Extensive commenting of functions; refactor some duplicate pattern matching logic
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Configuration.Dotenv
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Environment (getEnv, lookupEnv)
-- Make the dotenv file configuration available if PURRNOFILE is not present
main :: IO ()
main = do
envFile <- lookupEnv "PURRNOFILE"
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ main = do
Nothing -> loadFile defaultConfig
_ -> putStrLn "Not using dotenv file"
-- Check if an encryption key exists on the filesystem and create one if not
keyFileInit :: IO ()
keyFileInit = do
dataPathStr <- dataPath
@ -27,6 +29,13 @@ keyFileInit = do
B.writeFile (dataPathStr ++ "data/encryptionKey") (encode key)
putStrLn "Creating new encryption key; any pre-existing DB entries will not decrypt"
-- Read and return the encryption key on the filesystem as a ByteString
encKey :: IO B.ByteString
encKey = do
dataPathStr <- dataPath
B.readFile (dataPathStr ++ "data/encryptionKey")
-- Helper functions for getting the value of environment variables
adminEmail :: IO String
adminEmail = getEnv "ADMINEMAIL"
@ -41,8 +50,3 @@ dbPath = "data/Purr.sqlite"
confLinkLength :: IO String
confLinkLength = getEnv "LINKLENGTH"
encKey :: IO B.ByteString
encKey = do
dataPathStr <- dataPath
B.readFile (dataPathStr ++ "data/encryptionKey")
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Web.Scotty
app :: PurrApp ()
app = do
-- Middleware definition
-- Middleware that are processed on every request
middleware logStdoutDev
middleware $ staticPolicy (noDots >-> addBase "data/assets/public")
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- Set up SQLite database table when Purr starts if it doesn't already exist
main :: IO ()
main = do
conn <- open dbPath
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Text.Blaze.Html
import Web.Scotty (ActionM, ScottyM)
-- Vestigial types from when Purr used a ReaderT in the monad stack
type PurrApp a = ScottyM a
type PurrAction a = ActionM a
type Random a = IO a
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ newtype UserSecret = UserSecret' String
newtype GenLink = GenLink' String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- This record type matches Purr's SQL table columns
data SecretEntry = SecretEntry
{ link :: T.Text
, secret :: T.Text
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Prelude
import Web.Scotty
{- "Generator" route that provides radio button options to share a randomly
generated password. This usecase targets IT professionals that are setting
up temporary account credentials for someone else. -}
routes :: PurrApp ()
routes = do
get "/gen" $ do
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import Core.Types
import Data.List (singleton)
import Feature.Generation.Shared (rChar, rIndex, validChars)
-- Generates a string containing romly generated and capitalized
-- characters. The number of characters used is defined in the global config.dhall.
{- Generates a string containing randomly generated and capitalized characters.
The length is determined by the LINKLENGTH environment variable. -}
genLink :: Int -> IO GenLink
genLink linkLength = genLink' linkLength (return "")
@ -10,31 +10,35 @@ module Feature.Generation.Passwords
) where
import Core.Types
import Feature.Generation.Shared (camelCase, rCharSym, rIndex,
import Feature.Generation.Shared (titleCase, rCharSym, rIndex,
validChars, validNumbers,
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.List (singleton)
{- Suggests one of Purr's generation schemes based on the
desired number of characters in the password. -}
suggestedScheme :: Int -> Random Password
suggestedScheme i
| i > 17 = xkcd
| i > 12 = oldschool
| otherwise = gibberish i
-- XKCD-style random password generator consisting of four titlecase words.
xkcd :: Random Password
xkcd = do
wOne <- rCamel
wTwo <- rCamel
wThree <- rCamel
wFour <- rCamel
wOne <- rTitle
wTwo <- rTitle
wThree <- rTitle
wFour <- rTitle
return $ Password' (wOne <> wTwo <> wThree <> wFour)
-- Two random title case words, four random numbers, one random symbol.
