Adds support for several special characters in identifiers. Adds a demo
for converting values to source code and another for checking equality.
Updates the existing demo and tests to reflect new names for functions
returning booleans.
This new output form allows easy piping to the decode function of the
tricu executable. Includes a new test for roundtrip evaluation of map,
compilation to tree calculus terms, and decoding back to a human
readable string.
Adds CLI options for compiling to a Tree Calculus, AST, Ternary, and
ASCII tree view. Adds CLI command for attempted decoding of a compiled
result to Number/String/List.
Architectural changes to lambda evaluation and parsing to allow
for correct expression evaluation. Contains several failing AI-generated
tests and we're still failing tests for erroring incomplete definitions
Includes better error handling, additional tests, parsing and lexing
fixes to match the desired behavior defined by the new tests, and a very
basic REPL implementation.
Implemented evaluation of tree calculus terms alongside referentially
transparent variable identifiers. Implemented evaluation of defined
functions into tree calculus.