This repository holds the configuration for my primary home server.
Defines a single node host
Follows the latest stable nixpkgs
Utilizes the nixpkgs-fmt code formatter -> /flake.nix
Provides a devShell with direnv/nix-direnv integration
Common project scripts are packaged and then exposed via devShell/direnv -> /shell.nix
Allows SSH Access
Enables the Hydra build server
Enables the nix-serve-ng binary cache server -> /system/services.nix
HTTP entrypoint is an Nginx Reverse Proxy
Automatic TLS provisioning via Let's Encrypt ACME
Directly reference nix packages and configuration in Virtual Host definitions -> /applcation/nginx.nix
Monitoring stack consisting of Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, and Promtail
Complete monitoring stack and connections are defined declaratively via Nix -> /monitoring/*.nix
podman & systemd container orchestration
podman services are exposed only to localhost and are reverse proxied by Nginx -> /application/containers.nix
agenix for secrets encryption and management -> /system/age.nix
Enter the developer shell without cloning the repository:
$> nix develop git+https://git.eversole.co/James/eve-psr-nix0
$nix> # Success!
The rest of the cheatsheet assumes you have entered the developer shell or are using direnv:
$> git clone https://git.eversole.co/James/eve-psr-nix0
$> cd eve-psr-nix0
$> nix develop
$nix> # Success! Now we have our development dependencies.
Use the developer shell alias to remotely build and deploy the configuration to eve-psr-nix0:
# This is it! Check the package definitions in /shell.nix for more details.
$nix> deploy
Format .nix source files:
# This is it! Check the package definitions in /shell.nix for more details.
$nix> format
Create a new agenix secret:
# Add a new key to the secrets.nix attribute set
$nix> $EDITOR secrets.nix
# Replace $SECRET_PATH with the actual 'secrets/$SECRET_NAME.age' path to edit the secrets file
$nix> agenix -e $SECRET_PATH
# Redeploy; the secret will now be available in /run/agenix/$SECRET_NAME on the target host
$nix> deploy
Add a new agenix secret recipient:
# Add a named variable in the let binding; associate it in the "publicKeys" list of applicable secrets
$nix> #EDITOR secrets.nix
# Redeploy
$nix> deploy
agenix ( https://github.com/ryantm/agenix ) is utilized by this project for secret management, allowing us to include sensitive environment information or other secrets that the deployment target may need. The files are included directly in the nix store, but they are encrypted via/to ed25519 SSH keys and are then decrypted on the target host.
license and copyright
Copyright James Eversole Refer to LICENSE file for ISC license details