Allow lambda expressions without explicit paren
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Introduction
tricu (pronounced "tree-shoe") is a purely functional interpreted language implemented in Haskell. It is fundamentally based on the application of [Tree Calculus]( terms, but minimal syntax sugar is included to provide a useful programming tool.
tricu (pronounced "tree-shoe") is a purely functional interpreted language implemented in Haskell. It is fundamentally based on the application of [Tree Calculus]( terms, but minimal syntax sugar is included to provide a useful programming tool. tricu is under active development and you can expect breaking changes with nearly every commit.
tricu is the word for "tree" in Lojban: `(x1) is a tree of species/cultivar (x2)`.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ demo_true = t t
not_TC? = t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t))
-- /demos/toSource.tri contains an explanation of `triage`
demo_triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
demo_triage = \a b c : t (t a b) c
demo_matchBool = (\ot of : demo_triage
(\_ : ot)
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
-- 4 5 6
label = (\node : head node)
label = \node : head node
left = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
left = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
(if (emptyList? (tail node))
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ processLevel = y (\self queue : if (emptyList? queue)
(\node : not? (emptyList? node))
(lconcat (map left queue) (map right queue))))))
levelOrderTraversal_ = (\a : processLevel (t a t))
levelOrderTraversal_ = \a : processLevel (t a t)
toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList? levels)
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList? levels)
(lconcat (map (\x : lconcat x " ") (head levels)) "")
(if (emptyList? (tail levels)) "" (lconcat (t (t 10 t) t) (self (tail levels))))))
levelOrderToString = (\s : toLineString (levelOrderTraversal_ s))
levelOrderToString = \s : toLineString (levelOrderTraversal_ s)
flatten = foldl (\acc x : lconcat acc x) ""
levelOrderTraversal = (\s : lconcat (t 10 t) (flatten (levelOrderToString s)))
levelOrderTraversal = \s : lconcat (t 10 t) (flatten (levelOrderToString s))
exampleOne = levelOrderTraversal [("1")
[("2") [("4") t t] t]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
compose = (\f g x : f (g x))
compose = \f g x : f (g x)
succ = y (\self :
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ toSource_ = y (\self arg :
arg) -- The term to be inspected
-- toSource takes a single TC term and returns a String
toSource = (\v : toSource_ v "")
toSource = \v : toSource_ v ""
exampleOne = toSource true -- OUT: "(t t)"
exampleTwo = toSource not? -- OUT: "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"
@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ s = t (t (k t)) t
m = s i i
b = s (k s) k
c = s (s (k s) (s (k k) s)) (k k)
id = (\a : a)
id = \a : a
pair = t
if = (\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)
if = \cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond
y = ((\mut wait fun : wait mut (\x : fun (wait mut x)))
(\x : x x)
(\a0 a1 a2 : t (t a0) (t t a2) a1))
triage = (\leaf stem fork : t (t leaf stem) fork)
triage = \leaf stem fork : t (t leaf stem) fork
test = triage "Leaf" (\_ : "Stem") (\_ _ : "Fork")
matchBool = (\ot of : triage
@ -24,17 +24,9 @@ matchBool = (\ot of : triage
(\_ _ : ot)
matchList = (\oe oc : triage
matchList = \a b : triage a _ b
matchPair = (\op : triage
matchPair = \a : triage _ _ a
not? = matchBool false true
and? = matchBool id (\_ : false)
@ -50,20 +42,18 @@ lconcat = y (\self : matchList
lAnd = (triage
(\_ : false)
(\_ x : x)
(\_ _ x : x)
(\_ _ x : x))
lOr = (triage
(\x : x)
(\_ _ : true)
(\_ _ _ : true)
(\_ _ _ : true))
map_ = y (\self :
(\_ : t)
(\head tail f : pair (f head) (self tail f)))
map = (\f l : map_ l f)
map = \f l : map_ l f
equal? = y (\self : triage
@ -84,10 +74,10 @@ equal? = y (\self : triage
filter_ = y (\self : matchList
(\_ : t)
(\head tail f : matchBool (t head) i (f head) (self tail f)))
filter = (\f l : filter_ l f)
filter = \f l : filter_ l f
foldl_ = y (\self f l x : matchList (\acc : acc) (\head tail acc : self f tail (f acc head)) l x)
foldl = (\f x l : foldl_ f l x)
foldl = \f x l : foldl_ f l x
foldr_ = y (\self x f l : matchList x (\head tail : f (self x f tail) head) l)
foldr = (\f x l : foldr_ x f l)
foldr = \f x l : foldr_ x f l
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ evalAST env term
(errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " not defined")
name env
-- Chapter 4: Lambda-Abstraction
elimLambda :: TricuAST -> TricuAST
elimLambda = go
@ -68,9 +66,9 @@ elimLambda = go
