Implemented evaluation of tree calculus terms alongside referentially transparent variable identifiers. Implemented evaluation of defined functions into tree calculus.
142 lines
4.2 KiB
142 lines
4.2 KiB
module Main where
import Eval
import Lexer
import Parser
import Research
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Text.Megaparsec (runParser)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Sapling Tests"
[ lexerTests
, parserTests
, integrationTests
, evaluationTests
, propertyTests
lexerTests :: TestTree
lexerTests = testGroup "Lexer Tests"
[ testCase "Lex simple identifiers" $ do
let input = "x a b = a"
let expected = Right [LIdentifier "x", LIdentifier "a", LIdentifier "b", LAssign, LIdentifier "a"]
runParser saplingLexer "" input @?= expected
, testCase "Lex Tree Calculus terms" $ do
let input = "t t t"
let expected = Right [LKeywordT, LKeywordT, LKeywordT]
runParser saplingLexer "" input @?= expected
, testCase "Handle invalid input" $ do
let input = "x = "
case runParser saplingLexer "" input of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected failure on invalid input"
parserTests :: TestTree
parserTests = testGroup "Parser Tests"
[ testCase "Parse function definitions" $ do
let input = "x a b = a"
let expected = SFunc "x" ["a", "b"] (SApp (SVar "a") [])
parseSapling input @?= expected
, testCase "Parse nested Tree Calculus terms" $ do
let input = "t (t t) t"
let expected = TFork (TStem TLeaf) TLeaf
parseSapling input @?= expected
, testCase "Parse sequential Tree Calculus terms" $ do
let input = "t t t"
let expected = TFork TLeaf TLeaf
parseSapling input @?= expected
integrationTests :: TestTree
integrationTests = testGroup "Integration Tests"
[ testCase "Combine lexer and parser" $ do
let input = "x = t t t"
let expected = SFunc "x" [] (TFork TLeaf TLeaf)
parseSapling input @?= expected
, testCase "Complex Tree Calculus expression" $ do
let input = "t (t t t) t"
let expected = TFork (TFork TLeaf TLeaf) TLeaf
parseSapling input @?= expected
evaluationTests :: TestTree
evaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
[ testCase "Evaluate single Leaf" $ do
let input = "t"
let ast = parseSapling input
(result $ evalSapling Map.empty ast) @?= Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate single Stem" $ do
let input = "t t"
let ast = parseSapling input
(result $ evalSapling Map.empty ast) @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate single Fork" $ do
let input = "t t t"
let ast = parseSapling input
(result $ evalSapling Map.empty ast) @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate nested Fork and Stem" $ do
let input = "t (t t) t"
let ast = parseSapling input
(result $ evalSapling Map.empty ast) @?= Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate `not` function" $ do
let input = "t (t (t t) (t t t)) t)"
let ast = parseSapling input
(result $ evalSapling Map.empty ast) @?=
Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf Leaf)) Leaf
, testCase "Environment updates with definitions" $ do
let input = "x = t\ny = x"
let env = evalMulti Map.empty (parseMulti input)
Map.lookup "x" env @?= Just Leaf
Map.lookup "y" env @?= Just Leaf
, testCase "Variable substitution" $ do
let input = "x = t t\ny = t x\ny"
let env = evalMulti Map.empty (parseMulti input)
(result env) @?= Stem (Stem Leaf)
, testCase "Multiline input evaluation" $ do
let input = "x = t\ny = t t\nx"
let env = evalMulti Map.empty (parseMulti input)
(result env) @?= Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate string literal" $ do
let input = "\"hello\""
let ast = parseSapling input
(result $ evalSapling Map.empty ast) @?= toString "hello"
, testCase "Evaluate list literal" $ do
let input = "[t (t t)]"
let ast = parseSapling input
(result $ evalSapling Map.empty ast) @?= toList [Leaf, Stem Leaf]
propertyTests :: TestTree
propertyTests = testGroup "Property Tests"
[ testProperty "Lexing and parsing round-trip" $ \input ->
case runParser saplingLexer "" input of
Left _ -> property True
Right tokens -> case runParser parseExpression "" tokens of
Left _ -> property True
Right ast -> parseSapling input === ast