Resolves issue with parsing comments #2

James wants to merge 0 commits from fix/comments-0001 into main
45 changed files with 760 additions and 1958 deletions

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
name: Test, Build, and Release
- '*'
username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Set up cache for Cabal
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: cabal-${{ hashFiles('tricu.cabal') }}
restore-keys: |
- name: Initialize Cabal and update package list
run: |
nix develop --command cabal update
- name: Run test suite
run: |
nix develop --command cabal test
needs: test
username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Build and shrink binary
run: |
nix build
cp -L ./result/bin/tricu ./tricu
chmod 755 ./tricu
nix develop --command upx ./tricu
- name: Release binary
uses: akkuman/gitea-release-action@v1
files: |-
token: '${{ secrets.RELEASE_TOKEN }}'
body: '${{ gitea.event.head_commit.message }}'
prerelease: true

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,12 +1,14 @@

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@ -2,104 +2,61 @@
## Introduction
tricu (pronounced "tree-shoe") is a purely functional interpreted language implemented in Haskell. It is fundamentally based on the application of [Tree Calculus]( terms, but minimal syntax sugar is included to provide a useful programming tool.
tricu (pronounced like "tree-shoe" in English) is a purely functional interpreted language implemented in Haskell. [I'm]( developing tricu to further research the possibilities offered by the various forms of [Tree Calculi](
*tricu is under active development and you should expect breaking changes with every commit.*
tricu offers minimal syntax sugar yet manages to provide a complete, intuitive, and familiar programming environment. There is great power in simplicity. tricu offers:
tricu is the word for "tree" in Lojban: `(x1) is a tree of species/cultivar (x2)`.
1. `t` operator behaving by the rules of Tree Calculus
1. Function definitions/assignments
1. Lambda abstractions eliminated to Tree Calculus forms
1. List, Number, and String literals
1. Parentheses for grouping function application
## Features
These features move us cleanly out of the [turing tarpit]( territory that you may find yourself in if you try working only with the `t` operator.
- Tree Calculus operator: `t`
- Assignments: `x = t t`
- Immutable definitions
- Lambda abstraction syntax: `id = (\a : a)`
- List, Number, and String literals: `[(2) ("Hello")]`
- Function application: `not (not false)`
- Higher order/first-class functions: `map (\a : append a "!") [("Hello")]`
- Intensionality blurs the distinction between functions and data (see REPL examples)
- Simple module system for code organization
tricu is the word for "tree" in Lojban: `(x1) is a tree of species/cultivar (x2)`. This project was named "sapling" until I discovered the name is already being used for other (completely unrelated) programming language development projects.
## REPL examples
## What does it look like?
tricu < -- Anything after `--` on a single line is a comment
tricu < id = (\a : a) -- Lambda abstraction is eliminated to tree calculus terms
tricu < head (map (\i : append i " world!") [("Hello, ")])
tricu > "Hello, world!"
tricu < id (head (map (\i : append i " world!") [("Hello, ")]))
tricu > "Hello, world!"
-- Anything after `--` on a single line is a comment
-- We can define functions or "variables" as Tree Calculus values
false = t
_ = t
true = t t
-- We can define functions as lambda expressions that are eliminated to Tree
-- Calculus terms.
id = (\a : a) -- `id` evaluates to the TC form of: t (t (t t)) t
triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
-- Intensionality! We can inspect program structure, not just inputs/outputs:
test = triage "Leaf" (\_ : "Stem") (\_ _ : "Fork")
tricu < -- Intensionality! We can inspect the structure of a function or data.
tricu < triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
tricu < test = triage "Leaf" (\z : "Stem") (\a b : "Fork")
-- `tricu <` is the input prompt
-- `tricu >` is the Tree Calculus form output. Most are elided below.
-- `READ -:` is an attempt to interpret the TC output as strings/numbers.
tricu < test t
tricu > Fork (Fork Leaf (Fork ...) ... )
READ -: "Leaf"
tricu < test (t t)
tricu > "Stem"
tricu < -- We can even convert a term back to source code (/demos/toSource.tri)
tricu < toSource not?
tricu > "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"
tricu < -- or calculate its size (/demos/size.tri)
tricu < size not?
tricu > 12
tricu < -- REPL Commands:
tricu < !definitions -- Lists all available definitions
tricu < !output -- Change output format (Tree, FSL, AST, etc.)
tricu < !import -- Import definitions from a file
tricu < !exit -- Exit the REPL
tricu < !clear -- ANSI screen clear
tricu < !save -- Save all REPL definitions to a file that you can !import
tricu < !reset -- Clear all REPL definitions
tricu < !version -- Print tricu version
READ -: "Stem"
tricu < test (t t t)
READ -: "Fork"
tricu < map (\i : listConcat i " is super cool!") [("Tree Calculus") ("Intensionality") ("tricu")]
READ -: ["Tree Calculus is super cool!", "Intensionality is super cool!", "tricu is super cool!"]
## Installation and Use
## Installation
You can easily build and run this project using [Nix](
You can easily build and/or run this project using [Nix](
- Quick Start (REPL):
- Run REPL immediately:
- `nix run git+`
- Build executable in `./result/bin`:
- Build REPL executable in `./result/bin`:
- `nix build git+`
`./result/bin/tricu --help`
tricu Evaluator and REPL
tricu [COMMAND] ... [OPTIONS]
tricu: Exploring Tree Calculus
Common flags:
-? --help Display help message
-V --version Print version information
tricu [repl] [OPTIONS]
Start interactive REPL
tricu eval [OPTIONS]
Evaluate tricu and return the result of the final expression.
-f --file=FILE Input file path(s) for evaluation.
Defaults to stdin.
-t --form=FORM Optional output form: (tree|fsl|ast|ternary|ascii|decode).
Defaults to tricu-compatible `t` tree form.
tricu decode [OPTIONS]
Decode a Tree Calculus value into a string representation.
-f --file=FILE Optional input file path to attempt decoding.
Defaults to stdin.
## Collaborating
I am happy to accept issue reports, pull requests, or questions about tricu [via email](
If you want to collaborate but don't want to email back-and-forth, please reach out via email once to let me know and I will provision a account for you.
## Acknowledgements
Tree Calculus was discovered by [Barry Jay](
[]( is an excellent website with an intuitive Tree Calculus code playground created by [Johannes Bader]( that introduced me to Tree Calculus.
[]( is an excellent website with an intuitive playground created by [Johannes Bader]( that introduced me to Tree Calculus. If tricu sounds interesting but compiling this repo sounds like a hassle, you should check out his site.

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
!import "../lib/base.tri" !Local
!import "../lib/list.tri" !Local
main = lambdaEqualsTC
-- We represent `false` with a Leaf and `true` with a Stem Leaf
demo_false = t
demo_true = t t
-- Tree Calculus representation of the Boolean `not` function
not_TC? = t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t))
-- /demos/toSource.tri contains an explanation of `triage`
demo_triage = \a b c : t (t a b) c
demo_matchBool = (\ot of : demo_triage
(\_ : ot)
(\_ _ : ot)
-- Lambda representation of the Boolean `not` function
not_Lambda? = demo_matchBool demo_false demo_true
-- Since tricu eliminates Lambda terms to SKI combinators, the tree form of many
-- functions defined via Lambda terms are larger than the most efficient TC
-- representation. Between different languages that evaluate to tree calculus
-- terms, the exact implementation of Lambda elimination may differ and lead
-- to different tree representations even if they share extensional behavior.
-- Let's see if these are the same:
lambdaEqualsTC = equal? not_TC? not_Lambda?
-- Here are some checks to verify their extensional behavior is the same:
true_TC? = not_TC? demo_false
false_TC? = not_TC? demo_true
true_Lambda? = not_Lambda? demo_false
false_Lambda? = not_Lambda? demo_true
bothTrueEqual? = equal? true_TC? true_Lambda?
bothFalseEqual? = equal? false_TC? false_Lambda?

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
!import "../lib/base.tri" Lib
!import "../lib/list.tri" !Local
main = exampleTwo
-- Level Order Traversal of a labelled binary tree
-- Objective: Print each "level" of the tree on a separate line
-- We model labelled binary trees as nested lists where values act as labels. We
-- require explicit notation of empty nodes. Empty nodes can be represented
-- with an empty list, `[]`, which evaluates to a single node `t`.
-- Example tree inputs:
-- [("1") [("2") [("4") t t] t] [("3") [("5") t t] [("6") t t]]]]
-- Graph:
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- / / \
-- 4 5 6
label = \node : head node
left = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
(if (emptyList? (tail node))
(head (tail node))))
right = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
(if (emptyList? (tail node))
(if (emptyList? (tail (tail node)))
(head (tail (tail node))))))
processLevel = y (\self queue : if (emptyList? queue)
(pair (map label queue) (self (filter
(\node : not? (emptyList? node))
(append (map left queue) (map right queue))))))
levelOrderTraversal_ = \a : processLevel (t a t)
toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList? levels)
(append (map (\x : append x " ") (head levels)) "")
(if (emptyList? (tail levels)) "" (append (t (t 10 t) t) (self (tail levels))))))
levelOrderToString = \s : toLineString (levelOrderTraversal_ s)
flatten = foldl (\acc x : append acc x) ""
levelOrderTraversal = \s : append (t 10 t) (flatten (levelOrderToString s))
exampleOne = levelOrderTraversal [("1")
[("2") [("4") t t] t]
[("3") [("5") t t] [("6") t t]]]
exampleTwo = levelOrderTraversal [("1")
[("2") [("4") [("8") t t] [("9") t t]]
[("6") [("10") t t] [("12") t t]]]
[("3") [("5") [("11") t t] t] [("7") t t]]]

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
!import "../lib/base.tri" !Local
!import "../lib/list.tri" !Local
main = size size
size = (\x :
(y (\self x :
compose succ
(\x : x)
(\x y : compose (self x) (self y))
x)) x 0))

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
!import "../lib/base.tri" !Local
!import "../lib/list.tri" !Local
main = toSource not?
-- Thanks to intensionality, we can inspect the structure of a given value
-- even if it's a function. This includes lambdas which are eliminated to
-- Tree Calculus (TC) terms during evaluation.
-- `triage` takes four arguments: the first three represent behaviors for each
-- structural case in Tree Calculus (Leaf, Stem, and Fork).
-- The fourth argument is the value whose structure is inspected. By evaluating
-- the Tree Calculus term, `triage` enables branching logic based on the term's
-- shape, making it possible to perform structure-specific operations such as
-- reconstructing the terms' source code representation.
-- triage = (\leaf stem fork : t (t leaf stem) fork)
-- Base case of a single Leaf
sourceLeaf = t (head "t")
-- Stem case
sourceStem = (\convert : (\a rest :
t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the argument.
(t (head ")") rest)))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
-- Fork case
sourceFork = (\convert : (\a b rest :
t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the first arg.
(t (head " ") -- Add another space.
(convert b -- Recursively convert the second arg.
(t (head ")") rest)))))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
-- Wrapper around triage
toSource_ = y (\self arg :
sourceLeaf -- `triage` "a" case, Leaf
(sourceStem self) -- `triage` "b" case, Stem
(sourceFork self) -- `triage` "c" case, Fork
arg) -- The term to be inspected
-- toSource takes a single TC term and returns a String
toSource = \v : toSource_ v ""
exampleOne = toSource true -- OUT: "(t t)"
exampleTwo = toSource not? -- OUT: "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"

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@ -32,12 +32,10 @@
defaultPackage = self.packages.${system}.default;
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
buildInputs = with pkgs.haskellPackages; [
inputsFrom = builtins.attrValues self.packages.${system};

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@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
false = t
_ = t
true = t t
id = \a : a
const = \a b : a
pair = t
if = \cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond
y = ((\mut wait fun : wait mut (\x : fun (wait mut x)))
(\x : x x)
(\a0 a1 a2 : t (t a0) (t t a2) a1))
compose = \f g x : f (g x)
triage = \leaf stem fork : t (t leaf stem) fork
test = triage "Leaf" (\_ : "Stem") (\_ _ : "Fork")
matchBool = (\ot of : triage
(\_ : ot)
(\_ _ : ot)
lAnd = (triage
(\_ : false)
(\_ x : x)
(\_ _ x : x))
lOr = (triage
(\x : x)
(\_ _ : true)
(\_ _ _ : true))
matchPair = \a : triage _ _ a
not? = matchBool false true
and? = matchBool id (\_ : false)
or? = (\x z :
(matchBool true true z)
(matchBool true false z)
xor? = (\x z :
(matchBool false true z)
(matchBool true false z)
equal? = y (\self : triage
(\_ : false)
(\_ _ : false))
(\ax :
(self ax)
(\_ _ : false))
(\ax ay :
(\_ : false)
(\bx by : lAnd (self ax bx) (self ay by))))
succ = y (\self :
(t (t t))
(\_ tail : t t (self tail))

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@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
!import "base.tri" !Local
matchList = \a b : triage a _ b
emptyList? = matchList true (\_ _ : false)
head = matchList t (\head _ : head)
tail = matchList t (\_ tail : tail)
append = y (\self : matchList
(\k : k)
(\h r k : pair h (self r k)))
lExist? = y (\self x : matchList
(\h z : or? (equal? x h) (self x z)))
map_ = y (\self :
(\_ : t)
(\head tail f : pair (f head) (self tail f)))
map = \f l : map_ l f
filter_ = y (\self : matchList
(\_ : t)
(\head tail f : matchBool (t head) id (f head) (self tail f)))
filter = \f l : filter_ l f
foldl_ = y (\self f l x : matchList (\acc : acc) (\head tail acc : self f tail (f acc head)) l x)
foldl = \f x l : foldl_ f l x
foldr_ = y (\self x f l : matchList x (\head tail : f (self x f tail) head) l)
foldr = \f x l : foldr_ x f l
length = y (\self : matchList
(\_ tail : succ (self tail)))
reverse = y (\self : matchList
(\head tail : append (self tail) (pair head t)))
snoc = y (\self x : matchList
(pair x t)
(\h z : pair h (self x z)))
count = y (\self x : matchList
(\h z : matchBool
(succ (self x z))
(self x z)
(equal? x h)))
last = y (\self : matchList
(\hd tl : matchBool
(self tl)
(emptyList? tl)))
all? = y (\self pred : matchList
(\h z : and? (pred h) (self pred z)))
any? = y (\self pred : matchList
(\h z : or? (pred h) (self pred z)))
intersect = \xs ys : filter (\x : lExist? x ys) xs

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
!import "list.tri" !Local
match_ = y (\self value patterns :
(\_ : t)
(\pattern rest :
(\_ : t)
(\test result :
if (test value)
(result value)
(self value rest))
match = (\value patterns :
match_ value (map (\sublist :
pair (head sublist) (head (tail sublist)))
otherwise = const (t t)
matchExample = (\x : match x
[[(equal? 1) (\_ : "one")]
[(equal? 2) (\_ : "two")]
[(equal? 3) (\_ : "three")]
[(equal? 4) (\_ : "four")]
[(equal? 5) (\_ : "five")]
[(equal? 6) (\_ : "six")]
[(equal? 7) (\_ : "seven")]
[(equal? 8) (\_ : "eight")]
[(equal? 9) (\_ : "nine")]
[(equal? 10) (\_ : "ten")]
[ otherwise (\_ : "I ran out of fingers!")]])

shell.nix Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
let x = pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (hpkgs: with hpkgs; [
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ x ];

View File

@ -3,195 +3,119 @@ module Eval where
import Parser
import Research
import Data.List (partition, (\\))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
evalSingle :: Env -> TricuAST -> Env
evalSingle env term
| SDef name [] body <- term
= case Map.lookup name env of
Just existingValue
| existingValue == evalAST env body -> env
| otherwise -> errorWithoutStackTrace $
"Unable to rebind immutable identifier: " ++ name
Nothing ->
let res = evalAST env body
in Map.insert "!result" res (Map.insert name res env)
| SApp func arg <- term
= let res = apply (evalAST env func) (evalAST env arg)
in Map.insert "!result" res env
| SVar name <- term
= case Map.lookup name env of
Just v -> Map.insert "!result" v env
Nothing ->
errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Variable `" ++ name ++ "` not defined\n\
\This error should never occur here. Please report this as an issue."
| otherwise
= Map.insert "!result" (evalAST env term) env
evalSingle :: Map String T -> TricuAST -> Map String T
evalSingle env term = case term of
SFunc name [] body ->
let lineNoLambda = eliminateLambda body
result = evalAST env lineNoLambda
in Map.insert name result env
SLambda _ body ->
let result = evalAST env body
in Map.insert "__result" result env
SApp func arg ->
let result = apply (evalAST env $ eliminateLambda func) (evalAST env $ eliminateLambda arg)
in Map.insert "__result" result env
SVar name ->
case Map.lookup name env of
Just value -> Map.insert "__result" value env
Nothing -> error $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " not defined"
_ ->
let result = evalAST env term
in Map.insert "__result" result env
evalTricu :: Env -> [TricuAST] -> Env
evalTricu env x = go env (reorderDefs env x)
go env [] = env
go env [x] =
let updatedEnv = evalSingle env x
in Map.insert "!result" (result updatedEnv) updatedEnv
go env (x:xs) =
evalTricu (evalSingle env x) xs
evalTricu :: Map String T -> [TricuAST] -> Map String T
evalTricu env [] = env
evalTricu env [lastLine] =
let lastLineNoLambda = eliminateLambda lastLine
updatedEnv = evalSingle env lastLineNoLambda
in Map.insert "__result" (result updatedEnv) updatedEnv
evalTricu env (line:rest) =
let lineNoLambda = eliminateLambda line
updatedEnv = evalSingle env lineNoLambda
in evalTricu updatedEnv rest
evalAST :: Env -> TricuAST -> T
evalAST env term
| SLambda _ _ <- term = evalAST env (elimLambda term)
| SVar name <- term = evalVar name
| TLeaf <- term = Leaf
| TStem t <- term = Stem (evalAST env t)
| TFork t u <- term = Fork (evalAST env t) (evalAST env u)
| SApp t u <- term = apply (evalAST env t) (evalAST env u)
| SStr s <- term = ofString s
| SInt n <- term = ofNumber n
| SList xs <- term = ofList (map (evalAST env) xs)
| SEmpty <- term = Leaf
| otherwise = errorWithoutStackTrace "Unexpected AST term"
evalVar name = Map.findWithDefault
(errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " not defined")
name env
evalAST :: Map String T -> TricuAST -> T
evalAST env term = case term of
SVar name -> case Map.lookup name env of
Just value -> value
Nothing -> error $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " not defined"
TLeaf -> Leaf
TStem t -> Stem (evalAST env t)
TFork t1 t2 -> Fork (evalAST env t1) (evalAST env t2)
SApp t1 t2 -> apply (evalAST env t1) (evalAST env t2)
SStr str -> ofString str
SInt num -> ofNumber num
SList elems -> ofList (map (evalAST Map.empty) elems)
SEmpty -> Leaf
SFunc name args body ->
error $ "Unexpected function definition " ++ name
++ " in evalAST; define via evalSingle."
SLambda {} -> error "Internal error: SLambda found in evalAST after elimination."
elimLambda :: TricuAST -> TricuAST
elimLambda = go
-- η-reduction
go (SLambda [v] (SApp f (SVar x)))
| v == x && not (isFree v f) = elimLambda f
-- Triage optimization
go (SLambda [a] (SLambda [b] (SLambda [c] body)))
| body == triageBody = _TRIAGE
triageBody =
SApp (SApp TLeaf (SApp (SApp TLeaf (SVar a)) (SVar b))) (SVar c)
-- Composition optimization
go (SLambda [f] (SLambda [g] (SLambda [x] body)))
| body == SApp (SVar f) (SApp (SVar g) (SVar x)) = _B
-- General elimination
go (SLambda [v] (SList xs))
= elimLambda (SLambda [v] (foldr wrapTLeaf TLeaf xs))
where wrapTLeaf m r = SApp (SApp TLeaf m) r
go (SLambda (v:vs) body)
| null vs = toSKI v (elimLambda body)
| otherwise = elimLambda (SLambda [v] (SLambda vs body))
go (SApp f g) = SApp (elimLambda f) (elimLambda g)
go x = x
eliminateLambda :: TricuAST -> TricuAST
eliminateLambda (SLambda (v:vs) body)
| null vs = lambdaToT v (eliminateLambda body)
| otherwise = eliminateLambda (SLambda [v] (SLambda vs body))
eliminateLambda (SApp f arg) = SApp (eliminateLambda f) (eliminateLambda arg)
eliminateLambda (TStem t) = TStem (eliminateLambda t)
eliminateLambda (TFork l r) = TFork (eliminateLambda l) (eliminateLambda r)
eliminateLambda (SList xs) = SList (map eliminateLambda xs)
eliminateLambda other = other
toSKI x (SVar y)
| x == y = _I
| otherwise = SApp _K (SVar y)
toSKI x t@(SApp n u)
| not (isFree x t) = SApp _K t
| otherwise = SApp (SApp _S (toSKI x n)) (toSKI x u)
toSKI x t
| not (isFree x t) = SApp _K t
| otherwise = errorWithoutStackTrace "Unhandled toSKI conversion"
-- Chapter 4: Lambda-Abstraction
lambdaToT :: String -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
lambdaToT x (SVar y)
| x == y = tI
lambdaToT x (SVar y)
| x /= y = SApp tK (SVar y)
lambdaToT x t
| not (isFree x t) = SApp tK t
lambdaToT x (SApp n u)
| not (isFree x (SApp n u)) = SApp tK (SApp (eliminateLambda n) (eliminateLambda u))
lambdaToT x (SApp n u) = SApp (SApp tS (lambdaToT x (eliminateLambda n))) (lambdaToT x (eliminateLambda u))
lambdaToT x body
| not (isFree x body) = SApp tK body
| otherwise = SApp (SApp tS (lambdaToT x body)) TLeaf
_S = parseSingle "t (t (t t t)) t"
_K = parseSingle "t t"
_I = parseSingle "t (t (t t)) t"
_B = parseSingle "t (t (t t (t (t (t t t)) t))) (t t)"
_TRIAGE = parseSingle "t (t (t t (t (t (t t t))))) t"
freeVars :: TricuAST -> Set.Set String
freeVars (SVar v) = Set.singleton v
freeVars (SInt _) = Set.empty
freeVars (SStr _) = Set.empty
freeVars (SList xs) = foldMap freeVars xs
freeVars (SApp f arg) = freeVars f <> freeVars arg
freeVars TLeaf = Set.empty
freeVars (SFunc _ _ b) = freeVars b
freeVars (TStem t) = freeVars t
freeVars (TFork l r) = freeVars l <> freeVars r
freeVars (SLambda vs b) = foldr Set.delete (freeVars b) vs
isFree :: String -> TricuAST -> Bool
isFree x = Set.member x . freeVars
freeVars :: TricuAST -> Set.Set String
freeVars (SVar v ) = Set.singleton v
freeVars (SInt _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SStr _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SList s ) = foldMap freeVars s
freeVars (SApp f a ) = freeVars f <> freeVars a
freeVars TLeaf = Set.empty
freeVars (SDef _ _ b) = freeVars b
freeVars (TStem t ) = freeVars t
freeVars (TFork l r ) = freeVars l <> freeVars r
freeVars (SLambda v b ) = foldr Set.delete (freeVars b) v
freeVars _ = Set.empty
toAST :: T -> TricuAST
toAST Leaf = TLeaf
toAST (Stem a) = TStem (toAST a)
toAST (Fork a b) = TFork (toAST a) (toAST b)
reorderDefs :: Env -> [TricuAST] -> [TricuAST]
reorderDefs env defs
| not (null missingDeps) =
errorWithoutStackTrace $
"Missing dependencies detected: " ++ show missingDeps
| otherwise = orderedDefs ++ others
(defsOnly, others) = partition isDef defs
defNames = [ name | SDef name _ _ <- defsOnly ]
-- We need the SKI operators in an unevaluated TricuAST tree form so that we
-- can keep the evaluation functions straightforward
tI :: TricuAST
tI = SApp (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf TLeaf))) TLeaf
defsWithFreeVars = [(def, freeVars body) | def@(SDef _ _ body) <- defsOnly]
tK :: TricuAST
tK = SApp TLeaf TLeaf
graph = buildDepGraph defsOnly
sortedDefs = sortDeps graph
defMap = Map.fromList [(name, def) | def@(SDef name _ _) <- defsOnly]
orderedDefs = map (\name -> defMap Map.! name) sortedDefs
tS :: TricuAST
tS = SApp (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf (SApp (SApp TLeaf TLeaf) TLeaf))) TLeaf
freeVarsDefs = foldMap snd defsWithFreeVars
freeVarsOthers = foldMap freeVars others
allFreeVars = freeVarsDefs <> freeVarsOthers
validNames = Set.fromList defNames `Set.union` Set.fromList (Map.keys env)
missingDeps = Set.toList (allFreeVars `Set.difference` validNames)
isDef (SDef _ _ _) = True
isDef _ = False
buildDepGraph :: [TricuAST] -> Map.Map String (Set.Set String)
buildDepGraph topDefs
| not (null conflictingDefs) =
errorWithoutStackTrace $
"Conflicting definitions detected: " ++ show conflictingDefs
| otherwise =
[ (name, depends topDefs (SDef name [] body))
| SDef name _ body <- topDefs]
defsMap = Map.fromListWith (++)
[(name, [(name, body)]) | SDef name _ body <- topDefs]
conflictingDefs =
[ name
| (name, defs) <- Map.toList defsMap
, let bodies = map snd defs
, not $ all (== head bodies) (tail bodies)
sortDeps :: Map.Map String (Set.Set String) -> [String]
sortDeps graph = go [] Set.empty (Map.keys graph)
go sorted sortedSet [] = sorted
go sorted sortedSet remaining =
let ready = [ name | name <- remaining
, let deps = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty name graph
, Set.isSubsetOf deps sortedSet ]
notReady = remaining \\ ready
in if null ready
then errorWithoutStackTrace
"ERROR: Cyclic dependency detected and prohibited.\n\
\RESOLVE: Use nested lambdas."
else go (sorted ++ ready)
(Set.union sortedSet (Set.fromList ready))
depends :: [TricuAST] -> TricuAST -> Set.Set String
depends topDefs (SDef _ _ body) =
(Set.fromList [n | SDef n _ _ <- topDefs])
(freeVars body)
depends _ _ = Set.empty
result :: Env -> T
result r = case Map.lookup "!result" r of
Just a -> a
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace "No !result field found in provided env"
mainResult :: Env -> T
mainResult r = case Map.lookup "main" r of
Just a -> a
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace "No valid definition for `main` found."
result :: Map String T -> T
result r = case Map.lookup "__result" r of
Just a -> a
Nothing -> error "No __result field found in provided environment"

