Rework module system
All checks were successful
Test, Build, and Release / test (push) Successful in 1m37s
Test, Build, and Release / build (push) Successful in 1m14s

Don't require/allow naming a module, instead require that the importer
names it. Allow importing into the local scope with the name !Local.
Simplify namespacing logic. Updates all tests to reflect these changes.
This commit is contained in:
James Eversole 2025-01-30 13:56:09 -06:00
parent 09eedfb609
commit bf1000d174
34 changed files with 218 additions and 239 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
!module Equality
!import "lib/base.tri" Lib
!import "lib/base.tri" !Local
main = lambdaEqualsTC
@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ not_Lambda? = demo_matchBool demo_false demo_true
-- to different tree representations even if they share extensional behavior.
-- Let's see if these are the same:
lambdaEqualsTC = Lib.equal? not_TC? not_Lambda?
lambdaEqualsTC = equal? not_TC? not_Lambda?
-- Here are some checks to verify their extensional behavior is the same:
true_TC? = not_TC? demo_false
@ -37,5 +35,5 @@ false_TC? = not_TC? demo_true
true_Lambda? = not_Lambda? demo_false
false_Lambda? = not_Lambda? demo_true
bothTrueEqual? = Lib.equal? true_TC? true_Lambda?
bothFalseEqual? = Lib.equal? false_TC? false_Lambda?
bothTrueEqual? = equal? true_TC? true_Lambda?
bothFalseEqual? = equal? false_TC? false_Lambda?

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
!module LOT
!import "lib/base.tri" Lib
!import "lib/base.tri" !Local
main = exampleTwo
-- Level Order Traversal of a labelled binary tree
@ -19,41 +17,41 @@ main = exampleTwo
-- / / \
-- 4 5 6
label = \node : Lib.head node
label = \node : head node
left = (\node : Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? node)
left = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
(Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? (Lib.tail node))
(if (emptyList? (tail node))
(Lib.head (Lib.tail node))))
(head (tail node))))
right = (\node : Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? node)
right = (\node : if (emptyList? node)
(Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? (Lib.tail node))
(if (emptyList? (tail node))
(Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? (Lib.tail (Lib.tail node)))
(if (emptyList? (tail (tail node)))
(Lib.head (Lib.tail (Lib.tail node))))))
(head (tail (tail node))))))
processLevel = Lib.y (\self queue : Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? queue)
processLevel = y (\self queue : if (emptyList? queue)
(Lib.pair ( label queue) (self (Lib.filter
(\node : Lib.not? (Lib.emptyList? node))
(Lib.lconcat ( left queue) ( right queue))))))
(pair (map label queue) (self (filter
(\node : not? (emptyList? node))
(lconcat (map left queue) (map right queue))))))
levelOrderTraversal_ = \a : processLevel (t a t)
toLineString = Lib.y (\self levels : Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? levels)
toLineString = y (\self levels : if (emptyList? levels)
(Lib.lconcat ( (\x : Lib.lconcat x " ") (Lib.head levels)) "")
(Lib.if (Lib.emptyList? (Lib.tail levels)) "" (Lib.lconcat (t (t 10 t) t) (self (Lib.tail levels))))))
(lconcat (map (\x : lconcat x " ") (head levels)) "")
(if (emptyList? (tail levels)) "" (lconcat (t (t 10 t) t) (self (tail levels))))))
levelOrderToString = \s : toLineString (levelOrderTraversal_ s)
flatten = Lib.foldl (\acc x : Lib.lconcat acc x) ""
flatten = foldl (\acc x : lconcat acc x) ""
levelOrderTraversal = \s : Lib.lconcat (t 10 t) (flatten (levelOrderToString s))
levelOrderTraversal = \s : lconcat (t 10 t) (flatten (levelOrderToString s))
exampleOne = levelOrderTraversal [("1")
[("2") [("4") t t] t]

