James Eversole 2a650dac56 Initialize Repo
Working (but likely buggy!) lexing, parsing, and evaluation of Tree Calculus terms
2024-12-18 18:59:07 -06:00

132 lines
3.2 KiB

module Parser where
import Lexer
import Research
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Data.Void
type Parser = Parsec Void [LToken]
data SaplingAST
= SVar String
| SInt Int
| SStr String
| SList [SaplingAST]
| SFunc String [String] SaplingAST
| SApp SaplingAST [SaplingAST]
| TLeaf
| TStem SaplingAST
| TFork SaplingAST SaplingAST
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
parseSapling :: String -> SaplingAST
parseSapling input = case runParser saplingLexer "" input of
Left err -> error "RIP"
Right tokens -> case runParser parseExpression "" tokens of
Left err -> error "RIP"
Right ast -> ast
scnParser :: Parser ()
scnParser = skipMany (satisfy isNewline)
parseExpression :: Parser SaplingAST
parseExpression = choice
[ try parseFunction
, try parseApplication
, parseTreeTerm
, parseLiteral
, parseListLiteral
parseFunction :: Parser SaplingAST
parseFunction = do
LIdentifier name <- satisfy isIdentifier
args <- many (satisfy isIdentifier)
satisfy (== LAssign)
body <- parseExpression
return (SFunc name (map getIdentifier args) body)
parseApplication :: Parser SaplingAST
parseApplication = do
func <- parseAtomic
args <- many parseAtomic
return (SApp func args)
getIdentifier :: LToken -> String
getIdentifier (LIdentifier name) = name
getIdentifier _ = error "Expected identifier"
parseTreeTerm :: Parser SaplingAST
parseTreeTerm = do
base <- parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized
rest <- many parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized
pure $ foldl combine base rest
combine acc next = case acc of
TLeaf -> TStem next
TStem t -> TFork t next
TFork _ _ -> TFork acc next
parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized :: Parser SaplingAST
parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized = choice
[ between (satisfy (== LOpenParen)) (satisfy (== LCloseParen)) parseTreeTerm
, satisfy isKeywordT *> pure TLeaf
foldTree :: [SaplingAST] -> SaplingAST
foldTree [] = TLeaf
foldTree [x] = x
foldTree (x:y:rest) = TFork x (foldTree (y:rest))
parseAtomic :: Parser SaplingAST
parseAtomic = choice
[ parseVar
, parseLiteral
, parseListLiteral
, between (satisfy (== LOpenParen)) (satisfy (== LCloseParen)) parseExpression
parseLiteral :: Parser SaplingAST
parseLiteral = choice
[ parseIntLiteral
, parseStrLiteral
parseListLiteral :: Parser SaplingAST
parseListLiteral = do
satisfy (== LOpenBracket)
elements <- sepEndBy parseExpression scnParser
satisfy (== LCloseBracket)
return (SList elements)
parseVar :: Parser SaplingAST
parseVar = do
LIdentifier name <- satisfy isIdentifier
return (SVar name)
parseIntLiteral :: Parser SaplingAST
parseIntLiteral = do
LIntegerLiteral value <- satisfy isIntegerLiteral
return (SInt value)
parseStrLiteral :: Parser SaplingAST
parseStrLiteral = do
LStringLiteral value <- satisfy isStringLiteral
return (SStr value)
isKeywordT (LKeywordT) = True
isKeywordT _ = False
isIdentifier (LIdentifier _) = True
isIdentifier _ = False
isIntegerLiteral (LIntegerLiteral _) = True
isIntegerLiteral _ = False
isStringLiteral (LStringLiteral _) = True
isStringLiteral _ = False
isNewline (LNewline) = True
isNewline _ = False