oldschool :: Random Password
oldschool = do
wOne <- rCamel
wTwo <- rCamel
wOne <- rTitle
wTwo <- rTitle
nOne <- rNum
nTwo <- rNum
nThr <- rNum
@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ oldschool = do
<> show nOne <> show nTwo <> show nThr <> show nFou
<> pure sOne)
-- A completely random selection of characters supported by Purr generation
gibberish :: Int -> Random Password
gibberish i = go i (return "")
@ -61,8 +66,8 @@ rWord = rIndex wordList
rSym :: Random Char
rSym = rIndex validSymbols
rCamel :: Random String
rCamel = camelCase <$> rWord
rTitle :: Random String
rTitle = titleCase <$> rWord
wordList :: [String]
wordList = lines $(embedStringFile "data/assets/wordlist.txt")
@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ module Feature.Generation.Shared where
import Data.Char (intToDigit, toLower, toUpper)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
-- Take a list of anything and return a random element from it
rIndex :: [a] -> IO a
rIndex arr = randomRIO (0, length arr - 1)
>>= (\i -> return $ arr !! i)
-- Return the input Char randomly uppercased or lowercased
rCap :: Char -> IO Char
rCap c = rIndex [True,False] >>= (\r -> return $ rCap' r c)
@ -14,16 +16,20 @@ rCap c = rIndex [True,False] >>= (\r -> return $ rCap' r c)
rCap' True c = toUpper c
rCap' False c = toLower c
-- Return a random character from validChars with random capitalization applied
rChar :: IO Char
rChar = rIndex validChars >>= rCap
-- Return a random character or symbol with random capitalization applied
rCharSym :: IO Char
rCharSym = rIndex (validChars <> validSymbols)>>= rCap
camelCase :: [Char] -> [Char]
camelCase [] = []
camelCase x = toUpper (head x) : map toLower (tail x)
-- Takes any string and returns it in Titlecase
titleCase :: [Char] -> [Char]
titleCase [] = []
titleCase x = toUpper (head x) : map toLower (tail x)
-- List of valid characters consisting of latin alphabet and numbers
validChars :: [Char]
validChars = validLetters <> fmap intToDigit validNumbers
@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ import Web.Scotty
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
-- Routes related to secret sharing functionality
routes :: PurrApp ()
routes = do
get "/pw/:id" $ do
reqId <- param "id"
email <- liftIO adminEmail
@ -20,58 +20,74 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as ET
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
-- Look up a secret based on the "link" attribute
findByLink :: String -> PurrAction (Maybe T.Text)
findByLink link = do
-- Get the encryption key from the filesystem as a ByteString
key <- liftIO encKey
-- Start up a connection to the SQLite database
conn <- liftIO $ open dbPath
res <- liftIO $ query conn "SELECT * from pws WHERE link = ?" (Only (last $ splitOn "/" link))
-- Constant containing the results of a query looking for the "link" attribute
res <- liftIO $
query conn "SELECT * from pws WHERE link = ?"
(Only (last $ splitOn "/" link))
-- Close the SQLite database connection
liftIO $ close conn
-- Pass the encryption key and [SecretEntry] to be unencrypted
readEncryptedSecret key res
readEncryptedSecret :: B.ByteString -> [SecretEntry] -> PurrAction (Maybe T.Text)
readEncryptedSecret key secret = do
let secNonce = nonce $ safeHead failedSecret secret
readEncryptedSecret key [] = return Nothing
readEncryptedSecret key (secret:_) = do
-- Increment the number of views on the secret in the database by one
liftIO $ incViews secret dbPath
-- Delete the secret if it's expired
delete <- liftIO $ deleteExpiredSecret secret dbPath
case secret of
[] -> return Nothing
(x:_) -> if (delete)
then return Nothing
else return (ET.decodeLatin1 <$> (decryptSecret key secNonce $ decodeSecret x))
incViews :: [SecretEntry] -> String -> IO ()
incViews [] _ = return ()
incViews (secret : _) dbPath = do
conn <- open dbPath
execute conn
"UPDATE pws SET views = views + 1 WHERE link = ?" (Only (link secret))
close conn
if (delete)
-- Don't return the secret if it's expired
then return Nothing
-- Otherwise, try to decrypt and return it
else return (ET.decodeLatin1 <$>
(decryptSecret key (nonce secret) $ decodeSecret secret))
incViews :: SecretEntry -> String -> IO ()
incViews secret dbPath = do
conn <- open dbPath
execute conn
"UPDATE pws SET views = views + 1 WHERE link = ?" (Only (link secret))
close conn
-- Returns True if deletion occurs, informing the calling function to not
-- provide the successfully retrieved secret to the requestor.