View File

@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
!module Size
!import "lib/base.tri" Lib
!import "lib/base.tri" !Local
main = size size
compose = \f g x : f (g x)
succ = Lib.y (\self :
succ = y (\self :
(t (t t))
(\_ Lib.tail : t t (self Lib.tail))
(\_ tail : t t (self tail))
size = (\x :
(Lib.y (\self x :
(y (\self x :
compose succ
(\x : x)
(\x y : compose (self x) (self y))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
!module ToSource
!import "lib/base.tri" !Local
!import "lib/base.tri" Lib
main = toSource Lib.not?
main = toSource not?
-- Thanks to intensionality, we can inspect the structure of a given value
-- even if it's a function. This includes lambdas which are eliminated to
-- Tree Calculus (TC) terms during evaluation.
@ -16,29 +14,29 @@ main = toSource Lib.not?
-- triage = (\leaf stem fork : t (t leaf stem) fork)
-- Base case of a single Leaf
sourceLeaf = t (Lib.head "t")
sourceLeaf = t (head "t")
-- Stem case
sourceStem = (\convert : (\a rest :
t (Lib.head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (Lib.head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (Lib.head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the argument.
(t (Lib.head ")") rest)))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the argument.
(t (head ")") rest)))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
-- Fork case
sourceFork = (\convert : (\a b rest :
t (Lib.head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (Lib.head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (Lib.head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the first arg.
(t (Lib.head " ") -- Add another space.
(convert b -- Recursively convert the second arg.
(t (Lib.head ")") rest)))))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
t (head "(") -- Start with a left parenthesis "(".
(t (head "t") -- Add a "t"
(t (head " ") -- Add a space.
(convert a -- Recursively convert the first arg.
(t (head " ") -- Add another space.
(convert b -- Recursively convert the second arg.
(t (head ")") rest)))))))) -- Close with ")" and append the rest.
-- Wrapper around triage
toSource_ = Lib.y (\self arg :
toSource_ = y (\self arg :
sourceLeaf -- `triage` "a" case, Leaf
(sourceStem self) -- `triage` "b" case, Stem
(sourceFork self) -- `triage` "c" case, Fork
@ -47,5 +45,5 @@ toSource_ = Lib.y (\self arg :
-- toSource takes a single TC term and returns a String
toSource = \v : toSource_ v ""
exampleOne = toSource Lib.true -- OUT: "(t t)"
exampleTwo = toSource Lib.not? -- OUT: "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"
exampleOne = toSource true -- OUT: "(t t)"
exampleTwo = toSource not? -- OUT: "(t (t (t t) (t t t)) (t t (t t t)))"

View File

@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ elimLambda = go
| body == triageBody = _TRIAGE
triageBody =
(SApp (SApp TLeaf (SApp (SApp TLeaf (SVar a)) (SVar b))) (SVar c))
SApp (SApp TLeaf (SApp (SApp TLeaf (SVar a)) (SVar b))) (SVar c)
-- Composition optimization
go (SLambda [f] (SLambda [g] (SLambda [x] body)))
| body == composeBody = _COMPOSE
composeBody = SApp (SVar f) (SApp (SVar g) (SVar x))
| body == SApp (SVar f) (SApp (SVar g) (SVar x)) = _B
go (SLambda [f] (SLambda [x] (SLambda [y] body)))
| body == SApp (SApp (SVar f) (SVar y)) (SVar x) = _C
-- General elimination
go (SLambda (v:vs) body)
| null vs = toSKI v (elimLambda body)
@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ elimLambda = go
_S = parseSingle "t (t (t t t)) t"
_K = parseSingle "t t"
_I = parseSingle "t (t (t t)) t"
_B = parseSingle "t (t (t t (t (t (t t t)) t))) (t t)"
_C = parseSingle "t (t (t (t (t t (t (t (t t t)) t))) (t (t (t t (t t))) (t (t (t t t)) t)))) (t t (t t))"
_TRIAGE = parseSingle "t (t (t t (t (t (t t t))))) t"
_COMPOSE = parseSingle "t (t (t t (t (t (t t t)) t))) (t t)"
isFree :: String -> TricuAST -> Bool
isFree x = Set.member x . freeVars
@ -108,12 +109,12 @@ freeVars (SInt _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SStr _ ) = Set.empty
freeVars (SList s ) = foldMap freeVars s
freeVars (SApp f a ) = freeVars f <> freeVars a
freeVars (TLeaf ) = Set.empty
freeVars TLeaf = Set.empty
freeVars (SDef _ _ b) = freeVars b
freeVars (TStem t ) = freeVars t
freeVars (TFork l r ) = freeVars l <> freeVars r
freeVars (SLambda v b ) = foldr Set.delete (freeVars b) v
freeVars _ = Set.empty
freeVars _ = Set.empty
reorderDefs :: Env -> [TricuAST] -> [TricuAST]
reorderDefs env defs

