduce expr =
let next = step expr
in if next == expr then expr else reduce next
step :: T -> T
step (Fork left right) = reduce (apply (reduce left) (reduce right))
step (Stem inner) = Stem (reduce inner)
step t = t
-- SKI Combinators
_S :: T
_S = Fork (Stem (Fork Leaf Leaf)) Leaf
_K :: T
_K = Stem Leaf
-- Identity
-- We use the "point-free" style which drops a redundant node
-- Full _I form (SKK): Fork (Stem (Stem Leaf)) (Stem Leaf)
_I :: T
_I = Fork (Stem (Stem Leaf)) Leaf
-- Booleans
_false :: T
_false = Leaf
_true :: T
_true = Stem Leaf
_not :: T
_not = Fork (Fork _true (Fork Leaf _false)) Leaf
-- Marshalling
toString :: String -> T
toString str = toList (map toNumber (map fromEnum str))
toNumber :: Int -> T
toNumber 0 = Leaf
toNumber n =
(if odd n then Stem Leaf else Leaf)
(toNumber (n `div` 2))
toList :: [T] -> T
toList [] = Leaf
toList (x:xs) = Fork x (toList xs)
ofNumber :: T -> Either String Int
ofNumber Leaf = Right 0
ofNumber (Fork Leaf rest) = case ofNumber rest of
Right n -> Right (2 * n)
Left err -> Left err
ofNumber (Fork (Stem Leaf) rest) = case ofNumber rest of
Right n -> Right (1 + 2 * n)
Left err -> Left err
ofNumber _ = Left "Invalid Tree Calculus number"
ofString :: T -> Either String String
ofString tc = case ofList tc of
Right list -> traverse (fmap toEnum . ofNumber) list
Left err -> Left "Invalid Tree Calculus string"
ofList :: T -> Either String [T]
ofList Leaf = Right []
ofList (Fork x rest) = case ofList rest of
Right xs -> Right (x : xs)
Left err -> Left err
ofList _ = Left "Invalid Tree Calculus list"
-- Utility
toAscii :: T -> String
toAscii tree = go tree "" True
go :: T -> String -> Bool -> String
go Leaf prefix isLast =
prefix ++ (if isLast then "`-- " else "|-- ") ++ "Leaf\n"
go (Stem t) prefix isLast =
prefix ++ (if isLast then "`-- " else "|-- ") ++ "Stem\n"
++ go t (prefix ++ (if isLast then " " else "| ")) True
go (Fork left right) prefix isLast =
prefix ++ (if isLast then "`-- " else "|-- ") ++ "Fork\n"
++ go left (prefix ++ (if isLast then " " else "| ")) False
++ go right (prefix ++ (if isLast then " " else "| ")) True
rules :: IO ()
rules = putStr $ header
++ (unlines $ tcRules)
++ (unlines $ haskellRules)
++ footer
tcRules :: [String]
tcRules =
[ "| |"
, "| ┌--------- | Tree Calculus | ---------┐ |"
, "| | 1. t t a b -> a | |"
, "| | 2. t (t a) b c -> a c (b c)| |"
, "| | 3a. t (t a b) c t -> a | |"
, "| | 3b. t (t a b) c (t u) -> b u | |"
, "| | 3c. t (t a b) c (t u v) -> c u v | |"
, "| └-------------------------------------┘ |"
, "| |"
haskellRules :: [String]
haskellRules =
[ "| ┌------------------------------ | Haskell | --------------------------------┐ |"
, "| | | |"
, "| | data T = Leaf | Stem T | Fork TT | |"
, "| | | |"
, "| | apply :: T -> T -> T | |"
, "| | apply Leaf b = Stem b | |"
, "| | apply (Stem a) b = Fork a b | |"
, "| | apply (Fork Leaf a) _ = a | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Stem a1) a2) b = apply (apply a1 b) (apply a2 b) | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) Leaf = a1 | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Stem u) = apply a2 u | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Fork u v) = apply (apply a3 u) v | |"
, "| └---------------------------------------------------------------------------┘ |"
header :: String
header = "┌-------------------- | Rules for evaluating Tree Calculus | -------------------┐\n"
footer :: String
footer = "└-------------------- | Rules for evaluating Tree Calculus | -------------------┘\n"