-- Thanks to intensionality, we can inspect the structure of a given value -- even if it's a function. This includes lambdas which are eliminated to -- Tree Calculus (TC) terms during evaluation. -- Triage takes four arguments: the first three represent behaviors for each -- structural case in Tree Calculus (Leaf, Stem, and Fork). -- The fourth argument is the value whose structure is inspected. By evaluating -- the Tree Calculus term, `triage` enables branching logic based on the term's -- shape, making it possible to perform structure-specific operations such as -- reconstructing the terms' source code representation. triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c) -- Base case of a single Leaf sourceLeaf = t (head "t") -- Stem case sourceStem = (\convert : (\a rest : t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(". (t (head "t") -- Add a "t" (t (head " ") -- Add a space. (convert a -- Recursively convert the argument. (t (head ")") rest)))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest. -- Fork case sourceFork = (\convert : (\a b rest : t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(". (t (head "t") -- Add a "t" (t (head " ") -- Add a space. (convert a -- Recursively convert the first arg. (t (head " ") -- Add another space. (convert b -- Recursively convert the second arg. (t (head ")") rest)))))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest. -- Wrapper around triage toSource_ = y (\self arg : triage sourceLeaf -- Triage `a` case, Leaf (sourceStem self) -- Triage `b` case, Stem (sourceFork self) -- Triage `c` case, Fork arg) -- The term to be inspected -- toSource takes a single TC term and returns a String toSource = (\v : toSource_ v "") exampleOne = toSource true -- OUT: "(t t)" exampleTwo = toSource not? -- OUT: "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"