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the sampu Haskell blog engine (not live yet!)

a work-in-progress blog engine using simple flat-file Markdown content storage

sampu is a word in Lojban with the English definition:

"x1 is simple/unmixed/uncomplicated in property x2"

Therefore, la sampu cu sampu lo ka samtci!



Provide a simple blog engine that is easily customizable via HTML fragments and straightforward HTMX integration for dynamic server-driven content.


We're not there yet! This project is built and packaged with Nix, so I will provide directions on deploying with Nix as well as via OCI containers once there's something viable to run.

Development and Support

Per the permissive ISC license, you are free to do what you wish with this software. No guarantees are made to its usability, security, or functionality.

Copyright James Eversole (