James Eversole b3583c796e 0.2.0
Includes better error handling, additional tests, parsing and lexing
fixes to match the desired behavior defined by the new tests, and a very
basic REPL implementation.
2024-12-20 12:58:06 -06:00

26 lines
608 B

module REPL where
import Eval
import Lexer
import Parser
import Research
import Control.Monad (void)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
repl :: Map.Map String T -> IO ()
repl env = do
putStr "sapling > "
hFlush stdout
input <- getLine
if input == "_:exit"
then putStrLn "Goodbye!"
else do
let clearEnv = Map.delete "__result" env
let newEnv = evalSingle clearEnv (parseSingle input)
case Map.lookup "__result" newEnv of
Just r -> putStrLn $ "sapling < " ++ show r
Nothing -> pure ()
repl newEnv