Reintroduce Debugging database handler; update main to allow for environment definition that will branch between all debug handlers or real effect handlers

This commit is contained in:
James Eversole 2024-11-05 15:18:21 -06:00
parent 13e8a11e83
commit 691e51660f
8 changed files with 137 additions and 48 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ dist*

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ How to navigate this codebase (as of revision 77131c4a):
- Effect definitions
- Utility function for lifting IO to effectful's IOE
- Database
- Database effect handlers
- Database effect handler
- Table definitons as functions
- Helper functions for constructing SQL queries
- Handlers

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type AppEff =
, Error ServerError
data AppEnv = AppEnv { pool :: Pool Connection }
data AppEnv = AppEnv { pool :: Maybe (Pool Connection) }
newtype UserId = UserId Int
deriving (Show, Generic, FromField, ToField, FromHttpApiData, ToHttpApiData)

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@ -3,20 +3,21 @@ module Database where
import Core
import Utility
import Control.Exception (IOException)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Control.Exception (IOException)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Pool
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField (ToField)
import Effectful
import Effectful.Dispatch.Dynamic
import Effectful.Error.Static (Error)
import Effectful.Error.Static (Error)
import Effectful.Reader.Static
import Effectful.State.Static.Local (State, get, put, evalState)
import Servant hiding ((:>), throwError)
import Effectful.State.Static.Local (State, get, put, evalState)
import Servant hiding ((:>), throwError)
type instance DispatchOf Database = 'Dynamic
@ -45,32 +46,73 @@ runDatabaseIO :: DatabaseExeEffects es
=> Eff (Database : es) a -> Eff es a
runDatabaseIO = interpret $ \_ -> \case
DatabaseInit -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
execute_ conn createUsersTable
execute_ conn createLogsTable
pure ()
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool -> liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
execute_ conn createUsersTable
execute_ conn createLogsTable
pure ()
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
DatabaseRead (statement, values) -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn ->
query conn statement (Only values)
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool ->
liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> query conn statement (Only values)
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
DatabaseRead_ statement -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn ->
query_ conn statement
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool -> liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> query_ conn statement
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
DatabaseWrite (statement, values) -> do
AppEnv { pool } <- ask
liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
execute conn statement values
pure ()
env <- ask
case pool env of
Just pool -> liftWithPool pool $ \conn -> do
execute conn statement values
pure ()
Nothing -> do
databaseEscapeLog Error
"No database pool in scope; did you mean to run the mock handler?"
liftWithPool :: (IOE :> es, Error ServerError :> es)
=> (Pool Connection) -> (Connection -> IO a) -> Eff es a
liftWithPool p f = liftIOE $ withResource p f
runDatabaseDebug :: DatabaseExeEffects es
=> Eff (Database : es) a -> Eff es a
runDatabaseDebug = interpret $ \_ -> \case
DatabaseInit -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn "Mocked setup of the database"
DatabaseRead (statement, values) -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn
$ "Mocked a READ database operation with statement:\n"
++ show statement
++ "\nValues:\n"
++ show values
pure []
DatabaseRead_ statement -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn "Mocked a READ database operation on all users"
pure []
DatabaseWrite (statement, values) -> do
liftIOE $ putStrLn
$ "Mocked a WRITE database operation with statement:\n"
++ show statement
++ "\nValues:\n"
++ show values
createConnectionPool :: ByteString -> IO (Pool Connection)
createConnectionPool connectString = newPool $ defaultPoolConfig
(connectPostgreSQL connectString)
@ -102,3 +144,11 @@ createLogsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS logs ( \
\ source VARCHAR(100), \
\ context JSONB \
databaseEscapeLog :: (IOE :> es, Error ServerError :> es) => LogLevel -> String -> Eff es ()
databaseEscapeLog level msg = do
time <- liftIOE getCurrentTime
liftIOE $ putStrLn
$ "TIMESTAMP: " ++ show time ++ "\n"
++ "LEVEL: " ++ show level ++ "\n"
++ "MESSAGE: " ++ msg

