Definition dependency analysis
tricu now allows defining terms in any order and will resolve dependencies to ensure that they're evaluated in the right order. Undefined terms are detected and throw errors during dependency ordering. For now we can't define top-level mutually recursive terms.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-- Level Order Traversal of a labelled binary tree
-- Objective: Print each "level" of the tree on a separate line
-- NOTICE: This demo relies on tricu base library functions
-- We model labelled binary trees as sublists where values act as labels. We
-- require explicit not?ation of empty nodes. Empty nodes can be represented
-- with an empty list, `[]`, which is equivalent to a single node `t`.
-- We model labelled binary trees as nested lists where values act as labels. We
-- require explicit notation of empty nodes. Empty nodes can be represented
-- with an empty list, `[]`, which evaluates to a single node `t`.
-- Example tree inputs:
-- [("1") [("2") [("4") t t] t] [("3") [("5") t t] [("6") t t]]]]
@ -15,7 +13,6 @@
-- 2 3
-- / / \
-- 4 5 6
label = \node : head node
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ module Eval where
import Parser
import Research
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
evalSingle :: Env -> TricuAST -> Env
evalSingle env term
| SFunc name [] body <- term =
| SDef name [] body <- term =
| Map.member name env ->
errorWithoutStackTrace $
@ -23,18 +23,23 @@ evalSingle env term
in Map.insert "__result" res env
| SVar name <- term =
case Map.lookup name env of
Just v -> Map.insert "__result" v env
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Variable `" ++ name ++ "` not defined"
Just v ->
Map.insert "__result" v env
Nothing ->
errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Variable `" ++ name ++ "` not defined\n\
\This error should never occur here. Please report this as an issue."
| otherwise =
Map.insert "__result" (evalAST env term) env
evalTricu :: Env -> [TricuAST] -> Env
evalTricu env [] = env
evalTricu env [x] =
let updatedEnv = evalSingle env x
in Map.insert "__result" (result updatedEnv) updatedEnv
evalTricu env (x:xs) =
evalTricu (evalSingle env x) xs
evalTricu env x = go env (reorderDefs env x)
go env [] = env
go env [x] =
let updatedEnv = evalSingle env x
in Map.insert "__result" (result updatedEnv) updatedEnv
go env (x:xs) =
evalTricu (evalSingle env x) xs
evalAST :: Env -> TricuAST -> T
evalAST env term
@ -94,19 +99,83 @@ elimLambda = go
_TRIAGE = parseSingle "t (t (t t (t (t (t t t))))) t"
_COMPOSE = parseSingle "t (t (t t (t (t (t t t)) t))) (t t)"
isFree x = Set.member x . freeVars
freeVars (SVar v ) = Set.singleton v
freeVars (SInt _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SStr _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SList s ) = foldMap freeVars s
freeVars (SApp f a ) = freeVars f <> freeVars a
freeVars (TLeaf ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SFunc _ _ b) = freeVars b
freeVars (TStem t ) = freeVars t
freeVars (TFork l r ) = freeVars l <> freeVars r
freeVars (SLambda v b ) = foldr Set.delete (freeVars b) v
isFree :: String -> TricuAST -> Bool
isFree x = Set.member x . freeVars
freeVars :: TricuAST -> Set.Set String
freeVars (SVar v ) = Set.singleton v
freeVars (SInt _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SStr _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SList s ) = foldMap freeVars s
freeVars (SApp f a ) = freeVars f <> freeVars a
freeVars (TLeaf ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SDef _ _ b) = freeVars b
freeVars (TStem t ) = freeVars t
freeVars (TFork l r ) = freeVars l <> freeVars r
freeVars (SLambda v b ) = foldr Set.delete (freeVars b) v
reorderDefs :: Env -> [TricuAST] -> [TricuAST]
reorderDefs env defs
| not (null missingDeps) =
errorWithoutStackTrace $
"Missing dependencies detected: " ++ show missingDeps
| otherwise = orderedDefs ++ others
(defsOnly, others) = partition isDef defs
graph = buildDepGraph defsOnly
sortedDefs = sortDeps graph
defMap = Map.fromList [(name, def) | def@(SDef name _ _) <- defsOnly]
orderedDefs = map (\name -> defMap Map.! name) sortedDefs
topDefNames = Set.fromList (Map.keys defMap)
envNames = Set.fromList (Map.keys env)
freeVarsDefs = foldMap (\(SDef _ _ body) -> freeVars body) defsOnly
freeVarsOthers = foldMap freeVars others
allFreeVars = freeVarsDefs <> freeVarsOthers
validNames = topDefNames `Set.union` envNames
missingDeps = Set.toList (allFreeVars `Set.difference` validNames)
isDef (SDef _ _ _) = True
isDef _ = False
