Eval optimization! Tests for demos
All checks were successful
Test, Build, and Release / test (push) Successful in 1m30s
Test, Build, and Release / build (push) Successful in 1m26s

This commit is contained in:
James Eversole 2025-01-25 09:18:13 -06:00
parent 1f5a910fb2
commit 2bd388c871
6 changed files with 70 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-- We represent `false` with a Leaf and `true` with a Stem Leaf
false = t
true = t t
demo_false = t
demo_true = t t
-- Tree Calculus representation of the Boolean `not` function
not_TC? = t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t))
-- /demos/toSource.tri contains an explanation of `triage`
triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
matchBool = (\ot of : triage
demo_triage = (\a b c : t (t a b) c)
demo_matchBool = (\ot of : demo_triage
(\_ : ot)
(\_ _ : ot)
-- Lambda representation of the Boolean `not` function
not_Lambda? = matchBool false true
not_Lambda? = demo_matchBool demo_false demo_true
-- Since tricu eliminates Lambda terms to SKI combinators, the tree form of many
-- functions defined via Lambda terms are larger than the most efficient TC
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ not_Lambda? = matchBool false true
lambdaEqualsTC = equal? not_TC? not_Lambda?
-- Here are some checks to verify their extensional behavior is the same:
true_TC? = not_TC? false
false_TC? = not_TC? true
true_TC? = not_TC? demo_false
false_TC? = not_TC? demo_true
true_Lambda? = not_Lambda? false
false_Lambda? = not_Lambda? true
true_Lambda? = not_Lambda? demo_false
false_Lambda? = not_Lambda? demo_true
bothTrueEqual? = equal? true_TC? true_Lambda?
bothFalseEqual? = equal? false_TC? false_Lambda?

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-- NOTICE: This demo relies on tricu base library functions
-- We model labelled binary trees as sublists where values act as labels. We
-- require explicit notation of empty nodes. Empty nodes can be represented
-- require explicit not?ation of empty nodes. Empty nodes can be represented
-- with an empty list, `[]`, which is equivalent to a single node `t`.
-- Example tree inputs:
@ -19,33 +19,33 @@
label = (\node : head node)
left = (\node : if (emptyList node)
left = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
(if (emptyList (tail node))
(if (emptyList? (tail node))
(head (tail node))))
right = (\node : if (emptyList node)
right = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
(if (emptyList (tail node))
(if (emptyList? (tail node))
(if (emptyList (tail (tail node)))
(if (emptyList? (tail (tail node)))
(head (tail (tail node))))))
processLevel = y (\self queue : if (emptyList queue)
processLevel = y (\self queue : if (emptyList? queue)
(pair (map label queue) (self (filter
(\node : not (emptyList node))
(\node : not? (emptyList? node))
(lconcat (map left queue) (map right queue))))))
levelOrderTraversal_ = (\a : processLevel (t a t))
toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList levels)
toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList? levels)
(lconcat (map (\x : lconcat x " ") (head levels)) "")
(if (emptyList (tail levels)) "" (lconcat (t (t 10 t) t) (self (tail levels))))))
(if (emptyList? (tail levels)) "" (lconcat (t (t 10 t) t) (self (tail levels))))))
levelOrderToString = (\s : toLineString (levelOrderTraversal_ s))

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@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ size = (\x :
(\x y : compose (self x) (self y))
x)) x 0))
size size

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-- the Tree Calculus term, `triage` enables branching logic based on the term's
-- shape, making it possible to perform structure-specific operations such as
-- reconstructing the terms' source code representation.
triage = (\leaf stem fork : t (t leaf stem) fork)
-- triage = (\leaf stem fork : t (t leaf stem) fork)
-- Base case of a single Leaf
sourceLeaf = t (head "t")

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ evalSingle env term
| SVar name <- term =
case Map.lookup name env of
Just v -> Map.insert "__result" v env
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " not defined"
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Variable `" ++ name ++ "` not defined"
| otherwise =
Map.insert "__result" (evalAST env term) env
@ -59,11 +59,13 @@ evalAST env term
elimLambda :: TricuAST -> TricuAST
elimLambda = go
go (SLambda [v] (SApp f (SVar x)))
| v == x && not (isFree v f) = elimLambda f
go (SLambda (v:vs) body)
| null vs = toSKI v (elimLambda body)
| otherwise = elimLambda (SLambda [v] (SLambda vs body))
go (SApp f g) = SApp (elimLambda f) (elimLambda g)
go x = x
| null vs = toSKI v (elimLambda body)
| otherwise = elimLambda (SLambda [v] (SLambda vs body))
go (SApp f g) = SApp (elimLambda f) (elimLambda g)
go x = x
toSKI x (SVar y)
| x == y = _I
@ -73,7 +75,6 @@ elimLambda = go
| otherwise = SApp (SApp _S (toSKI x n)) (toSKI x u)
toSKI x t
| not (isFree x t) = SApp _K t
| otherwise = SApp (SApp _S (toSKI x t)) TLeaf
_S = parseSingle "t (t (t t t)) t"
_K = parseSingle "t t"

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@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ runTricu s = show $ result (evalTricu Map.empty $ parseTricu s)
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Tricu Tests"
[ lexerTests
, parserTests
, evaluationTests
, lambdaEvalTests
, libraryTests
, fileEvaluationTests
[ lexer
, parser
, simpleEvaluation
, lambdas
, baseLibrary
, fileEval
, demos
lexerTests :: TestTree
lexerTests = testGroup "Lexer Tests"
lexer :: TestTree
lexer = testGroup "Lexer Tests"
[ testCase "Lex simple identifiers" $ do
let input = "x a b = a"
expect = Right [LIdentifier "x", LIdentifier "a", LIdentifier "b", LAssign, LIdentifier "a"]
@ -74,8 +75,8 @@ lexerTests = testGroup "Lexer Tests"
Right _ -> assertFailure "Expected failure when trying to assign the value of __result"
parserTests :: TestTree
parserTests = testGroup "Parser Tests"
parser :: TestTree
parser = testGroup "Parser Tests"
[ testCase "Error when assigning a value to T" $ do
let tokens = lexTricu "t = x"
case parseSingleExpr tokens of
@ -175,8 +176,8 @@ parserTests = testGroup "Parser Tests"
parseTricu input @?= expect
evaluationTests :: TestTree
evaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
simpleEvaluation :: TestTree
simpleEvaluation = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
[ testCase "Evaluate single Leaf" $ do
let input = "t"
let ast = parseSingle input
@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ evaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
(result env) @?= (Stem (Stem Leaf))
, testCase "Evaluate variable shadowing" $ do
, testCase "Immutable definitions" $ do
let input = "x = t t\nx = t\nx"
env = evalTricu Map.empty (parseTricu input)
result <- try (evaluate (runTricu input)) :: IO (Either SomeException String)
@ -260,8 +261,8 @@ evaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation Tests"
result env @?= Fork (Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork Leaf Leaf)) Leaf
lambdaEvalTests :: TestTree
lambdaEvalTests = testGroup "Lambda Evaluation Tests"
lambdas :: TestTree
lambdas = testGroup "Lambda Evaluation Tests"
[ testCase "Lambda Identity Function" $ do
let input = "id = (\\x : x)\nid t"
runTricu input @?= "Leaf"
@ -340,8 +341,8 @@ lambdaEvalTests = testGroup "Lambda Evaluation Tests"
runTricu input @?= "Fork Leaf (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf)"
libraryTests :: TestTree
libraryTests = testGroup "Library Tests"
baseLibrary :: TestTree
baseLibrary = testGroup "Library Tests"
[ testCase "K combinator 1" $ do
library <- evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
let input = "k (t) (t t)"
@ -476,8 +477,8 @@ libraryTests = testGroup "Library Tests"
result env @?= Stem Leaf
fileEvaluationTests :: TestTree
fileEvaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation tests"
fileEval :: TestTree
fileEval = testGroup "File evaluation tests"
[ testCase "Forks" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/fork.tri"
res @?= Fork Leaf Leaf
@ -495,3 +496,24 @@ fileEvaluationTests = testGroup "Evaluation tests"
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext library "./test/string.tri"
decodeResult (result res) @?= "\"String test!\""
demos :: TestTree
demos = testGroup "Test provided demo functionality"
[ testCase "Structural equality demo" $ do
library <- liftIO $ evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext library "./demos/equality.tri"
decodeResult (result res) @?= "t t"
, testCase "Convert values back to source code demo" $ do
library <- liftIO $ evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext library "./demos/toSource.tri"
decodeResult (result res) @?= "\"(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))\""
, testCase "Determining the size of functions" $ do
library <- liftIO $ evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext library "./demos/size.tri"
decodeResult (result res) @?= "2071"
, testCase "Level Order Traversal demo" $ do
library <- liftIO $ evaluateFile "./lib/base.tri"
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileWithContext library "./demos/levelOrderTraversal.tri"
decodeResult (result res) @?= "\"\n1 \n2 3 \n4 5 6 7 \n8 11 10 9 12 \""