View File

@ -16,14 +16,11 @@ evaluateFileResult :: FilePath -> IO T
evaluateFileResult filePath = do
contents <- readFile filePath
let tokens = lexTricu contents
let moduleName = case parseProgram tokens of
Right ((SModule name) : _) -> name
_ -> ""
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right _ -> do
Right ast -> do
ast <- preprocessFile filePath
let finalEnv = mainAlias moduleName $ evalTricu Map.empty ast
let finalEnv = evalTricu Map.empty ast
case Map.lookup "main" finalEnv of
Just finalResult -> return finalResult
Nothing -> errorWithoutStackTrace "No `main` function detected"
@ -32,37 +29,24 @@ evaluateFile :: FilePath -> IO Env
evaluateFile filePath = do
contents <- readFile filePath
let tokens = lexTricu contents
let moduleName = case parseProgram tokens of
Right ((SModule name) : _) -> name
_ -> ""
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right _ -> do
Right ast -> do
ast <- preprocessFile filePath
pure $ mainAlias moduleName $ evalTricu Map.empty ast
pure $ evalTricu Map.empty ast
evaluateFileWithContext :: Env -> FilePath -> IO Env
evaluateFileWithContext env filePath = do
contents <- readFile filePath
let tokens = lexTricu contents
let moduleName = case parseProgram tokens of
Right ((SModule name) : _) -> name
_ -> ""
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right _ -> do
Right ast -> do
ast <- preprocessFile filePath
pure $ mainAlias moduleName $ evalTricu env ast
mainAlias :: String -> Env -> Env
mainAlias "" env = env
mainAlias moduleName env =
case Map.lookup (moduleName ++ ".main") env of
Just value -> Map.insert "main" value env
Nothing -> env
pure $ evalTricu env ast
preprocessFile :: FilePath -> IO [TricuAST]
preprocessFile filePath = preprocessFile' Set.empty filePath
preprocessFile = preprocessFile' Set.empty
preprocessFile' :: Set.Set FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [TricuAST]
preprocessFile' inProgress filePath
@ -74,77 +58,76 @@ preprocessFile' inProgress filePath
case parseProgram tokens of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace (handleParseError err)
Right asts -> do
let (moduleName, restAST) = extractModule asts
let (imports, nonImports) = partition isImport restAST
let (imports, nonImports) = partition isImport asts
let newInProgress = Set.insert filePath inProgress
importedASTs <- concat <$> mapM (processImport newInProgress) imports
let namespacedAST = namespaceDefinitions moduleName nonImports
pure $ importedASTs ++ namespacedAST
importedASTs <- concat <$> mapM (processImport newInProgress "") imports
pure $ importedASTs ++ nonImports
extractModule :: [TricuAST] -> (String, [TricuAST])
extractModule ((SModule name) : xs) = (name, xs)
extractModule xs = ("", xs)
isImport :: TricuAST -> Bool
isImport (SImport _ _) = True
isImport _ = False
processImport :: Set.Set FilePath -> TricuAST -> IO [TricuAST]
processImport inProgress (SImport filePath moduleName) = do
importedAST <- preprocessFile' inProgress filePath
pure $ namespaceDefinitions moduleName importedAST
processImport _ _ = error "Unexpected non-import in processImport"
processImport :: Set.Set FilePath -> String -> TricuAST -> IO [TricuAST]
processImport prog currentModule (SImport path "!Local") = do
ast <- preprocessFile' prog path
let defs = filter (not . isImport) ast
pure $ map (nsDefinition currentModule) defs
processImport prog _ (SImport path name) = do
ast <- preprocessFile' prog path
let defs = filter (not . isImport) ast
pure $ map (nsDefinition name) defs
processImport _ _ _ = error "Unexpected non-import in processImport"
namespaceDefinitions :: String -> [TricuAST] -> [TricuAST]
namespaceDefinitions moduleName = map (namespaceDefinition moduleName)
nsDefinitions :: String -> [TricuAST] -> [TricuAST]
nsDefinitions moduleName = map (nsDefinition moduleName)
namespaceDefinition :: String -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
