Working saltine encryption and decryption
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Core.SQLite where
import Core.Types
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, lift, liftIO)
import Data.ByteString as B
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ main db = do
\ secret TEXT,\
\ nonce TEXT,\
\ life INT,\
\ views INT,\
@ -24,8 +26,8 @@ main db = do
dbPath :: PurrAction String
dbPath = lift ask >>= (\a -> return $ dbFile a)
encKey :: PurrAction String
encKey = lift ask >>= (\a -> return $ dbKey a)
encKey :: IO ByteString
encKey = B.readFile "./data/key"
confLinkLength :: PurrAction Int
confLinkLength = lift ask >>= (\a -> return $ linkLength a)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Core.Types where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO, MonadReader, ReaderT)
import Data.Text
import Database.SQLite.Simple (ToRow)
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ data DhallConfig = DhallConfig
, applicationHost :: String
, applicationPort :: Int
, dbFile :: String
, dbKey :: String
, linkLength :: Int
, adminEmail :: String
} deriving (Generic, Show)
@ -42,6 +41,7 @@ data DhallConfig = DhallConfig
data SecretEntry = SecretEntry
{ link :: T.Text
, secret :: T.Text
, nonce :: B.ByteString
, date :: Integer
, life :: Integer
, views :: Integer
@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ import Feature.Generation.Passwords (Password)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, lift, liftIO)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, Maybe(Just))
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.SecretBox as Box
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Internal.SecretBox as IBox
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as CL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as ET
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
findByLink :: String -> PurrAction (Maybe T.Text)
findByLink link = do
db <- dbPath
key <- encKey
key <- liftIO encKey
conn <- liftIO $ open db
res <- liftIO $ query conn "SELECT * from pws WHERE link = ?" (Only (last $ splitOn "/" link))
liftIO $ close conn
@ -30,26 +31,26 @@ findByLink link = do
insertNewSecret :: T.Text -> Integer -> T.Text -> Integer -> PurrAction ()
insertNewSecret sec life link maxViews = do
db <- dbPath
key <- encKey
key <- liftIO encKey
nonce <- liftIO $ Box.newNonce
let encSec = encryptSecret key sec nonce
conn <- liftIO $ open db
time <- liftIO $ epochTime
liftIO $ execute conn
"INSERT INTO pws (link, secret, date, life, views, maxViews) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
(SecretEntry link (encodeSecret encSec) time life 0 maxViews)
"INSERT INTO pws (link, secret, nonce, date, life, views, maxViews) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
(SecretEntry link (encodeSecret encSec) (CL.encode nonce) time life 0 maxViews)
liftIO $ close conn
readEncryptedSecret :: String -> [SecretEntry] -> PurrAction (Maybe T.Text)
readEncryptedSecret :: B.ByteString -> [SecretEntry] -> PurrAction (Maybe T.Text)
readEncryptedSecret key sec = do
db <- dbPath
nonce <- liftIO $ Box.newNonce
liftIO $ incViews sec db
let secNonce = nonce $ safeHead failedSecret sec
liftIO $ incViews sec db
delete <- liftIO $ deleteExpiredSecret sec db
let decKey = decryptSecret key nonce $ decodeSecret $ safeHead failedSecret sec
let decSec = decryptSecret key secNonce $ decodeSecret $ safeHead failedSecret sec
if (delete)
then return Nothing
else return (ET.decodeLatin1 <$> decKey)
else return (ET.decodeLatin1 <$> decSec)
incViews :: [SecretEntry] -> String -> IO ()
incViews [] _ = return ()
@ -83,18 +84,25 @@ encodeSecret b = ET.decodeUtf8 $ B64.encode b
decodeSecret :: SecretEntry -> B.ByteString
decodeSecret s = B64.decodeLenient $ ET.encodeUtf8 (secret s)
encryptSecret :: String -> T.Text -> Box.Nonce -> B.ByteString
encryptSecret :: B.ByteString -> T.Text -> Box.Nonce -> B.ByteString
encryptSecret k s n = do
Box.secretbox (IBox.Key $ B.pack k) n (ET.encodeUtf8 s)
case (CL.decode k) of
(Just key) -> Box.secretbox key n (ET.encodeUtf8 s)
Nothing -> error "fail"
decryptSecret :: String -> Box.Nonce -> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
decryptSecret k n b = Box.secretboxOpen (IBox.Key $ B.pack k) n b
decryptSecret :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
decryptSecret k n b = do
case (CL.decode k) of
(Just key) -> case (CL.decode n) of
(Just nonce) -> Box.secretboxOpen key nonce b
Nothing -> error "Failed to decode nonce"
Nothing -> error "Failed to decode secret key"
epochTime :: IO Integer
epochTime = fmap round getPOSIXTime
failedSecret :: SecretEntry
failedSecret = SecretEntry "fail" "fail" 0 0 0 0
failedSecret = SecretEntry "fail" "fail" (BSC8.pack "fail") 0 0 0 0
safeHead :: a -> [a] -> a
safeHead x [] = x
Reference in New Issue
Block a user