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@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ rootHandler = (writeLog Info "Hit the root!")
userListHandler :: CRUD es
=> Eff es (Html ())
userListHandler = do
writeLog Info "Selected all users!"
users <- databaseRead_ "SELECT id, name FROM users"
writeLog Info "Selected all users!"
return $ V.baseDoc $ case users of
[] -> warning "No users found"
_ -> foldMap userHtml users

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import Effectful
import Effectful.Dispatch.Dynamic
import Effectful.Error.Static (Error, throwError)
import Effectful.Reader.Static
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Servant hiding ((:>))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Servant hiding ((:>))
type LogToDatabase es = (Database :> es, Error ServerError :> es, IOE :> es)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ runLoggerConsole :: (Error ServerError :> es, IOE :> es)
=> Eff (Logger : es) a -> Eff es a
runLoggerConsole = interpret $ \_ -> \case
WriteLog level msg -> do
time <- liftIOE getCurrentTime
time <- liftIOE getCurrentTime
liftIOE $ putStrLn
$ "TIMESTAMP: " ++ show time ++ "\n"
++ "LEVEL: " ++ show level ++ "\n"

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@ -15,19 +15,48 @@ import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static ((>->), staticPolicy, noDots, addBase)
import Servant hiding ((:>), throwError, inject)
import qualified Servant as S
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
-- Types
data RunMode = Production | Debug
proxy :: Proxy AppAPI
proxy = Proxy
-- Application
main :: IO ()
main = do
pool <- createConnectionPool "host=localhost dbname=demo"
let env = AppEnv { pool = pool }
runAppEff env $ databaseInit
run port . middleware . serve proxy $ app env
(envPort, envMode) <- do
port <- lookupEnv "PORT"
env <- lookupEnv "ENVIRONMENT"
pure (port, env)
app :: AppEnv -> Server AppAPI
app env = hoistServer proxy (Handler . ExceptT . runAppEff env) handlers
let port = maybe 8080 read envPort
mode = case envMode of
Just "production" -> Production
_ -> Debug
env <- case mode of
Production -> do
dbPool <- createConnectionPool "host=localhost dbname=demo"
let env = AppEnv { pool = Just dbPool }
appEff env databaseInit
pure env
Debug -> do
let env = AppEnv { pool = Nothing }
appDebug env databaseInit
pure env
run port . middleware . serve proxy $ app env mode
app :: AppEnv -> RunMode -> Server AppAPI
app env Production = hoistServer proxy (Handler . ExceptT . appEff env) handlers
app env Debug = hoistServer proxy (Handler . ExceptT . appDebug env) handlers
handlers :: ServerT AppAPI AppEff
handlers = rootHandler
@ -39,16 +68,22 @@ handlers = rootHandler
middleware :: Application -> Application
middleware = staticPolicy (noDots >-> addBase "data/assets/public")
runAppEff :: AppEnv -> AppEff a -> IO (Either ServerError a)
runAppEff env = runEff
-- Effect Stacks
appEff :: AppEnv -> AppEff a -> IO (Either ServerError a)
appEff env = runEff
. runErrorNoCallStack
. runReader env
. runDatabaseIO
. runLoggerPSQL
. inject
port :: Int
port = 8080
proxy :: Proxy AppAPI
proxy = Proxy
appDebug :: AppEnv -> AppEff a -> IO (Either ServerError a)
appDebug env = runEff
. runErrorNoCallStack
. runReader env
. runDatabaseDebug
. runLoggerConsole
. inject

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@ -20,9 +20,12 @@ liftIOE m = liftIO m `catch` \(e::IOException) -> do
-- Log IOExceptions to stdout
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "ERROR Exception: " ++ show e
-- Throw a custom Servant ServerError
throwError $ ServerError
{ errHTTPCode = 500
, errReasonPhrase = "Internal Server Error"
, errBody = renderBS V.internalServerError
, errHeaders = []
throwDefaultISE :: (IOE :> es, Error ServerError :> es) => Eff es a
throwDefaultISE = throwError $ ServerError
{ errHTTPCode = 500
, errReasonPhrase = "Internal Server Error"
, errBody = renderBS V.internalServerError
, errHeaders = []