Some special characters in ids; new demos
All checks were successful
Test and Build / test (push) Successful in 4m39s
Test and Build / build (push) Successful in 1m44s

Adds support for several special characters in identifiers. Adds a demo
for converting values to source code and another for checking equality.
Updates the existing demo and tests to reflect new names for functions
returning booleans.
This commit is contained in:
James Eversole 2025-01-23 15:46:40 -06:00
parent 419d66b4d1
commit 03e2f6b93e
7 changed files with 159 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ tricu > "Hello, world!"
tricu < -- Intensionality! We can inspect the structure of a function.
tricu < triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
tricu < test = triage "Leaf" (\z : "Stem") (\a b : "Fork")
tricu < test t t
tricu < test (t t)
tricu > "Stem"
tricu < -- We can even write a function to convert a function to source code
tricu < toTString id
tricu > "t (t (t t)) t"
tricu < -- We can even write a function to convert a term back to source code
tricu < toSource not?
tricu > "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"
## Installation and Use

demos/equality.tri Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
false = t
true = t t
triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
matchBool = (\ot of : triage
(\_ : ot)
(\_ _ : ot)
not_TC? = t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t))
not_Lambda? = matchBool false true
areEqual? = equal not_TC not_Lambda
true_TC? = not_TC false
false_TC? = not_TC true
true_Lambda? = not_Lambda false
false_Lambda? = not_Lambda true
areTrueEqual? = equal true_TC true_Lambda
areFalseEqual? = equal false_TC false_Lambda

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@ -17,20 +17,15 @@
-- 4 5 6
isLeaf = (\node :
(emptyList node)
(emptyList (tail node)))
label = (\node : head node)
getLabel = (\node : head node)
getLeft = (\node : if (emptyList node)
left = (\node : if (emptyList node)
(if (emptyList (tail node))
(head (tail node))))
getRight = (\node : if (emptyList node)
right = (\node : if (emptyList node)
(if (emptyList (tail node))
@ -40,11 +35,11 @@ getRight = (\node : if (emptyList node)
processLevel = y (\self queue : if (emptyList queue)
(pair (map getLabel queue) (self (filter
(pair (map label queue) (self (filter
(\node : not (emptyList node))
(lconcat (map getLeft queue) (map getRight queue))))))
(lconcat (map left queue) (map right queue))))))
levelOrderTraversal = (\a : processLevel (t a t))
levelOrderTraversal_ = (\a : processLevel (t a t))
toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList levels)
@ -52,17 +47,19 @@ toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList levels)
(lconcat (map (\x : lconcat x " ") (head levels)) "")
(if (emptyList (tail levels)) "" (lconcat (t (t 10 t) t) (self (tail levels))))))
levelOrderToString = (\s : toLineString (levelOrderTraversal s))
levelOrderToString = (\s : toLineString (levelOrderTraversal_ s))
flatten = foldl (\acc x : lconcat acc x) ""
flatLOT = (\s : lconcat (t 10 t) (flatten (levelOrderToString s)))
exampleOne = flatLOT [("1")
[("2") [("4") t t] t]
[("3") [("5") t t] [("6") t t]]]
levelOrderTraversal = (\s : lconcat (t 10 t) (flatten (levelOrderToString s)))
exampleTwo = flatLOT [("1")
[("2") [("4") [("8") t t] [("9") t t]] [("6") [("10") t t] [("12") t t]]]
[("3") [("5") [("11") t t] t] [("7") t t]]]
exampleOne = levelOrderTraversal [("1")
[("2") [("4") t t] t]
[("3") [("5") t t] [("6") t t]]]
exampleTwo = levelOrderTraversal [("1")
[("2") [("4") [("8") t t] [("9") t t]]
[("6") [("10") t t] [("12") t t]]]
[("3") [("5") [("11") t t] t] [("7") t t]]]

demos/toSource.tri Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-- Thanks to intensionality, we can inspect the structure of a given value
-- even if it's a function. This includes lambdas which are eliminated to
-- Tree Calculus (TC) terms during evaluation.
-- Triage takes four arguments: the first three represent behaviors for each
-- structural case in Tree Calculus (Leaf, Stem, and Fork).
-- The fourth argument is the value whose structure is inspected. By evaluating
-- the Tree Calculus term, `triage` enables branching logic based on the term's
-- shape, making it possible to perform structure-specific operations such as
-- reconstructing the terms' source code representation.
triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
-- Base case of a single Leaf
sourceLeaf = t (head "t")
-- Stem case
sourceStem = (\convert : (\a rest :
t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the argument.
(t (head ")") rest)))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
-- Fork case
sourceFork = (\convert : (\a b rest :
t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the first arg.
(t (head " ") -- Add another space.
(convert b -- Recursively convert the second arg.
(t (head ")") rest)))))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
-- Wrapper around triage
toSource_ = y (\self arg :
sourceLeaf -- Triage `a` case, Leaf
(sourceStem self) -- Triage `b` case, Stem
(sourceFork self) -- Triage `c` case, Fork
arg) -- The term to be inspected
-- toSource takes a single TC term and returns a String
toSource = (\v : toSource_ v "")
exampleOne = toSource true -- OUT: "(t t)"
exampleTwo = toSource not -- OUT: "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"

