Include equality testing in basic library

This commit is contained in:
James Eversole 2024-12-27 16:30:32 -06:00 committed by James Eversole
parent 2c75f58e42
commit c718684963
4 changed files with 56 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
name: sapling
version: 0.3.0
version: 0.4.0
description: A micro-language for exploring Tree Calculus
author: James Eversole
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ executable sapling
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ test-suite sapling-tests

src/Library.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module Library where
import Eval
import Parser
import Research
import qualified Data.Map as Map
library :: Map.Map String T
library = evalSapling Map.empty $ parseSapling
"false = t\n \
\ true = t t\n \
\ k = t t\n \
\ i = t (t k) t\n \
\ s = t (t (k t)) t\n \
\ m = s i i\n \
\ b = s (k s) k\n \
\ c = s (s (k s) (s (k k) s)) (k k)\n \
\ iC = (\\a b c : s a (k c) b)\n \
\ iD = b (b iC) iC\n \
\ iE = b (b iD) iC\n \
\ yi = (\\i : b m (c b (i m)))\n \
\ y = yi iC\n \
\ yC = yi iD\n \
\ yD = yi iE\n \
\ id = (\\a : a)\n \
\ triage = (\\a b c : t (t a b) c)\n \
\ pair = t\n \
\ matchBool = (\\ot of : triage of (\\z : ot) t)\n \
\ matchList = (\\oe oc : triage oe _ oc)\n \
\ matchPair = (\\op : triage _ _ op)\n \
\ and = matchBool id (\\z : false)\n \
\ if = (\\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)\n \
\ test = triage \"leaf\" (\\z : \"stem\") (\\a b : \"fork\")\n \
\ emptyList = matchList true (\\y z : false)\n \
\ nonEmptyList = matchList false (\\y z : true)\n \
\ head = matchList t (\\hd tl : hd)\n \
\ tail = matchList t (\\hd tl : tl)\n \
\ listConcat = y (\\self : matchList (\\k : k) (\\h t k : pair h (self t k)))\n \
\ listConcat \"foo\" \"bar\"\n \
\ lAnd = triage (\\x : false) (\\z x : x) (\\y z x : x)\n \
\ lOr = triage (\\x : x) (\\z x : true) (\\y z x : true)\n \
\ equal = y (\\self : triage (triage true (\\z : false) (\\y z : false)) (\\ax : triage false (self ax) (\\y z : false)) (\\ax ay : triage false (\\z : false) (\\bx by : lAnd (self ax bx) (self ay by))))"

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Main where
import Eval
import Lexer
import Library
import Parser
import REPL (repl)
import Research
@ -14,38 +15,4 @@ main = repl library
runSapling :: String -> String
runSapling s = show $ result (evalSapling Map.empty $ parseSapling s)
library :: Map.Map String T
library = evalSapling Map.empty $ parseSapling
"false = t\n \
\ k = t t\n \
\ i = t (t k) t\n \
\ s = t (t (k t)) t\n \
\ m = s i i\n \
\ b = s (k s) k\n \
\ c = s (s (k s) (s (k k) s)) (k k)\n \
\ iC = (\\a b c : s a (k c) b)\n \
\ iD = b (b iC) iC\n \
\ iE = b (b iD) iC\n \
\ yi = (\\i : b m (c b (i m)))\n \
\ y = yi iC\n \
\ yC = yi iD\n \
\ yD = yi iE \
\ true = t t\n \
\ id = (\\a : a)\n \
\ triage = (\\a b c : t (t a b) c)\n \
\ pair = t\n \
\ matchBool = (\\ot of : triage of (\\z : ot) t)\n \
\ matchList = (\\oe oc : triage oe _ oc)\n \
\ matchPair = (\\op : triage _ _ op)\n \
\ and = matchBool id (\\z : false)\n \
\ if = (\\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)\n \
\ test = triage \"leaf\" (\\z : \"stem\") (\\a b : \"fork\")\n \
\ emptyList = matchList true (\\y z : false)\n \
\ nonEmptyList = matchList false (\\y z : true)\n \
\ head = matchList t (\\hd tl : hd)\n \
\ tail = matchList t (\\hd tl : tl)\n \
\ listConcat = y (\\self : matchList (\\k : k) (\\h t k : pair h (self t k)))\n \
\ listConcat \"foo\" \"bar\""
runSaplingEnv env s = show $ result (evalSapling env $ parseSapling s)

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Main where
import Eval
import Lexer
import Library
import Parser
import Research
import Control.Exception (evaluate, try, SomeException)
@ -227,48 +228,25 @@ evaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND_ TF" $ do
let input = "and (t t) (t)"
env = evalSapling boolEnv (parseSapling input)
env = evalSapling library (parseSapling input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND_ FT" $ do
let input = "and (t) (t t)"
env = evalSapling boolEnv (parseSapling input)
env = evalSapling library (parseSapling input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND_ FF" $ do
let input = "and (t) (t)"
env = evalSapling boolEnv (parseSapling input)
env = evalSapling library (parseSapling input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND_ TT" $ do
let input = "and (t t) (t t)"
env = evalSapling boolEnv (parseSapling input)
env = evalSapling library (parseSapling input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Verifying Equality" $ do
let input = "equal (t t t) (t t t)"
env = evalSapling library (parseSapling input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
--, testCase "Verifying Equality" $ do
-- let input = "equal (t t t) (t t t)"
-- env = evalSapling boolEnv (parseSapling input)
-- result env @?= Stem Leaf
boolEnv = evalSapling Map.empty $ parseSapling
"false = t\n \
\ true = t t\n \
\ id = (\\a : a)\n \
\ triage = (\\a b c : t (t a b) c)\n \
\ match_bool = (\\ot of : triage of (\\z : ot) t)\n \
\ and = match_bool id (\\z : false)\n \
\ if = (\\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)\n \
\ fix = (\\m wait f : wait m (\\x : f (wait m x))) (\\x : x x) (\\a b c : (t (t a) (t t c) b))\n \
\ equal = fix ((\\self : triage (triage true (\\z : false) (\\z x : false)) (\\ax : triage false (self ax) (\\z x : false)) (\\ax ay : triage false (\\z : false) (\\bx by : and (self ax bx) (self ay by)))))"
-- false = t
-- true = t t
-- id = \x x
-- fix = (\m \wait2 \f wait2 m (\x f (wait2 m x))) (\x x x) (\a \b \c t (t a) (t t c) b)
-- triage = \a \b \c t (t a b) c
-- match_bool = \ot \of triage of (\_ ot) t
-- and = match_bool id (\_ false)
-- equal = fix $ \self triage
-- (triage true (\_ false) (\_ \_ false))
-- (\ax triage false (self ax) (\_ \_ false))
-- (\ax \ay triage false (\_ false) (\bx \by and (self ax bx) (self ay by)))
lambdaEvalTests :: TestTree
lambdaEvalTests = testGroup "Lambda Evaluation Tests"
@ -340,4 +318,3 @@ propertyTests = testGroup "Property Tests"
Left _ -> property True
Right ast -> parseSingle input === ast