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
module FileEval where
import Eval
import Lexer
import Parser
import Research
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import System.IO
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, normalise, (</>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
extractMain :: Env -> Either String T
extractMain env =
case Map.lookup "main" env of
Just result -> Right result
Nothing -> Left "No `main` function detected"
processImports :: Set.Set FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [TricuAST]
-> Either String ([TricuAST], [(FilePath, String, FilePath)])
processImports seen base currentPath asts =
let (imports, nonImports) = partition isImp asts
importPaths = mapMaybe getImportInfo imports
in if currentPath `Set.member` seen
then Left $ "Encountered cyclic import: " ++ currentPath
else Right (nonImports, importPaths)
isImp (SImport _ _) = True
isImp _ = False
getImportInfo (SImport p n) = Just (p, n, makeRelativeTo currentPath p)
getImportInfo _ = Nothing
evaluateFileResult :: FilePath -> IO T
evaluateFileResult filePath = do
contents <- readFile filePath
let tokens = lexTricu contents
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right ast -> do
processedAst <- preprocessFile filePath
let finalEnv = evalTricu Map.empty processedAst
case extractMain finalEnv of
Right result -> return result
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace err
evaluateFile :: FilePath -> IO Env
evaluateFile filePath = do
contents <- readFile filePath
let tokens = lexTricu contents
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right ast -> do
ast <- preprocessFile filePath
pure $ evalTricu Map.empty ast
evaluateFileWithContext :: Env -> FilePath -> IO Env
evaluateFileWithContext env filePath = do
contents <- readFile filePath
let tokens = lexTricu contents
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right ast -> do
ast <- preprocessFile filePath
pure $ evalTricu env ast
preprocessFile :: FilePath -> IO [TricuAST]
preprocessFile p = preprocessFile' Set.empty p p
preprocessFile' :: Set.Set FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [TricuAST]
preprocessFile' seen base currentPath = do
contents <- readFile currentPath
let tokens = lexTricu contents
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right ast ->
case processImports seen base currentPath ast of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace err
Right (nonImports, importPaths) -> do
let seen' = Set.insert currentPath seen
imported <- concat <$> mapM (processImportPath seen' base) importPaths
pure $ imported ++ nonImports
processImportPath seen base (path, name, importPath) = do
ast <- preprocessFile' seen base importPath
pure $ map (nsDefinition (if name == "!Local" then "" else name))
$ filter (not . isImp) ast
isImp (SImport _ _) = True
isImp _ = False
makeRelativeTo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
makeRelativeTo f i =
let d = takeDirectory f
in normalise $ d </> i
nsDefinitions :: String -> [TricuAST] -> [TricuAST]
nsDefinitions moduleName = map (nsDefinition moduleName)
nsDefinition :: String -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
nsDefinition "" def = def
nsDefinition moduleName (SDef name args body)
| isPrefixed name = SDef name args (nsBody moduleName body)
| otherwise = SDef (nsVariable moduleName name)
args (nsBody moduleName body)
nsDefinition moduleName other =
nsBody moduleName other
nsBody :: String -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
nsBody moduleName (SVar name)
| isPrefixed name = SVar name
| otherwise = SVar (nsVariable moduleName name)
nsBody moduleName (SApp func arg) =
SApp (nsBody moduleName func) (nsBody moduleName arg)
nsBody moduleName (SLambda args body) =
SLambda args (nsBodyScoped moduleName args body)
nsBody moduleName (SList items) =
SList (map (nsBody moduleName) items)
nsBody moduleName (TFork left right) =
TFork (nsBody moduleName left) (nsBody moduleName right)
nsBody moduleName (TStem subtree) =
TStem (nsBody moduleName subtree)
nsBody moduleName (SDef name args body)
| isPrefixed name = SDef name args (nsBody moduleName body)
| otherwise = SDef (nsVariable moduleName name)
args (nsBody moduleName body)
nsBody _ other = other
nsBodyScoped :: String -> [String] -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
nsBodyScoped moduleName args body = case body of
SVar name ->
if name `elem` args
then SVar name
else nsBody moduleName (SVar name)
SApp func arg ->
SApp (nsBodyScoped moduleName args func) (nsBodyScoped moduleName args arg)
SLambda innerArgs innerBody ->
SLambda innerArgs (nsBodyScoped moduleName (args ++ innerArgs) innerBody)
SList items ->
SList (map (nsBodyScoped moduleName args) items)
TFork left right ->
TFork (nsBodyScoped moduleName args left)
(nsBodyScoped moduleName args right)
TStem subtree ->
TStem (nsBodyScoped moduleName args subtree)
SDef name innerArgs innerBody ->
SDef (nsVariable moduleName name) innerArgs
(nsBodyScoped moduleName (args ++ innerArgs) innerBody)
other -> other
isPrefixed :: String -> Bool
isPrefixed name = '.' `elem` name
nsVariable :: String -> String -> String
nsVariable "" name = name
nsVariable moduleName name = moduleName ++ "." ++ name

View File

@ -1,123 +1,42 @@
module Lexer where
import Research
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Void
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char hiding (space)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Void
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Lexer = Parsec Void String
tricuLexer :: Lexer [LToken]
tricuLexer = do
header <- many $ do
tok <- choice
[ try lImport
, lnewline
pure tok
tokens <- many $ do
tok <- choice tricuLexer'
pure tok
pure (header ++ tokens)
tricuLexer' =
[ try lnewline
, try namespace
, try dot
, try identifier
, try keywordT
, try integerLiteral
, try stringLiteral
, assign
, colon
, backslash
, openParen
, closeParen
, openBracket
, closeBracket
lexTricu :: String -> [LToken]
lexTricu input = case runParser tricuLexer "" input of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Lexical error:\n" ++ errorBundlePretty err
Right tokens -> tokens
data LToken
= LKeywordT
| LIdentifier String
| LIntegerLiteral Int
| LStringLiteral String
| LAssign
| LColon
| LBackslash
| LOpenParen
| LCloseParen
| LOpenBracket
| LCloseBracket
| LNewline
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
keywordT :: Lexer LToken
keywordT = string "t" *> notFollowedBy alphaNumChar $> LKeywordT
keywordT = string "t" *> notFollowedBy alphaNumChar *> pure LKeywordT
identifier :: Lexer LToken
identifier = do
first <- lowerChar <|> char '_'
rest <- many $ letterChar
<|> digitChar <|> char '_' <|> char '-' <|> char '?'
<|> char '$' <|> char '#' <|> char '@' <|> char '%'
let name = first : rest
if name == "t" || name == "!result"
then fail "Keywords (`t`, `!result`) cannot be used as an identifier"
name <- some (letterChar <|> char '_' <|> char '-')
if (name == "t" || name == "__result")
then fail "Keywords (`t`, `__result`) cannot be used as an identifier"
else return (LIdentifier name)
namespace :: Lexer LToken
namespace = do
name <- try (string "!Local") <|> do
first <- upperChar
rest <- many (letterChar <|> digitChar)
return (first:rest)
return (LNamespace name)
dot :: Lexer LToken
dot = char '.' $> LDot
lImport :: Lexer LToken
lImport = do
_ <- string "!import"
LStringLiteral path <- stringLiteral
LNamespace name <- namespace
return (LImport path name)
assign :: Lexer LToken
assign = char '=' $> LAssign
colon :: Lexer LToken
colon = char ':' $> LColon
backslash :: Lexer LToken
backslash = char '\\' $> LBackslash
openParen :: Lexer LToken
openParen = char '(' $> LOpenParen
closeParen :: Lexer LToken
closeParen = char ')' $> LCloseParen
openBracket :: Lexer LToken
openBracket = char '[' $> LOpenBracket
closeBracket :: Lexer LToken
closeBracket = char ']' $> LCloseBracket
lnewline :: Lexer LToken
lnewline = char '\n' $> LNewline
sc :: Lexer ()
sc = space
(void $ takeWhile1P (Just "space") (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
(skipLineComment "--")
(skipBlockComment "|-" "-|")
integerLiteral :: Lexer LToken
integerLiteral = do
num <- some digitChar
@ -127,6 +46,66 @@ stringLiteral :: Lexer LToken
stringLiteral = do
char '"'
content <- many (noneOf ['"'])
char '"' --"
return (LStringLiteral content)
if null content
then fail "Empty string literals are not allowed"
else do
char '"' --"
return (LStringLiteral content)
assign :: Lexer LToken
assign = char '=' *> pure LAssign
colon :: Lexer LToken
colon = char ':' *> pure LColon
backslash :: Lexer LToken
backslash = char '\\' *> pure LBackslash
openParen :: Lexer LToken
openParen = char '(' *> pure LOpenParen
closeParen :: Lexer LToken
closeParen = char ')' *> pure LCloseParen
openBracket :: Lexer LToken
openBracket = char '[' *> pure LOpenBracket
closeBracket :: Lexer LToken
closeBracket = char ']' *> pure LCloseBracket
lnewline :: Lexer LToken
lnewline = char '\n' *> pure LNewline
sc :: Lexer ()
sc = space space1 (skipLineComment "--") (skipBlockComment "|-" "-|")
tricuLexer :: Lexer [LToken]
tricuLexer = do
tokens <- many $ do
tok <- choice tricuLexer'
pure tok
pure tokens
tricuLexer' =
[ try identifier
, try keywordT
, try integerLiteral
, try stringLiteral
, assign
, colon
, backslash
, openParen
, closeParen
, openBracket
, closeBracket
lexTricu :: String -> [LToken]
lexTricu input = case runParser tricuLexer "" input of
Left err -> error $ "Lexical error:\n" ++ errorBundlePretty err
Right tokens -> tokens

src/Library.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module Library where
import Eval
import Parser
import Research
import qualified Data.Map as Map
library :: Map.Map String T
library = evalTricu Map.empty $ parseTricu $ unlines
[ "false = t"
, "true = t t"
, "_ = t"
, "k = t t"
, "i = t (t k) t"
, "s = t (t (k t)) t"
, "m = s i i"
, "b = s (k s) k"
, "c = s (s (k s) (s (k k) s)) (k k)"
, "iC = (\\a b c : s a (k c) b)"
, "iD = b (b iC) iC"
, "iE = b (b iD) iC"
, "yi = (\\i : b m (c b (i m)))"
, "y = yi iC"
, "yC = yi iD"
, "yD = yi iE"
, "id = (\\a : a)"
, "triage = (\\a b c : t (t a b) c)"
, "pair = t"
, "matchBool = (\\ot of : triage of (\\_ : ot) (\\_ _ : ot))"
, "matchList = (\\oe oc : triage oe _ oc)"
, "matchPair = (\\op : triage _ _ op)"
, "not = matchBool false true"
, "and = matchBool id (\\z : false)"
, "if = (\\cond then else : t (t else (t t then)) t cond)"
, "test = triage \"Leaf\" (\\z : \"Stem\") (\\a b : \"Fork\")"
, "emptyList = matchList true (\\y z : false)"
, "head = matchList t (\\hd tl : hd)"
, "tail = matchList t (\\hd tl : tl)"
, "listConcat = y (\\self : matchList (\\k : k) (\\h r k : pair h (self r k)))"
, "lAnd = triage (\\x : false) (\\_ x : x) (\\_ _ x : x)"
, "lOr = triage (\\x : x) (\\_ _ : true) (\\_ _ x : true)"
, "hmap = y (\\self : matchList (\\f : t) (\\hd tl f : pair (f hd) (self tl f)))"
, "map = (\\f l : hmap l f)"
, "equal = y (\\self : triage (triage true (\\z : false) (\\y z : false)) (\\ax : triage false (self ax) (\\y z : false)) (\\ax ay : triage false (\\z : false) (\\bx by : lAnd (self ax bx) (self ay by))))"

View File

@ -1,89 +1,22 @@
module Main where
import Eval (evalTricu, mainResult, result)
import FileEval
import Parser (parseTricu)
import REPL
import Research
import Eval (evalTricu, result)
import Library (library)
import Parser (parseTricu)
import REPL (repl)
import Research (T)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Text.Megaparsec (runParser)
import Paths_tricu (version)
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import Text.Megaparsec (runParser)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data TricuArgs
= Repl
| Evaluate { file :: [FilePath], form :: EvaluatedForm }
| TDecode { file :: [FilePath] }
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
replMode :: TricuArgs
replMode = Repl
&= help "Start interactive REPL"
&= auto
&= name "repl"
evaluateMode :: TricuArgs
evaluateMode = Evaluate
{ file = def &= help "Input file path(s) for evaluation.\n \
\ Defaults to stdin."
&= name "f" &= typ "FILE"
, form = TreeCalculus &= typ "FORM"
&= help "Optional output form: (tree|fsl|ast|ternary|ascii|decode).\n \
\ Defaults to tricu-compatible `t` tree form."
&= name "t"
&= help "Evaluate tricu and return the result of the final expression."
&= explicit
&= name "eval"
decodeMode :: TricuArgs
decodeMode = TDecode
{ file = def
&= help "Optional input file path to attempt decoding.\n \
\ Defaults to stdin."
&= name "f" &= typ "FILE"
&= help "Decode a Tree Calculus value into a string representation."
&= explicit
&= name "decode"
main :: IO ()
main = do
let versionStr = "tricu Evaluator and REPL " ++ showVersion version
args <- cmdArgs $ modes [replMode, evaluateMode, decodeMode]
&= help "tricu: Exploring Tree Calculus"
&= program "tricu"
&= summary versionStr
&= versionArg [explicit, name "version", summary versionStr]
case args of
Repl -> do
putStrLn "Welcome to the tricu REPL"
putStrLn "You can exit with `CTRL+D` or the `!exit` command.`"
repl Map.empty
Evaluate { file = filePaths, form = form } -> do
result <- case filePaths of
[] -> do
t <- getContents
pure $ runTricu t
(filePath:restFilePaths) -> do
initialEnv <- evaluateFile filePath
finalEnv <- foldM evaluateFileWithContext initialEnv restFilePaths
pure $ mainResult finalEnv
let fRes = formatResult form result
putStr fRes
TDecode { file = filePaths } -> do
value <- case filePaths of
[] -> getContents
(filePath:_) -> readFile filePath
putStrLn $ decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu Map.empty $ parseTricu value
putStrLn "Welcome to the tricu Interpreter"
putStrLn "You can exit at any time by typing and entering: "
putStrLn ":_exit"
repl library
runTricu :: String -> T
runTricu input =
let asts = parseTricu input
finalEnv = evalTricu Map.empty asts
in result finalEnv
runTricu s = result (evalTricu Map.empty $ parseTricu s)
runTricuEnv env s = result (evalTricu env $ parseTricu s)

View File

@ -1,312 +1,262 @@
module Parser where
import Lexer
import Research
import Research hiding (toList)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List.NonEmpty (toList)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (toList)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (ParseErrorBundle, errorBundlePretty)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (errorBundlePretty, ParseErrorBundle)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data PState = PState
{ parenDepth :: Int
, bracketDepth :: Int
} deriving (Show)
type Parser = Parsec Void [LToken]
type ParserM = StateT PState (Parsec Void [LToken])
satisfyM :: (LToken -> Bool) -> ParserM LToken
satisfyM f = do
token <- lift (satisfy f)
modify' (updateDepth token)
return token
updateDepth :: LToken -> PState -> PState
updateDepth LOpenParen st = st { parenDepth = parenDepth st + 1 }
updateDepth LOpenBracket st = st { bracketDepth = bracketDepth st + 1 }
updateDepth LCloseParen st = st { parenDepth = parenDepth st - 1 }
updateDepth LCloseBracket st = st { bracketDepth = bracketDepth st - 1 }
updateDepth _ st = st
topLevelNewline :: ParserM ()
topLevelNewline = do
st <- get
if parenDepth st == 0 && bracketDepth st == 0
then void (satisfyM (== LNewline))
else fail "Top-level exit in nested context (paren or bracket)"
parseProgram :: [LToken] -> Either (ParseErrorBundle [LToken] Void) [TricuAST]
parseProgram tokens =
runParser (evalStateT (parseProgramM <* finalizeDepth <* eof) (PState 0 0)) "" tokens
parseSingleExpr :: [LToken] -> Either (ParseErrorBundle [LToken] Void) TricuAST
parseSingleExpr tokens =
runParser (evalStateT (scnParserM *> parseExpressionM <* finalizeDepth <* eof) (PState 0 0)) "" tokens
finalizeDepth :: ParserM ()
finalizeDepth = do
st <- get
case (parenDepth st, bracketDepth st) of
(0, 0) -> pure ()
(p, b) -> fail $ "Unmatched tokens: " ++ show (p, b)
data TricuAST
= SVar String
| SInt Int
| SStr String
| SList [TricuAST]
| SFunc String [String] TricuAST
| SApp TricuAST TricuAST
| TLeaf
| TStem TricuAST
| TFork TricuAST TricuAST
| SLambda [String] TricuAST
| SEmpty
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
parseTricu :: String -> [TricuAST]
parseTricu input =
case lexTricu input of
[] -> []
toks ->
case parseProgram toks of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right asts -> asts
parseTricu input
| null tokens = []
| otherwise = map parseSingle tokens
tokens = case lexTricu input of
[] -> []
tokens -> lines input
parseSingle :: String -> TricuAST
parseSingle input =
case lexTricu input of
[] -> SEmpty
toks ->
case parseSingleExpr toks of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right ast -> ast
parseSingle input = case lexTricu input of
[] -> SEmpty
tokens -> case runParser parseExpression "" tokens of
Left err -> error $ handleParseError err
Right ast -> ast
parseProgramM :: ParserM [TricuAST]
parseProgramM = do
skipMany topLevelNewline
importNodes <- many (do
node <- parseImportM
skipMany topLevelNewline
return node)
skipMany topLevelNewline
exprs <- sepEndBy parseOneExpression (some topLevelNewline)
skipMany topLevelNewline
return (importNodes ++ exprs)
parseImportM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseImportM = do
LImport filePath moduleName <- satisfyM isImport
pure (SImport filePath moduleName)
isImport (LImport _ _) = True
isImport _ = False
parseOneExpression :: ParserM TricuAST
parseOneExpression = scnParserM *> parseExpressionM
scnParserM :: ParserM ()
scnParserM = skipMany $ do
t <- lookAhead anySingle
st <- get
if | (parenDepth st > 0 || bracketDepth st > 0) && (t == LNewline) ->
void $ satisfyM (== LNewline)
| otherwise ->
fail "In nested context or no space token" <|> empty
eofM :: ParserM ()
eofM = lift eof
parseExpressionM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseExpressionM = choice
[ try parseFunctionM
, try parseLambdaM
, try parseLambdaExpressionM
, try parseListLiteralM
, try parseApplicationM
, try parseTreeTermM
, parseLiteralM
parseExpression :: Parser TricuAST
parseExpression = choice
[ try parseFunction
, try parseLambda
, try parseLambdaExpression
, try parseListLiteral
, try parseApplication
, try parseTreeTerm
, parseLiteral
parseFunctionM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseFunctionM = do
let ident = (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False)
LIdentifier name <- satisfyM ident
args <- many $ satisfyM ident
_ <- satisfyM (== LAssign)
body <- parseExpressionM
pure (SDef name (map getIdentifier args) body)
scnParser :: Parser ()
scnParser = skipMany (satisfy isNewline)
parseLambdaM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseLambdaM = do
let ident = (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False)
_ <- satisfyM (== LBackslash)
params <- some (satisfyM ident)
_ <- satisfyM (== LColon)
body <- parseLambdaExpressionM
pure $ foldr (\param acc -> SLambda [getIdentifier param] acc) body params
parseFunction :: Parser TricuAST
parseFunction = do
LIdentifier name <- satisfy isIdentifier
args <- many (satisfy isIdentifier)
satisfy (== LAssign)
body <- parseExpression
return (SFunc name (map getIdentifier args) body)
parseLambdaExpressionM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseLambdaExpressionM = choice
[ try parseLambdaApplicationM
, parseAtomicLambdaM
parseAtomicBase :: Parser TricuAST
parseAtomicBase = choice
[ try parseVarWithoutAssignment
, parseTreeLeaf
, parseGrouped
parseVarWithoutAssignment :: Parser TricuAST
parseVarWithoutAssignment = do
LIdentifier name <- satisfy isIdentifier
if (name == "t" || name == "__result")
then fail $ "Reserved keyword: " ++ name ++ " cannot be assigned."
else notFollowedBy (satisfy (== LAssign)) *> return (SVar name)
parseLambda :: Parser TricuAST
parseLambda = between (satisfy (== LOpenParen)) (satisfy (== LCloseParen)) $ do
satisfy (== LBackslash)
param <- satisfy isIdentifier
rest <- many (satisfy isIdentifier)
satisfy (== LColon)
body <- parseLambdaExpression
let nestedLambda = foldr (\v acc -> SLambda [v] acc) body (map getIdentifier rest)
return (SLambda [getIdentifier param] nestedLambda)
parseLambdaExpression :: Parser TricuAST
parseLambdaExpression = choice
[ try parseLambdaApplication
, parseAtomicLambda
parseAtomicLambdaM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseAtomicLambdaM = choice
[ parseVarM
, parseTreeLeafM
, parseLiteralM
, parseListLiteralM
, try parseLambdaM
, between (satisfyM (== LOpenParen)) (satisfyM (== LCloseParen)) parseLambdaExpressionM
parseAtomicLambda :: Parser TricuAST
parseAtomicLambda = choice
[ parseVar
, parseTreeLeaf
, parseLiteral
, parseListLiteral
, try parseLambda
, between (satisfy (== LOpenParen)) (satisfy (== LCloseParen)) parseLambdaExpression
parseApplicationM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseApplicationM = do
func <- parseAtomicBaseM
args <- many $ do
arg <- parseAtomicM
return arg
return $ foldl SApp func args
parseApplication :: Parser TricuAST
parseApplication = do
func <- parseAtomicBase
args <- many parseAtomic
return $ foldl (\acc arg -> SApp acc arg) func args
parseLambdaApplicationM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseLambdaApplicationM = do
func <- parseAtomicLambdaM
args <- many $ do
arg <- parseAtomicLambdaM
pure arg
pure $ foldl SApp func args
parseLambdaApplication :: Parser TricuAST
parseLambdaApplication = do
func <- parseAtomicLambda
args <- many parseAtomicLambda
return $ foldl (\acc arg -> SApp acc arg) func args
parseAtomicBaseM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseAtomicBaseM = choice
[ parseTreeLeafM
, parseGroupedM
isTreeTerm :: TricuAST -> Bool
isTreeTerm TLeaf = True
isTreeTerm (TStem _) = True
isTreeTerm (TFork _ _) = True
isTreeTerm _ = False
parseTreeLeafM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseTreeLeafM = do
let keyword = (\case LKeywordT -> True; _ -> False)
_ <- satisfyM keyword
notFollowedBy $ lift $ satisfy (== LAssign)
pure TLeaf
parseTreeTermM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseTreeTermM = do
base <- parseTreeLeafOrParenthesizedM
rest <- many parseTreeLeafOrParenthesizedM
pure (foldl combine base rest)
combine acc next
| TLeaf <- acc = TStem next
| TStem t <- acc = TFork t next
| TFork _ _ <- acc = TFork acc next
parseTreeLeafOrParenthesizedM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseTreeLeafOrParenthesizedM = choice
[ between (satisfyM (== LOpenParen)) (satisfyM (== LCloseParen)) parseTreeTermM
, parseTreeLeafM
parseAtomicM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseAtomicM = choice
[ parseVarM
, parseTreeLeafM
, parseListLiteralM
, parseGroupedM
, parseLiteralM
parseGroupedM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseGroupedM = between (satisfyM (== LOpenParen)) (satisfyM (== LCloseParen)) $
scnParserM *> parseExpressionM <* scnParserM
parseLiteralM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseLiteralM = choice
[ parseIntLiteralM
, parseStrLiteralM
parseListLiteralM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseListLiteralM = do
_ <- satisfyM (== LOpenBracket)
elements <- many $ do
_ <- satisfyM (== LCloseBracket)
pure (SList elements)
parseListItemM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseListItemM = choice
[ parseGroupedItemM
, parseListLiteralM
, parseSingleItemM
parseGroupedItemM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseGroupedItemM = do
_ <- satisfyM (== LOpenParen)
inner <- parseExpressionM
_ <- satisfyM (== LCloseParen)
pure inner
parseSingleItemM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseSingleItemM = do
token <- satisfyM (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; LKeywordT -> True; _ -> False)
if | LIdentifier name <- token -> pure (SVar name)
| token == LKeywordT -> pure TLeaf
| otherwise -> fail "Unexpected token in list item"
parseVarM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseVarM = do
token <- satisfyM (\case
LNamespace _ -> True
LIdentifier _ -> True
_ -> False)
case token of
LNamespace ns -> do
_ <- satisfyM (== LDot)
LIdentifier name <- satisfyM (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False)
pure $ SVar (ns ++ "." ++ name)
LIdentifier name
| name == "t" || name == "!result" ->
fail ("Reserved keyword: " ++ name ++ " cannot be assigned.")
| otherwise -> pure (SVar name)
_ -> fail "Unexpected token while parsing variable"
parseIntLiteralM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseIntLiteralM = do
let intL = (\case LIntegerLiteral _ -> True; _ -> False)
token <- satisfyM intL
if | LIntegerLiteral value <- token ->
pure (SInt value)
| otherwise ->
fail "Unexpected token while parsing integer literal"
parseStrLiteralM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseStrLiteralM = do
let strL = (\case LStringLiteral _ -> True; _ -> False)
token <- satisfyM strL
if | LStringLiteral value <- token ->
pure (SStr value)
| otherwise ->
fail "Unexpected token while parsing string literal"
parseTreeLeaf :: Parser TricuAST
parseTreeLeaf = satisfy isKeywordT *> notFollowedBy (satisfy (== LAssign)) *> pure TLeaf
getIdentifier :: LToken -> String
getIdentifier (LIdentifier name) = name
getIdentifier _ = errorWithoutStackTrace "Expected identifier"
getIdentifier _ = error "Expected identifier"
parseTreeTerm :: Parser TricuAST
parseTreeTerm = do
base <- parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized
rest <- many parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized
pure $ foldl combine base rest
combine acc next = case acc of
TLeaf -> TStem next
TStem t -> TFork t next
TFork _ _ -> TFork acc next
parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized :: Parser TricuAST
parseTreeLeafOrParenthesized = choice
[ between (satisfy (== LOpenParen)) (satisfy (== LCloseParen)) parseTreeTerm
, parseTreeLeaf
foldTree :: [TricuAST] -> TricuAST
foldTree [] = TLeaf
foldTree [x] = x
foldTree (x:y:rest) = TFork x (foldTree (y:rest))
parseAtomic :: Parser TricuAST
parseAtomic = choice
[ parseVar
, parseTreeLeaf
, parseListLiteral
, parseGrouped
, parseLiteral
parseGrouped :: Parser TricuAST
parseGrouped = between (satisfy (== LOpenParen)) (satisfy (== LCloseParen)) parseExpression
parseLiteral :: Parser TricuAST
parseLiteral = choice
[ parseIntLiteral
, parseStrLiteral
parens :: Parser TricuAST -> Parser TricuAST
parens p = do
satisfy (== LOpenParen)
result <- p
satisfy (== LCloseParen)
return result
parseListLiteral :: Parser TricuAST
parseListLiteral = do
satisfy (== LOpenBracket)
elements <- many parseListItem
satisfy (== LCloseBracket)
return (SList elements)
parseListItem :: Parser TricuAST
parseListItem = choice
[ parseGroupedItem
, parseListLiteral
, parseSingleItem
parseGroupedItem :: Parser TricuAST
parseGroupedItem = do
satisfy (== LOpenParen)
inner <- parseExpression
satisfy (== LCloseParen)
return inner
parseSingleItem :: Parser TricuAST
parseSingleItem = do
token <- satisfy isListItem
case token of
LIdentifier name -> return (SVar name)
LKeywordT -> return TLeaf
_ -> fail "Unexpected token in list item"
isListItem :: LToken -> Bool
isListItem (LIdentifier _) = True
isListItem LKeywordT = True
isListItem _ = False
parseVar :: Parser TricuAST
parseVar = do
LIdentifier name <- satisfy isIdentifier
if (name == "t" || name == "__result")
then fail $ "Reserved keyword: " ++ name ++ " cannot be assigned."
else return (SVar name)
parseIntLiteral :: Parser TricuAST
parseIntLiteral = do
LIntegerLiteral value <- satisfy isIntegerLiteral
return (SInt value)
parseStrLiteral :: Parser TricuAST
parseStrLiteral = do
LStringLiteral value <- satisfy isStringLiteral
return (SStr value)
-- Boolean Helpers
isKeywordT (LKeywordT) = True
isKeywordT _ = False
isIdentifier (LIdentifier _) = True
isIdentifier _ = False
isIntegerLiteral (LIntegerLiteral _) = True
isIntegerLiteral _ = False
isStringLiteral (LStringLiteral _) = True
isStringLiteral _ = False
isLiteral (LIntegerLiteral _) = True
isLiteral (LStringLiteral _) = True
isLiteral _ = False
isNewline (LNewline) = True
isNewline _ = False
-- Error Handling
handleParseError :: ParseErrorBundle [LToken] Void -> String
handleParseError bundle =
let errors = bundleErrors bundle
formattedErrors = map formatError (Data.List.NonEmpty.toList errors)
errorList = toList errors
formattedErrors = map showError errorList
in unlines ("Parse error(s) encountered:" : formattedErrors)
formatError :: ParseError [LToken] Void -> String
formatError (TrivialError offset unexpected expected) =
let unexpectedMsg = case unexpected of
Just x -> "unexpected token " ++ show x
Nothing -> "unexpected end of input"
expectedMsg = if null expected
then ""
else "expected " ++ show (Set.toList expected)
in "Parse error at offset " ++ show offset ++ ": " ++ unexpectedMsg ++
if null expectedMsg then "" else " " ++ expectedMsg
formatError (FancyError offset _) =
"Parse error at offset " ++ show offset ++ ": unexpected FancyError"
showError :: ParseError [LToken] Void -> String
showError (TrivialError offset (Just (Tokens tokenStream)) expected) =
"Parse error at offset " ++ show offset ++ ": unexpected token "
++ show tokenStream ++ ", expected one of " ++ show (Set.toList expected)
showError (FancyError offset fancy) =
"Parse error at offset " ++ show offset ++ ":\n " ++ unlines (map show (Set.toList fancy))
showError (TrivialError offset Nothing expected) =
"Parse error at offset " ++ show offset ++ ": expected one of "
++ show (Set.toList expected)

View File

@ -1,190 +1,54 @@
module REPL where
import Eval
import FileEval
import Lexer
import Parser
import Research
import Control.Exception (IOException, SomeException, catch
, displayException)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.Catch (handle, MonadCatch)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
import Data.Char (isSpace, isUpper)
import Data.List (dropWhile, dropWhileEnd, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Paths_tricu (version)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.Console.Haskeline
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
repl :: Env -> IO ()
repl env = runInputT settings (withInterrupt (loop env Decode))
repl :: Map.Map String T -> IO ()
repl env = runInputT defaultSettings (loop env)
settings :: Settings IO
settings = Settings
{ complete = completeWord Nothing " \t" completeCommands
, historyFile = Just "~/.local/state/tricu/history"
, autoAddHistory = True
completeCommands :: String -> IO [Completion]
completeCommands str = return $ map simpleCompletion $
filter (str `isPrefixOf`) commands
commands = [ "!exit"
, "!output"
, "!definitions"
, "!import"
, "!clear"
, "!save"
, "!reset"
, "!version"
loop :: Env -> EvaluatedForm -> InputT IO ()
loop env form = handle (interruptHandler env form) $ do
loop :: Map.Map String T -> InputT IO ()
loop env = do
minput <- getInputLine "tricu < "
case minput of
Nothing -> outputStrLn "Exiting tricu"
Just s
| strip s == "" -> loop env form
| strip s == "!exit" -> outputStrLn "Exiting tricu"
| strip s == "!clear" -> do
liftIO $ putStr "\ESC[2J\ESC[H"
loop env form
| strip s == "!reset" -> do
outputStrLn "Environment reset to initial state"
loop Map.empty form
| strip s == "!version" -> do
outputStrLn $ "tricu version " ++ showVersion version
loop env form
| "!save" `isPrefixOf` strip s -> handleSave env form
| strip s == "!output" -> handleOutput env form
| strip s == "!definitions" -> do
let defs = Map.keys $ Map.delete "!result" env
if null defs
then outputStrLn "No definitions discovered."
else do
outputStrLn "Available definitions:"
mapM_ outputStrLn defs
loop env form
| "!import" `isPrefixOf` strip s -> handleImport env form
| take 2 s == "--" -> loop env form
| otherwise -> do
newEnv <- liftIO $ processInput env s form `catch` errorHandler env
loop newEnv form
Nothing -> outputStrLn "Goodbye!"
Just ":_exit" -> outputStrLn "Goodbye!"
Just "" -> do
outputStrLn ""
loop env
Just input -> do
newEnv <- liftIO $ (processInput env input `catch` errorHandler env)
loop newEnv
handleOutput :: Env -> EvaluatedForm -> InputT IO ()
handleOutput env currentForm = do
let formats = [Decode, TreeCalculus, FSL, AST, Ternary, Ascii]
outputStrLn "Available output formats:"
mapM_ (\(i, f) -> outputStrLn $ show i ++ ". " ++ show f)
(zip [1..] formats)
result <- runMaybeT $ do
input <- MaybeT $ getInputLine "Select output format (1-6) < "
case reads input of
[(n, "")] | n >= 1 && n <= 6 ->
return $ formats !! (n-1)
_ -> MaybeT $ return Nothing
case result of
Nothing -> do
outputStrLn "Invalid selection. Keeping current output format."
loop env currentForm
Just newForm -> do
outputStrLn $ "Output format changed to: " ++ show newForm
loop env newForm
handleImport :: Env -> EvaluatedForm -> InputT IO ()
handleImport env form = do
res <- runMaybeT $ do
let fset = setComplete completeFilename defaultSettings
path <- MaybeT $ runInputT fset $
getInputLineWithInitial "File path to load < " ("", "")
text <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ handle (\e -> do
putStrLn $ "Error reading file: " ++ displayException (e :: IOException)
return Nothing
) $ Just <$> readFile (strip path)
case parseProgram (lexTricu text) of
Left err -> do
lift $ outputStrLn $ "Parse error: " ++ handleParseError err
MaybeT $ return Nothing
Right ast -> do
ns <- MaybeT $ runInputT defaultSettings $
getInputLineWithInitial "Namespace (or !Local for no namespace) < " ("", "")
let name = strip ns
if (name /= "!Local" && (null name || not (isUpper (head name)))) then do
lift $ outputStrLn "Namespace must start with an uppercase letter"
MaybeT $ return Nothing
else do
prog <- liftIO $ preprocessFile (strip path)
let code = case name of
"!Local" -> prog
_ -> nsDefinitions name prog
env' = evalTricu env code
return env'
case res of
Nothing -> do
outputStrLn "Import cancelled"
loop env form
Just env' ->
loop (Map.delete "!result" env') form
interruptHandler :: Env -> EvaluatedForm -> Interrupt -> InputT IO ()
interruptHandler env form _ = do
outputStrLn "Interrupted with CTRL+C\n\
\You can use the !exit command or CTRL+D to exit"
loop env form
processInput :: Env -> String -> EvaluatedForm -> IO Env
processInput env input form = do
let asts = parseTricu input
newEnv = evalTricu env asts
case Map.lookup "!result" newEnv of
processInput :: Map.Map String T -> String -> IO (Map.Map String T)
processInput env input = do
let clearEnv = Map.delete "__result" env
newEnv = evalSingle clearEnv (parseSingle input)
case Map.lookup "__result" newEnv of
Just r -> do
putStrLn $ "tricu > " ++ formatResult form r
Nothing -> pure ()
putStrLn $ "tricu > " ++ show r
putStrLn $ "READ -: \"" ++ decodeResult r ++ "\""
Nothing -> return ()
return newEnv
errorHandler :: Env -> SomeException -> IO (Env)
errorHandler :: Map.Map String T -> SomeException -> IO (Map.Map String T)
errorHandler env e = do
putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ show e
return env
strip :: String -> String
strip = dropWhileEnd isSpace . dropWhile isSpace
handleSave :: Env -> EvaluatedForm -> InputT IO ()
handleSave env form = do
let fset = setComplete completeFilename defaultSettings
path <- runInputT fset $
getInputLineWithInitial "File to save < " ("", "")
case path of
Nothing -> do
outputStrLn "Save cancelled"
loop env form
Just p -> do
let definitions = Map.toList $ Map.delete "!result" env
filepath = strip p
outputStrLn "Starting save..."
liftIO $ writeFile filepath ""
outputStrLn "File created..."
forM_ definitions $ \(name, value) -> do
let content = name ++ " = " ++ formatResult TreeCalculus value ++ "\n"
outputStrLn $ "Writing definition: " ++ name ++ " with length " ++ show (length content)
liftIO $ appendFile filepath content
outputStrLn $ "Saved " ++ show (length definitions) ++ " definitions to " ++ p
loop env form
decodeResult :: T -> String
decodeResult tc = case toNumber tc of
Right num -> show num
Left _ -> case toString tc of
Right str -> str
Left _ -> case toList tc of
Right list -> "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map decodeResult list) ++ "]"
Left _ -> ""

View File

@ -1,77 +1,45 @@
module Research where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text, replace)
import System.Console.CmdArgs (Data, Typeable)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Tree Calculus Types
data T = Leaf | Stem T | Fork T T
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Abstract Syntax Tree for tricu
data TricuAST
= SVar String
| SInt Int
| SStr String
| SList [TricuAST]
| SDef String [String] TricuAST
| SApp TricuAST TricuAST
| TLeaf
| TStem TricuAST
| TFork TricuAST TricuAST
| SLambda [String] TricuAST
| SEmpty
| SImport String String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Lexer Tokens
data LToken
= LKeywordT
| LIdentifier String
| LNamespace String
| LIntegerLiteral Int
| LStringLiteral String
| LAssign
| LColon
| LDot
| LBackslash
| LOpenParen
| LCloseParen
| LOpenBracket
| LCloseBracket
| LNewline
| LImport String String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Output formats
data EvaluatedForm = TreeCalculus | FSL | AST | Ternary | Ascii | Decode
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
-- Environment containing previously evaluated TC terms
type Env = Map.Map String T
-- Tree Calculus Reduction Rules
The t operator is left associative.
1. t t a b -> a
2. t (t a) b c -> a c (b c)
3a. t (t a b) c t -> a
3b. t (t a b) c (t u) -> b u
3c. t (t a b) c (t u v) -> c u v
apply :: T -> T -> T
apply (Fork Leaf a) _ = a
apply (Fork (Stem a) b) c = apply (apply a c) (apply b c)
apply (Fork (Fork a b) c) Leaf = a
apply (Fork (Fork a b) c) (Stem u) = apply b u
apply (Fork (Fork a b) c) (Fork u v) = apply (apply c u) v
-- Left associative `t`
apply Leaf b = Stem b
apply (Stem a) b = Fork a b
apply Leaf b = Stem b
apply (Stem a) b = Fork a b
apply (Fork Leaf a) _ = a
apply (Fork (Stem a1) a2) b = apply (apply a1 b) (apply a2 b)
apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) Leaf = a1
apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Stem u) = apply a2 u
apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Fork u v) = apply (apply a3 u) v
reduce :: T -> T
reduce expr =
let next = step expr
in if next == expr then expr else reduce next
step :: T -> T
step (Fork left right) = reduce (apply (reduce left) (reduce right))
step (Stem inner) = Stem (reduce inner)
step t = t
-- SKI Combinators
_S :: T
_S = Fork (Stem (Fork Leaf Leaf)) Leaf
_K :: T
_K = Stem Leaf
-- Identity
-- We use the "point-free" style which drops a redundant node
-- Full I form (SKK): Fork (Stem (Stem Leaf)) (Stem Leaf)
_I :: T
_I = Fork (Stem (Stem Leaf)) Leaf
-- Booleans
_false :: T
@ -85,7 +53,7 @@ _not = Fork (Fork _true (Fork Leaf _false)) Leaf
-- Marshalling
ofString :: String -> T
ofString str = ofList $ map (ofNumber . fromEnum) str
ofString str = ofList (map ofNumber (map fromEnum str))
ofNumber :: Int -> T
ofNumber 0 = Leaf
@ -95,7 +63,8 @@ ofNumber n =
(ofNumber (n `div` 2))
ofList :: [T] -> T
ofList = foldr Fork Leaf
ofList [] = Leaf
ofList (x:xs) = Fork x (ofList xs)
toNumber :: T -> Either String Int
toNumber Leaf = Right 0
@ -119,32 +88,7 @@ toList (Fork x rest) = case toList rest of
Left err -> Left err
toList _ = Left "Invalid Tree Calculus list"
-- Outputs
formatResult :: EvaluatedForm -> T -> String
formatResult TreeCalculus = toSimpleT . show
formatResult FSL = show
formatResult AST = show . toAST
formatResult Ternary = toTernaryString
formatResult Ascii = toAscii
formatResult Decode = decodeResult
toSimpleT :: String -> String
toSimpleT s = T.unpack
$ replace "Fork" "t"
$ replace "Stem" "t"
$ replace "Leaf" "t"
$ T.pack s
toTernaryString :: T -> String
toTernaryString Leaf = "0"
toTernaryString (Stem t) = "1" ++ toTernaryString t
toTernaryString (Fork t1 t2) = "2" ++ toTernaryString t1 ++ toTernaryString t2
toAST :: T -> TricuAST
toAST Leaf = TLeaf
toAST (Stem a) = TStem (toAST a)
toAST (Fork a b) = TFork (toAST a) (toAST b)
-- Utility
toAscii :: T -> String
toAscii tree = go tree "" True
@ -159,19 +103,41 @@ toAscii tree = go tree "" True
++ go left (prefix ++ (if isLast then " " else "| ")) False
++ go right (prefix ++ (if isLast then " " else "| ")) True
decodeResult :: T -> String
decodeResult Leaf = "t"
decodeResult tc =
case (toString tc, toList tc, toNumber tc) of
(Right s, _, _) | all isCommonChar s -> "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
(_, _, Right n) -> show n
(_, Right xs@(_:_), _) -> "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map decodeResult xs) ++ "]"
(_, Right [], _) -> "[]"
_ -> formatResult TreeCalculus tc
rules :: IO ()
rules = putStr $ header
++ (unlines $ tcRules)
++ (unlines $ haskellRules)
++ footer
isCommonChar c =
let n = fromEnum c
in (n >= 32 && n <= 126)
|| n == 9
|| n == 10
|| n == 13
tcRules :: [String]
tcRules =
[ "| |"
, "| ┌--------- | Tree Calculus | ---------┐ |"
, "| | 1. t t a b -> a | |"
, "| | 2. t (t a) b c -> a c (b c)| |"
, "| | 3a. t (t a b) c t -> a | |"
, "| | 3b. t (t a b) c (t u) -> b u | |"
, "| | 3c. t (t a b) c (t u v) -> c u v | |"
, "| └-------------------------------------┘ |"
, "| |"
haskellRules :: [String]
haskellRules =
[ "| ┌------------------------------ | Haskell | --------------------------------┐ |"
, "| | | |"
, "| | data T = Leaf | Stem T | Fork TT | |"
, "| | | |"
, "| | apply :: T -> T -> T | |"
, "| | apply Leaf b = Stem b | |"
, "| | apply (Stem a) b = Fork a b | |"
, "| | apply (Fork Leaf a) _ = a | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Stem a1) a2) b = apply (apply a1 b) (apply a2 b) | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) Leaf = a1 | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Stem u) = apply a2 u | |"
, "| | apply (Fork (Fork a1 a2) a3) (Fork u v) = apply (apply a3 u) v | |"
, "| └---------------------------------------------------------------------------┘ |"
header :: String
header = "┌-------------------- | Rules for evaluating Tree Calculus | -------------------┐\n"
footer :: String
footer = "└-------------------- | Rules for evaluating Tree Calculus | -------------------┘\n"

View File

@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
module Main where
import Eval
import FileEval
import Lexer
import Library
import Parser
import REPL
import Research
import Control.Exception (evaluate, try, SomeException)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Control.Exception (evaluate, try, SomeException)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Text.Megaparsec (runParser)
import Text.Megaparsec (runParser)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
@ -26,218 +23,189 @@ runTricu s = show $ result (evalTricu Map.empty $ parseTricu s)
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Tricu Tests"
[ lexer
, parser
, simpleEvaluation
, lambdas
, providedLibraries
, fileEval
, modules
, demos
, decoding
[ lexerTests
, parserTests
, evaluationTests
, lambdaEvalTests
, libraryTests
, propertyTests
lexer :: TestTree
lexer = testGroup "Lexer Tests"
lexerTests :: TestTree
lexerTests = testGroup "Lexer Tests"
[ testCase "Lex simple identifiers" $ do
let input = "x a b = a"
expect = Right [LIdentifier "x", LIdentifier "a", LIdentifier "b", LAssign, LIdentifier "a"]
runParser tricuLexer "" input @?= expect
, testCase "Lex Tree Calculus terms" $ do
let input = "t t t"
expect = Right [LKeywordT, LKeywordT, LKeywordT]
runParser tricuLexer "" input @?= expect
, testCase "Lex escaped characters in strings" $ do
let input = "\"hello\\nworld\""
expect = Right [LStringLiteral "hello\\nworld"]
runParser tricuLexer "" input @?= expect
, testCase "Lex mixed literals" $ do
let input = "t \"string\" 42"
expect = Right [LKeywordT, LStringLiteral "string", LIntegerLiteral 42]
runParser tricuLexer "" input @?= expect
, testCase "Lex invalid token" $ do
let input = "&invalid"
let input = "$invalid"
case runParser tricuLexer "" input of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected lexer to fail on invalid token"
, testCase "Drop trailing whitespace in definitions" $ do
let input = "x = 5 "
expect = [LIdentifier "x",LAssign,LIntegerLiteral 5]
case (runParser tricuLexer "" input) of
Left _ -> assertFailure "Failed to lex input"
Right i -> i @?= expect
, testCase "Error when using invalid characters in identifiers" $ do
case (runParser tricuLexer "" "!result = 5") of
case (runParser tricuLexer "" "__result = 5") of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected failure when trying to assign the value of !result"
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected failure when trying to assign the value of __result"
parser :: TestTree
parser = testGroup "Parser Tests"
[ testCase "Error when assigning a value to T" $ do
let tokens = lexTricu "t = x"
case parseSingleExpr tokens of
Left _ -> return ()
parserTests :: TestTree
parserTests = testGroup "Parser Tests"
[-- testCase "Error when parsing incomplete definitions" $ do
-- let input = lexTricu "x = "
-- case (runParser parseExpression "" input) of
-- Left _ -> return ()
-- Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected failure on invalid input"
testCase "Error when assigning a value to T" $ do
let input = lexTricu "t = x"
case (runParser parseExpression "" input) of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected failure when trying to assign the value of T"
, testCase "Parse function definitions" $ do
let input = "x = (\\a b c : a)"
expect = SDef "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SLambda ["c"] (SVar "a"))))
expect = SFunc "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SLambda ["c"] (SVar "a"))))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse nested Tree Calculus terms" $ do
let input = "t (t t) t"
expect = SApp (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf TLeaf)) TLeaf
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse sequential Tree Calculus terms" $ do
let input = "t t t"
expect = SApp (SApp TLeaf TLeaf) TLeaf
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse mixed list literals" $ do
let input = "[t (\"hello\") t]"
expect = SList [TLeaf, SStr "hello", TLeaf]
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse function with applications" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : t x)"
expect = SDef "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SVar "x")))
expect = SFunc "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SVar "x")))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse nested lists" $ do
let input = "[t [(t t)]]"
expect = SList [TLeaf,SList [SApp TLeaf TLeaf]]
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse complex parentheses" $ do
let input = "t (t t (t t))"
expect = SApp TLeaf (SApp (SApp TLeaf TLeaf) (SApp TLeaf TLeaf))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse empty list" $ do
let input = "[]"
expect = SList []
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse multiple nested lists" $ do
let input = "[[t t] [t (t t)]]"
expect = SList [SList [TLeaf,TLeaf],SList [TLeaf,SApp TLeaf TLeaf]]
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse whitespace variance" $ do
let input1 = "[t t]"
let input2 = "[ t t ]"
expect = SList [TLeaf, TLeaf]
parseSingle input1 @?= expect
parseSingle input2 @?= expect
, testCase "Parse string in list" $ do
let input = "[(\"hello\")]"
expect = SList [SStr "hello"]
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse parentheses inside list" $ do
let input = "[t (t t)]"
expect = SList [TLeaf,SApp TLeaf TLeaf]
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse nested parentheses in function body" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : t (t (t t)))"
expect = SDef "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf TLeaf))))
expect = SFunc "f" [] (SLambda ["x"] (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf (SApp TLeaf TLeaf))))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse lambda abstractions" $ do
let input = "(\\a : a)"
expect = (SLambda ["a"] (SVar "a"))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Parse multiple arguments to lambda abstractions" $ do
let input = "x = (\\a b : a)"
expect = SDef "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SVar "a")))
expect = SFunc "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SLambda ["b"] (SVar "a")))
parseSingle input @?= expect
, testCase "Grouping T terms with parentheses in function application" $ do
let input = "x = (\\a : a)\nx (t)"
expect = [SDef "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SVar "a")),SApp (SVar "x") TLeaf]
expect = [SFunc "x" [] (SLambda ["a"] (SVar "a")),SApp (SVar "x") TLeaf]
parseTricu input @?= expect
, testCase "Comments 1" $ do
let input = "(t) (t) -- (t)"
expect = [SApp TLeaf TLeaf]
parseTricu input @?= expect
, testCase "Comments 2" $ do
let input = "(t) -- (t) -- (t)"
expect = [TLeaf]
parseTricu input @?= expect
-- , testCase "Comments with no terms" $ do
-- let input = unlines ["-- (t)", "(t t)"]
-- expect = []
-- parseTricu input @?= expect
simpleEvaluation :: TestTree
simpleEvaluation = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
evaluationTests :: TestTree
evaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
[ testCase "Evaluate single Leaf" $ do
let input = "t"
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?= Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate single Stem" $ do
let input = "t t"
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate single Fork" $ do
let input = "t t t"
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate nested Fork and Stem" $ do
let input = "t (t t) t"
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?= Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate `not` function" $ do
let input = "t (t (t t) (t t t)) t"
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?=
Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf Leaf)) Leaf
, testCase "Environment updates with definitions" $ do
let input = "x = t\ny = x"
env = evalTricu Map.empty (parseTricu input)
Map.lookup "x" env @?= Just Leaf
Map.lookup "y" env @?= Just Leaf
, testCase "Variable substitution" $ do
let input = "x = t t\ny = t x\ny"
env = evalTricu Map.empty (parseTricu input)
(result env) @?= Stem (Stem Leaf)
, testCase "Multiline input evaluation" $ do
let input = "x = t\ny = t t\nx"
env = evalTricu Map.empty (parseTricu input)
(result env) @?= Leaf
, testCase "Evaluate string literal" $ do
let input = "\"hello\""
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?= ofString "hello"
, testCase "Evaluate list literal" $ do
let input = "[t (t t)]"
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?= ofList [Leaf, Stem Leaf]
, testCase "Evaluate empty list" $ do
let input = "[]"
let ast = parseSingle input
(result $ evalSingle Map.empty ast) @?= ofList []
, testCase "Evaluate variable dependency chain" $ do
let input = "x = t (t t)\n \
\ y = x\n \
@ -246,312 +214,176 @@ simpleEvaluation = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
\ variablewithamuchlongername"
env = evalTricu Map.empty (parseTricu input)
(result env) @?= (Stem (Stem Leaf))
, testCase "Immutable definitions" $ do
, testCase "Evaluate variable shadowing" $ do
let input = "x = t t\nx = t\nx"
env = evalTricu Map.empty (parseTricu input)
result <- try (evaluate (runTricu input)) :: IO (Either SomeException String)
case result of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected evaluation error"
, testCase "Apply identity to Boolean Not" $ do
(result env) @?= Leaf
, testCase "Apply identity to Boolean Not" $ do
let not = "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) t)"
let input = "x = (\\a : a)\nx " ++ not
env = evalTricu Map.empty (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf Leaf)) Leaf
lambdas :: TestTree
lambdas = testGroup "Lambda Evaluation Tests"
lambdaEvalTests :: TestTree
lambdaEvalTests = testGroup "Lambda Evaluation Tests"
[ testCase "Lambda Identity Function" $ do
let input = "id = (\\x : x)\nid t"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda Constant Function (K combinator)" $ do
let input = "k = (\\x y : x)\nk t (t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda Application with Variable" $ do
let input = "id = (\\x : x)\nval = t t\nid val"
runTricu input @?= "Stem Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda Application with Multiple Arguments" $ do
let input = "apply = (\\f x y : f x y)\nk = (\\a b : a)\napply k t (t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Nested Lambda Application" $ do
let input = "apply = (\\f x y : f x y)\nid = (\\x : x)\napply (\\f x : f x) id t"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda with a complex body" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : t (t x))\nf t"
runTricu input @?= "Stem (Stem Leaf)"
, testCase "Lambda returning a function" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : (\\y : x))\ng = f t\ng (t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda with Shadowing" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : (\\x : x))\nf t (t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Stem Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda returning another lambda" $ do
let input = "k = (\\x : (\\y : x))\nk_app = k t\nk_app (t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda with free variables" $ do
let input = "y = t t\nf = (\\x : y)\nf t"
runTricu input @?= "Stem Leaf"
, testCase "SKI Composition" $ do
let input = "s = (\\x y z : x z (y z))\nk = (\\x y : x)\ni = (\\x : x)\ncomp = s k i\ncomp t (t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Stem (Stem Leaf)"
, testCase "Lambda with multiple parameters and application" $ do
let input = "f = (\\a b c : t a b c)\nf t (t t) (t t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Stem Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda with nested application in the body" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : t (t (t x)))\nf t"
runTricu input @?= "Stem (Stem (Stem Leaf))"
, testCase "Lambda returning a function and applying it" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : (\\y : t x y))\ng = f t\ng (t t)"
runTricu input @?= "Fork Leaf (Stem Leaf)"
, testCase "Lambda applying a variable" $ do
let input = "id = (\\x : x)\na = t t\nid a"
runTricu input @?= "Stem Leaf"
, testCase "Nested lambda abstractions in the same expression" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : (\\y : x y))\ng = (\\z : z)\nf g t"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Lambda applied to string literal" $ do
, testCase "Lambda with a string literal" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : x)\nf \"hello\""
runTricu input @?= "Fork (Fork Leaf (Fork Leaf (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf))))))) (Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf))))))) (Fork (Fork Leaf (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf))))))) (Fork (Fork Leaf (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf))))))) (Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf))))))) Leaf))))"
, testCase "Lambda applied to integer literal" $ do
, testCase "Lambda with an integer literal" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : x)\nf 42"
runTricu input @?= "Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf)))))"
, testCase "Lambda applied to list literal" $ do
, testCase "Lambda with a list literal" $ do
let input = "f = (\\x : x)\nf [t (t t)]"
runTricu input @?= "Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf)"
, testCase "Lambda containing list literal" $ do
let input = "(\\a : [(a)]) 1"
runTricu input @?= "Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf) Leaf"
providedLibraries :: TestTree
providedLibraries = testGroup "Library Tests"
[ testCase "Triage test Leaf" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "test t"
env = decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= "\"Leaf\""
, testCase "Triage test (Stem Leaf)" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "test (t t)"
env = decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= "\"Stem\""
, testCase "Triage test (Fork Leaf Leaf)" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "test (t t t)"
env = decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= "\"Fork\""
, testCase "Boolean NOT: true" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "not? true"
env = result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean NOT: false" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "not? false"
env = result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND TF" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "and? (t t) (t)"
libraryTests :: TestTree
libraryTests = testGroup "Library Tests"
[ testCase "K combinator 1" $ do
let input = "k (t) (t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND FT" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "and? (t) (t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND FF" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "and? (t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND TT" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "and? (t t) (t t)"
, testCase "K combinator 2" $ do
let input = "k (t t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "K combinator 3" $ do
let input = "k (t t t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
, testCase "S combinator" $ do
let input = "s (t) (t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork Leaf (Stem Leaf)
, testCase "SKK == I (fully expanded)" $ do
let input = "s k k"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork (Stem (Stem Leaf)) (Stem Leaf)
, testCase "I combinator" $ do
let input = "i not"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf Leaf)) (Fork Leaf (Fork Leaf Leaf))
, testCase "Triage test Leaf" $ do
let input = "test t"
env = decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= "Leaf"
, testCase "Triage test (Stem Leaf)" $ do
let input = "test (t t)"
env = decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= "Stem"
, testCase "Triage test (Fork Leaf Leaf)" $ do
let input = "test (t t t)"
env = decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= "Fork"
, testCase "Boolean NOT: true" $ do
let input = "not true"
env = result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean NOT: false" $ do
let input = "not false"
env = result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND TF" $ do
let input = "and (t t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND FT" $ do
let input = "and (t) (t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND FF" $ do
let input = "and (t) (t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "Boolean AND TT" $ do
let input = "and (t t) (t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "List head" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "head [(t) (t t) (t t t)]"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Leaf
, testCase "List tail" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "head (tail (tail [(t) (t t) (t t t)]))"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
, testCase "List map" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "head (tail (map (\\a : (t t t)) [(t) (t) (t)]))"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
, testCase "Empty list check" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "emptyList? []"
let input = "emptyList []"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Non-empty list check" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "not? (emptyList? [(1) (2) (3)])"
let input = "not (emptyList [(1) (2) (3)])"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Concatenate strings" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "append \"Hello, \" \"world!\""
let input = "listConcat \"Hello, \" \"world!\""
env = decodeResult $ result $ evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
env @?= "\"Hello, world!\""
env @?= "Hello, world!"
, testCase "Verifying Equality" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
let input = "equal? (t t t) (t t t)"
let input = "equal (t t t) (t t t)"
env = evalTricu library (parseTricu input)
result env @?= Stem Leaf
fileEval :: TestTree
fileEval = testGroup "File evaluation tests"
[ testCase "Forks" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/fork.tri"
res @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
, testCase "File ends with comment" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/comments-1.tri"
res @?= Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf
, testCase "Mapping and Equality" $ do
library <- liftIO $ evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
fEnv <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext library "./test/map.tri"
(mainResult fEnv) @?= Stem Leaf
, testCase "Eval and decoding string" $ do
library <- liftIO $ evaluateFile "./lib/list.tri"
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext library "./test/string.tri"
decodeResult (result res) @?= "\"String test!\""
propertyTests :: TestTree
propertyTests = testGroup "Property Tests"
[ testProperty "Lexing and parsing round-trip" $ \input ->
case runParser tricuLexer "" input of
Left _ -> property True
Right tokens -> case runParser parseExpression "" tokens of
Left _ -> property True
Right ast -> parseSingle input === ast
modules :: TestTree
modules = testGroup "Test modules"
[ testCase "Detect cyclic dependencies" $ do
result <- try (liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/cycle-1.tri") :: IO (Either SomeException T)
case result of
Left e -> do
let errorMsg = show e
if "Encountered cyclic import" `isInfixOf` errorMsg
then return ()
else assertFailure $ "Unexpected error: " ++ errorMsg
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected cyclic dependencies"
, testCase "Module imports and namespacing" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/namespace-A.tri"
res @?= Leaf
, testCase "Multiple imports" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/vars-A.tri"
res @?= Leaf
, testCase "Error on unresolved variable" $ do
result <- try (liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/unresolved-A.tri") :: IO (Either SomeException T)
case result of
Left e -> do
let errorMsg = show e
if "undefinedVar" `isInfixOf` errorMsg
then return ()
else assertFailure $ "Unexpected error: " ++ errorMsg
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected unresolved variable error"
, testCase "Multi-level imports" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/multi-level-A.tri"
res @?= Leaf
, testCase "Lambda expression namespaces" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/lambda-A.tri"
res @?= Leaf
, testCase "Local namespace import chain" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/local-ns/1.tri"
res @?= Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf)
-- All of our demo tests are also module tests
demos :: TestTree
demos = testGroup "Test provided demo functionality"
[ testCase "Structural equality demo" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./demos/equality.tri"
decodeResult res @?= "t t"
, testCase "Convert values back to source code demo" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./demos/toSource.tri"
decodeResult res @?= "\"(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))\""
, testCase "Determining the size of functions" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./demos/size.tri"
decodeResult res @?= "454"
, testCase "Level Order Traversal demo" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./demos/levelOrderTraversal.tri"
decodeResult res @?= "\"\n1 \n2 3 \n4 5 6 7 \n8 11 10 9 12 \""
decoding :: TestTree
decoding = testGroup "Decoding Tests"
[ testCase "Decode Leaf" $ do
decodeResult Leaf @?= "t"
, testCase "Decode list of non-ASCII numbers" $ do
let input = ofList [ofNumber 1, ofNumber 14, ofNumber 6]
decodeResult input @?= "[1, 14, 6]"
, testCase "Decode list of ASCII numbers as a string" $ do
let input = ofList [ofNumber 97, ofNumber 98, ofNumber 99]
decodeResult input @?= "\"abc\""
, testCase "Decode small number" $ do
decodeResult (ofNumber 42) @?= "42"
, testCase "Decode large number" $ do
decodeResult (ofNumber 9999) @?= "9999"
, testCase "Decode string in list" $ do
let input = ofList [ofString "hello", ofString "world"]
decodeResult input @?= "[\"hello\", \"world\"]"
, testCase "Decode mixed list with strings" $ do
let input = ofList [ofString "hello", ofNumber 42, ofString "world"]
decodeResult input @?= "[\"hello\", 42, \"world\"]"
, testCase "Decode nested lists with strings" $ do
let input = ofList [ofList [ofString "nested"], ofString "string"]
decodeResult input @?= "[[\"nested\"], \"string\"]"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-- This is a tricu comment!
-- t (t t) (t (t t t))
-- t (t t t) (t t)
-- x = (\a : a)
main = t (t t) t -- Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf
-- t t
-- x
-- x = (\a : a)
-- t

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
!import "cycle-2.tri" Cycle2
cycle1 = t Cycle2.cycle2

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
!import "cycle-1.tri" Cycle1
cycle2 = t Cycle1.cycle1

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
main = t t t

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
main = (\x : x) t

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
!import "2.tri" Two
main = Two.x

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
!import "3.tri" !Local

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
x = 3

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
x = map (\i : append "Successfully concatenated " i) [("two strings!")]
main = equal? x [("Successfully concatenated two strings!")]

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
!import "multi-level-B.tri" B
main = B.main

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
!import "multi-level-C.tri" C
main = C.val

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
val = t

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
!import "lib/base.tri"
!import "test/named-imports/2.tri"
!import "test/named-imports/3.tri" ThreeRenamed
main = equal? (equal? Two.x 2) (equal? ThreeRenamed.x 3)

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
x = 2

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
x = 3

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
!import "namespace-B.tri" B
main = B.x

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
x = t

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
compose = \f g x : f (g x)
succ = y (\self :
(t (t t))
(\_ tail : t t (self tail))
size = (\x :
(y (\self x :
compose succ
(\x : x)
(\x y : compose (self x) (self y))
x)) x 0))
size size

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
head (map (\i : append "String " i) [("test!")])

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
main = undefinedVar

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
!import "vars-B.tri" B
!import "vars-C.tri" C
main = B.y (C.z)

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
y = \x : x

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
z = t

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
name: tricu
version: 0.18.1
version: 0.4.0
description: A micro-language for exploring Tree Calculus
author: James Eversole
@ -17,26 +17,25 @@ executable tricu
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -optl-pthread -fPIC
base >=4.7
, cmdargs
, containers
, exceptions
, filepath
, haskeline
, megaparsec
, mtl
, text
, transformers
@ -46,30 +45,20 @@ test-suite tricu-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Spec.hs
hs-source-dirs: test, src
, cmdargs
, containers
, exceptions
, filepath
, haskeline
, megaparsec
, mtl
, tasty
, tasty-hunit
, tasty-quickcheck
, text
, transformers
default-language: Haskell2010