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@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
false = t
_ = t
true = t t
k = t t
i = t (t k) t
s = t (t (k t)) t
m = s i i
b = s (k s) k
c = s (s (k s) (s (k k) s)) (k k)
iC = (\a b c : s a (k c) b)
iD = b (b iC) iC
iE = b (b iD) iC
yi = (\i : b m (c b (i m)))
y = yi iC
yC = yi iD
yD = yi iE
id = (\a : a)
_ = t
true = t t
k = t t
i = t (t k) t
s = t (t (k t)) t
m = s i i
b = s (k s) k
c = s (s (k s) (s (k k) s)) (k k)
iC = (\a b c : s a (k c) b)
iD = b (b iC) iC
iE = b (b iD) iC
yi = (\i : b m (c b (i m)))
y = yi iC
yC = yi iD
yD = yi iE
id = (\a : a)
pair = t
if = (\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)
triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
pair = t
test = triage "Leaf" (\_ : "Stem") (\_ _ : "Fork")
matchBool = (\ot of : triage
@ -36,58 +39,58 @@ matchPair = (\op : triage
not = matchBool false true
and = matchBool id (\z : false)
if = (\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)
test = triage "Leaf" (\z : "Stem") (\a b : "Fork")
not? = matchBool false true
and? = matchBool id (\_ : false)
emptyList? = matchList true (\_ _ : false)
emptyList = matchList true (\y z : false)
head = matchList t (\hd tl : hd)
tail = matchList t (\hd tl : tl)
head = matchList t (\head _ : head)
tail = matchList t (\_ tail : tail)
lconcat = y (\self : matchList
(\k : k)
(\h r k : pair h (self r k)))
lAnd = (triage
(\x : false)
(\_ x : x)
(\_ : false)
(\_ x : x)
(\_ _ x : x)
lOr = (triage
(\x : x)
(\_ _ : true)
(\_ _ x : true)
(\x : x)
(\_ _ : true)
(\_ _ _ : true)
hmap = y (\self :
map_ = y (\self :
(\f : t)
(\hd tl f : pair
(f hd)
(self tl f)))
map = (\f l : hmap l f)
(\_ : t)
(\head tail f : pair (f head) (self tail f)))
map = (\f l : map_ l f)
equal = y (\self : triage
equal? = y (\self : triage
(\z : false)
(\y z : false))
(\ax : triage
(self ax)
(\y z : false))
(\ax ay : triage
(\z : false)
(\bx by : lAnd (self ax bx) (self ay by))))
(\_ : false)
(\_ _ : false))
(\ax :
(self ax)
(\_ _ : false))
(\ax ay :
(\_ : false)
(\bx by : lAnd (self ax bx) (self ay by))))
hfilter = y (\self : matchList (\f : t) (\hd tl f : matchBool (t hd) i (f hd) (self tl f)))
filter = (\f l : hfilter l f)
filter_ = y (\self : matchList
(\_ : t)
(\head tail f : matchBool (t head) i (f head) (self tail f)))
filter = (\f l : filter_ l f)
hfoldl = y (\self f l x : matchList (\acc : acc) (\hd tl acc : self f tl (f acc hd)) l x)
foldl = (\f x l : hfoldl f l x)
foldl_ = y (\self f l x : matchList (\acc : acc) (\head tail acc : self f tail (f acc head)) l x)
foldl = (\f x l : foldl_ f l x)
hfoldr = y (\self x f l : matchList x (\hd tl : f (self x f tl) hd) l)
foldr = (\f x l : hfoldr x f l)
foldr_ = y (\self x f l : matchList x (\head tail : f (self x f tail) head) l)
foldr = (\f x l : foldr_ x f l)

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@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ keywordT = string "t" *> notFollowedBy alphaNumChar *> pure LKeywordT
identifier :: Lexer LToken
identifier = do
first <- letterChar <|> char '_'
rest <- many (letterChar <|> char '_' <|> char '-' <|> digitChar)
rest <- many $ letterChar
<|> digitChar
<|> char '_' <|> char '-' <|> char '?' <|> char '!'
<|> char '$' <|> char '#' <|> char '@' <|> char '%'
let name = first : rest
if (name == "t" || name == "__result")
then fail "Keywords (`t`, `__result`) cannot be used as an identifier"

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@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ libraryTests = testGroup "Library Tests"
result env @?= Fork (Stem (Stem Leaf)) (Stem Leaf)
, testCase "I combinator" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "i not"
let input = "i not?"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf Leaf)) (Fork Leaf (Fork Leaf Leaf))
, testCase "Triage test Leaf" $ do
@ -328,32 +328,32 @@ libraryTests = testGroup "Library Tests"
env @?= "\"Fork\""
, testCase "Boolean NOT: true" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "not true"
let input = "not? true"
env = result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean NOT: false" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "not false"
let input = "not? false"
env = result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND TF" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "and (t t) (t)"
let input = "and? (t t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND FT" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "and (t) (t t)"
let input = "and? (t) (t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND FF" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "and (t) (t)"
let input = "and? (t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND TT" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "and (t t) (t t)"
let input = "and? (t t) (t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "List head" $ do
@ -373,12 +373,12 @@ libraryTests = testGroup "Library Tests"
result env @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
, testCase "Empty list check" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "emptyList []"
let input = "emptyList? []"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Non-empty list check" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "not (emptyList [(1) (2) (3)])"
let input = "not? (emptyList? [(1) (2) (3)])"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Concatenate strings" $ do
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ libraryTests = testGroup "Library Tests"
env @?= "\"Hello, world!\""
, testCase "Verifying Equality" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "equal (t t t) (t t t)"
let input = "equal? (t t t) (t t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf