Better handling of interrupts in REPL

This commit is contained in:
James Eversole 2025-01-27 16:46:41 -06:00 committed by James Eversole
parent c6a7835a6f
commit 09eedfb609
4 changed files with 30 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ evalSingle env term
Just existingValue
| existingValue == evalAST env body -> env
| otherwise -> errorWithoutStackTrace $
"Unable to rebind immutable identifier: '" ++ name
"Unable to rebind immutable identifier: " ++ name
Nothing ->
let res = evalAST env body
in Map.insert "!result" res (Map.insert name res env)

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ main = do
case args of
Repl -> do
putStrLn "Welcome to the tricu REPL"
putStrLn "You can exit with `CTRL+D` or the `:_exit` command.`"
putStrLn "You can exit with `CTRL+D` or the `!exit` command.`"
repl Map.empty
Evaluate { file = filePaths, form = form } -> do
result <- case filePaths of

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Research
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Catch (handle, MonadCatch)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (dropWhile, dropWhileEnd, intercalate)
import System.Console.Haskeline
@ -15,33 +16,37 @@ import System.Console.Haskeline
import qualified Data.Map as Map
repl :: Env -> IO ()
repl env = runInputT defaultSettings (loop env)
repl env = runInputT defaultSettings (withInterrupt (loop env))
loop :: Env -> InputT IO ()
loop env = do
loop env = handle (interruptHandler env) $ do
minput <- getInputLine "tricu < "
| Nothing <- minput -> outputStrLn "Exiting tricu"
| Just s <- minput, strip s == "!exit" -> outputStrLn "Exiting tricu"
| Just s <- minput, strip s == "" -> do
outputStrLn ""
loop env
| Just s <- minput, strip s == "!import" -> do
path <- getInputLine "File path to load < "
| Nothing <- path -> do
outputStrLn "No input received; stopping import."
loop env
| Just p <- path -> do
loadedEnv <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext env (strip p) `catch` \e -> errorHandler env e
loop $ Map.delete "!result" (Map.union loadedEnv env)
| Just s <- minput -> do
| take 2 s == "--" -> loop env
| otherwise -> do
case minput of
Nothing -> outputStrLn "Exiting tricu"
Just s
| strip s == "!exit" -> outputStrLn "Exiting tricu"
| strip s == "" -> loop env
| strip s == "!import" -> do
path <- getInputLine "File path to load < "
case path of
Nothing -> do
outputStrLn "No input received; stopping import."
loop env
Just p -> do
loadedEnv <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext env
(strip p) `catch` \e -> errorHandler env e
loop $ Map.delete "!result" (Map.union loadedEnv env)
| take 2 s == "--" -> loop env
| otherwise -> do
newEnv <- liftIO $ processInput env s `catch` errorHandler env
loop newEnv
interruptHandler :: Env -> Interrupt -> InputT IO ()
interruptHandler env _ = do
outputStrLn "Interrupted with CTRL+C\n\
\You can use the !exit command or CTRL+D to exit"
loop env
processInput :: Env -> String -> IO Env
processInput env input = do
let asts = parseTricu input

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ executable tricu
base >=4.7
, cmdargs
, containers
, exceptions
, haskeline
, megaparsec
, mtl
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ test-suite tricu-tests
, cmdargs
, containers
, exceptions
, haskeline
, megaparsec
, mtl