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module Library where
import Eval
import Parser
import Research
import qualified Data.Map as Map
library :: Map.Map String T
2024-12-29 08:29:25 -06:00
library = evalTricu Map.empty $ parseTricu $ unlines
[ "false = t"
, "true = t t"
, "_ = t"
, "k = t t"
, "i = t (t k) t"
, "s = t (t (k t)) t"
, "m = s i i"
, "b = s (k s) k"
, "c = s (s (k s) (s (k k) s)) (k k)"
, "iC = (\\a b c : s a (k c) b)"
, "iD = b (b iC) iC"
, "iE = b (b iD) iC"
, "yi = (\\i : b m (c b (i m)))"
, "y = yi iC"
, "yC = yi iD"
, "yD = yi iE"
, "id = (\\a : a)"
, "triage = (\\a b c : t (t a b) c)"
, "pair = t"
, "matchBool = (\\ot of : triage of (\\_ : ot) (\\_ _ : ot))"
, "matchList = (\\oe oc : triage oe _ oc)"
, "matchPair = (\\op : triage _ _ op)"
, "not = matchBool false true"
, "and = matchBool id (\\z : false)"
, "if = (\\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)"
, "test = triage \"Leaf\" (\\z : \"Stem\") (\\a b : \"Fork\")"
, "emptyList = matchList true (\\y z : false)"
, "head = matchList t (\\hd tl : hd)"
, "tail = matchList t (\\hd tl : tl)"
, "listConcat = y (\\self : matchList (\\k : k) (\\h r k : pair h (self r k)))"
, "lAnd = triage (\\x : false) (\\_ x : x) (\\_ _ x : x)"
, "lOr = triage (\\x : x) (\\_ _ : true) (\\_ _ x : true)"
, "hmap = y (\\self : matchList (\\f : t) (\\hd tl f : pair (f hd) (self tl f)))"
, "map = (\\f l : hmap l f)"
, "equal = y (\\self : triage (triage true (\\z : false) (\\y z : false)) (\\ax : triage false (self ax) (\\y z : false)) (\\ax ay : triage false (\\z : false) (\\bx by : lAnd (self ax bx) (self ay by))))"