triageBody =
(SApp (SApp TLeaf (SApp (SApp TLeaf (SVar a)) (SVar b))) (SVar c))
-- Compose optimization
-- Composition optimization
go (SLambda [f] (SLambda [g] (SLambda [x] body)))
| body == composeBody = _COMPOSE
| body == composeBody = _COMPOSE
composeBody = SApp (SVar f) (SApp (SVar g) (SVar x))
-- General elimination
@ -85,13 +85,10 @@ scnParserM :: ParserM ()
scnParserM = skipMany $ do
t <- lookAhead anySingle
st <- get
if | (parenDepth st > 0 || bracketDepth st > 0) && case t of
LNewline -> True
_ -> False -> void $ satisfyM $ \case
LNewline -> True
_ -> False
| otherwise -> fail "In nested context or no space token" <|> empty
if | (parenDepth st > 0 || bracketDepth st > 0) && (t == LNewline) ->
void $ satisfyM (== LNewline)
| otherwise ->
fail "In nested context or no space token" <|> empty
eofM :: ParserM ()
eofM = lift eof
@ -109,32 +106,23 @@ parseExpressionM = choice
parseFunctionM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseFunctionM = do
LIdentifier name <- satisfyM $ \case
LIdentifier _ -> True
_ -> False
args <- many $ satisfyM $ \case
LIdentifier _ -> True
_ -> False
let ident = (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False)
LIdentifier name <- satisfyM ident
args <- many $ satisfyM ident
_ <- satisfyM (== LAssign)
body <- parseExpressionM
pure (SFunc name (map getIdentifier args) body)
parseLambdaM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseLambdaM =
between (satisfyM (== LOpenParen)) (satisfyM (== LCloseParen)) $ do
_ <- satisfyM (== LBackslash)
param <- satisfyM $ \case
LIdentifier _ -> True
_ -> False
rest <- many $ satisfyM $ \case
LIdentifier _ -> True
_ -> False
_ <- satisfyM (== LColon)
body <- parseLambdaExpressionM
let nested = foldr (\v acc -> SLambda [getIdentifier v] acc) body rest
pure (SLambda [getIdentifier param] nested)
parseLambdaM = do
let ident = (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False)
_ <- satisfyM (== LBackslash)
params <- some (satisfyM ident)
_ <- satisfyM (== LColon)
body <- parseLambdaExpressionM
pure $ foldr (\param acc -> SLambda [getIdentifier param] acc) body params
parseLambdaExpressionM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseLambdaExpressionM = choice
@ -180,9 +168,8 @@ parseAtomicBaseM = choice
parseTreeLeafM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseTreeLeafM = do
_ <- satisfyM $ \case
LKeywordT -> True
_ -> False
let keyword = (\case LKeywordT -> True; _ -> False)
_ <- satisfyM keyword
notFollowedBy $ lift $ satisfy (== LAssign)
pure TLeaf
@ -248,37 +235,38 @@ parseGroupedItemM = do
parseSingleItemM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseSingleItemM = do
token <- satisfyM $ \case
LIdentifier _ -> True
LKeywordT -> True
_ -> False
case token of
LIdentifier name -> pure (SVar name)
LKeywordT -> pure TLeaf
_ -> fail "Unexpected token in list item"
token <- satisfyM (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; LKeywordT -> True; _ -> False)
if | LIdentifier name <- token -> pure (SVar name)
| token == LKeywordT -> pure TLeaf
| otherwise -> fail "Unexpected token in list item"
parseVarM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseVarM = do
LIdentifier name <- satisfyM $ \case
LIdentifier _ -> True
_ -> False
if name == "t" || name == "__result"
then fail ("Reserved keyword: " ++ name ++ " cannot be assigned.")
else pure (SVar name)
satisfyM (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False) >>= \case
LIdentifier name
| name == "t" || name == "__result" ->
fail ("Reserved keyword: " ++ name ++ " cannot be assigned.")
| otherwise ->
pure (SVar name)
_ -> fail "Unexpected token while parsing variable"
parseIntLiteralM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseIntLiteralM = do
LIntegerLiteral value <- satisfyM $ \case
LIntegerLiteral _ -> True
_ -> False
pure (SInt value)
let intL = (\case LIntegerLiteral _ -> True; _ -> False)
token <- satisfyM intL
if | LIntegerLiteral value <- token ->
pure (SInt value)
| otherwise ->
fail "Unexpected token while parsing integer literal"
parseStrLiteralM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseStrLiteralM = do
LStringLiteral value <- satisfyM $ \case
LStringLiteral _ -> True
_ -> False
pure (SStr value)
let strL = (\case LStringLiteral _ -> True; _ -> False)
token <- satisfyM strL
if | LStringLiteral value <- token ->
pure (SStr value)
| otherwise ->
fail "Unexpected token while parsing string literal"
getIdentifier :: LToken -> String
getIdentifier (LIdentifier name) = name
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
name: tricu
version: 0.7.0
version: 0.9.0
description: A micro-language for exploring Tree Calculus
author: James Eversole
Reference in New Issue
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