buildDepGraph :: [TricuAST] -> Map.Map String (Set.Set String)
buildDepGraph topDefs
| not (null duplicateNames) =
errorWithoutStackTrace $
"Duplicate definitions detected: " ++ show duplicateNames
| otherwise =
[ (name, depends topDefs (SDef name [] body))
| SDef name _ body <- topDefs]
names = [name | SDef name _ _ <- topDefs]
duplicateNames =
[ name | (name, count) <- Map.toList (countOccurrences names) , count > 1]
countOccurrences = foldr (\x -> Map.insertWith (+) x 1) Map.empty
sortDeps :: Map.Map String (Set.Set String) -> [String]
sortDeps graph = go [] (Map.keys graph)
go sorted [] = sorted
go sorted remaining
| null ready =
"ERROR: Top-level cyclic dependency detected and prohibited\n\
\RESOLVE: Use nested lambdas"
| otherwise = go (sorted ++ ready) notReady
ready = [ name | name <- remaining
, all (`elem` sorted) (Set.toList (graph Map.! name))]
notReady =
[ name | name <- remaining , name `notElem` ready]
depends :: [TricuAST] -> TricuAST -> Set.Set String
depends topDefs (SDef _ _ body) =
(Set.fromList [n | SDef n _ _ <- topDefs])
(freeVars body)
depends _ _ = Set.empty
result :: Env -> T
result r = case Map.lookup "__result" r of
Just a -> a
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace "No __result field found in provided environment"
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace "No __result field found in provided env"
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ parseFunctionM = do
_ <- satisfyM (== LAssign)
body <- parseExpressionM
pure (SFunc name (map getIdentifier args) body)
pure (SDef name (map getIdentifier args) body)
parseLambdaM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseLambdaM = do
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ data TricuAST
| SInt Int
| SStr String
| SList [TricuAST]
| SFunc String [String] TricuAST
| SDef String [String] TricuAST
| SApp TricuAST TricuAST
| TLeaf
| TStem TricuAST
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ parser = testGroup "Parser Tests"
, testCase "Parse function definitions" $ do
let input = "x = (\\a b c : a)"
expect = SFunc "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SLambda ["c"] (SVar "a"))))
expect = SDef "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SLambda ["c"] (SVar "a"))))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse nested Tree Calculus terms" $ do
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ parser = testGroup "Parser Tests"
, testCase "Parse function with applications" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : t x)"
expect = SFunc "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SVar "x")))
expect = SDef "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SVar "x")))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse nested lists" $ do
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ parser = testGroup "Parser Tests"
, testCase "Parse nested parentheses in function body" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : t (t (t t)))"
expect = SFunc "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf TLeaf))))
expect = SDef "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf TLeaf))))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse lambda abstractions" $ do
@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ parser = testGroup "Parser Tests"
, testCase "Parse multiple arguments to lambda abstractions" $ do
let input = "x = (\\a b : a)"
expect = SFunc "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SVar "a")))
expect = SDef "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SVar "a")))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Grouping T terms with parentheses in function application" $ do
let input = "x = (\\a : a)\nx (t)"
expect = [SFunc "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SVar "a")),SApp (SVar "x") TLeaf]
expect = [SDef "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SVar "a")),SApp (SVar "x") TLeaf]
parseTricu input @?= expect
, testCase "Comments 1" $ do
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
compose = \f g x : f (g x)
succ = y (\self :
(t (t t))
(\_ tail : t t (self tail))
size = (\x :
(y (\self x :
compose succ
(\x : x)
(\x y : compose (self x) (self y))
x)) x 0))
size size
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
namedTerm = undefinedForTesting
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
name: tricu
version: 0.9.0
version: 0.10.0
description: A micro-language for exploring Tree Calculus
author: James Eversole
Reference in New Issue
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