deleteExpiredSecret :: [SecretEntry] -> String -> IO Bool
deleteExpiredSecret [] _ = return False
deleteExpiredSecret (sec : _) dbPath = do
deleteExpiredSecret :: SecretEntry -> String -> IO Bool
deleteExpiredSecret sec dbPath = do
-- Get the current Unix Epoch time in seconds
time <- epochTime
-- Compare the current time against the secret's initial insertion and lifetime
if ((date sec) + ((life sec) * 86400) < time) || (views sec >= maxViews sec)
-- Delete the secret if it's expired and return True for the caller
then deleteSec sec dbPath
-- Only return False if the secret is not expired
else return False
deleteSec :: SecretEntry -> String -> IO Bool
deleteSec sec dbPath = do
conn <- open dbPath
execute conn
"DELETE FROM pws WHERE link = ?" (Only (link sec))
close conn
return True
deleteSec :: SecretEntry -> String -> IO Bool
deleteSec sec dbPath = do
conn <- open dbPath
execute conn
"DELETE FROM pws WHERE link = ?" (Only (link sec))
close conn
return True
insertNewSecret :: T.Text -> Integer -> T.Text -> Integer -> PurrAction ()
insertNewSecret sec life link maxViews = do
key <- liftIO encKey
-- Create a new nonce to associate with the secret's encryption
nonce <- liftIO Box.newNonce
{- Encrypt the secret; this is a pure function because we seeded RNG at program
initialization with "sodiumInit" -}
let encSec = encryptSecret key sec nonce
conn <- liftIO $ open dbPath
-- Get the current time to timestamp the secret's initial insertion
time <- liftIO epochTime
-- Save the secret to the database
liftIO $ execute conn
"INSERT INTO pws (link, secret, nonce, date, life, views, maxViews) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
(SecretEntry link (encodeSecret encSec) (CL.encode nonce) time life 0 maxViews)
@ -94,15 +110,12 @@ decryptSecret k n b = do
case (CL.decode k) of
(Just key) -> case (CL.decode n) of
(Just nonce) -> Box.secretboxOpen key nonce b
{- There's no sensible way to fail gracefully if our nonce or secret
key can't be decoded. Throw an error so the instance admin can
investigate -}
Nothing -> error "Failed to decode nonce"
Nothing -> error "Failed to decode secret key"
-- Helper function to provide the current Epoch Time in seconds
epochTime :: IO Integer
epochTime = fmap round getPOSIXTime
failedSecret :: SecretEntry
failedSecret = SecretEntry "fail" "fail" (BSC8.pack "fail") 0 0 0 0
safeHead :: a -> [a] -> a
safeHead x [] = x
safeHead x l = head l
@ -10,12 +10,22 @@ import GHC.Natural (popCountNatural)
import Prelude hiding (id)
import Web.Scotty
main :: IO ()
-- Purr's entrypoint
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Initialize the RNG used for sodium encryption (Saltine library)
{- Initialize our dotenv configuration which reads from a .env configuration
file unless the PURRNOFILE env var exists already. -}
{- Initialize the encryption key file if it doesn't
exist yet or use the existing key -}
{- Initialize our database by ensuring the SQLite file exists
and has tables setup as the application expects -}
{- Get the configured port to run on and start the Scotty webserver app
defined in HTTP.app -}
appPortStr <- Configuration.appPort
let appPort = read appPortStr :: Int
scotty appPort HTTP.app
Reference in New Issue
Block a user