namespaceDefinition "" def = def
namespaceDefinition moduleName (SDef name args body)
| isPrefixed name = SDef name args (namespaceBody moduleName body)
| otherwise = SDef (namespaceVariable moduleName name)
args (namespaceBody moduleName body)
namespaceDefinition moduleName other =
namespaceBody moduleName other
nsDefinition :: String -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
nsDefinition "" def = def
nsDefinition moduleName (SDef name args body)
| isPrefixed name = SDef name args (nsBody moduleName body)
| otherwise = SDef (nsVariable moduleName name)
args (nsBody moduleName body)
nsDefinition moduleName other =
nsBody moduleName other
namespaceBody :: String -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
namespaceBody moduleName (SVar name)
nsBody :: String -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
nsBody moduleName (SVar name)
| isPrefixed name = SVar name
| otherwise = SVar (namespaceVariable moduleName name)
namespaceBody moduleName (SApp func arg) =
SApp (namespaceBody moduleName func) (namespaceBody moduleName arg)
namespaceBody moduleName (SLambda args body) =
SLambda args (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args body)
namespaceBody moduleName (SList items) =
SList (map (namespaceBody moduleName) items)
namespaceBody moduleName (TFork left right) =
TFork (namespaceBody moduleName left) (namespaceBody moduleName right)
namespaceBody moduleName (TStem subtree) =
TStem (namespaceBody moduleName subtree)
namespaceBody moduleName (SDef name args body)
| isPrefixed name = SDef name args (namespaceBody moduleName body)
| otherwise = SDef (namespaceVariable moduleName name)
args (namespaceBody moduleName body)
namespaceBody _ other = other
| otherwise = SVar (nsVariable moduleName name)
nsBody moduleName (SApp func arg) =
SApp (nsBody moduleName func) (nsBody moduleName arg)
nsBody moduleName (SLambda args body) =
SLambda args (nsBodyScoped moduleName args body)
nsBody moduleName (SList items) =
SList (map (nsBody moduleName) items)
nsBody moduleName (TFork left right) =
TFork (nsBody moduleName left) (nsBody moduleName right)
nsBody moduleName (TStem subtree) =
TStem (nsBody moduleName subtree)
nsBody moduleName (SDef name args body)
| isPrefixed name = SDef name args (nsBody moduleName body)
| otherwise = SDef (nsVariable moduleName name)
args (nsBody moduleName body)
nsBody _ other = other
namespaceBodyScoped :: String -> [String] -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args body = case body of
nsBodyScoped :: String -> [String] -> TricuAST -> TricuAST
nsBodyScoped moduleName args body = case body of
SVar name ->
if name `elem` args
then SVar name
else namespaceBody moduleName (SVar name)
SApp func arg -> SApp (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args func) (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args arg)
SLambda innerArgs innerBody -> SLambda innerArgs (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName (args ++ innerArgs) innerBody)
SList items -> SList (map (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args) items)
TFork left right -> TFork (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args left) (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args right)
TStem subtree -> TStem (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName args subtree)
else nsBody moduleName (SVar name)
SApp func arg -> SApp (nsBodyScoped moduleName args func) (nsBodyScoped moduleName args arg)
SLambda innerArgs innerBody -> SLambda innerArgs (nsBodyScoped moduleName (args ++ innerArgs) innerBody)
SList items -> SList (map (nsBodyScoped moduleName args) items)
TFork left right -> TFork (nsBodyScoped moduleName args left) (nsBodyScoped moduleName args right)
TStem subtree -> TStem (nsBodyScoped moduleName args subtree)
SDef name innerArgs innerBody ->
SDef (namespaceVariable moduleName name) innerArgs (namespaceBodyScoped moduleName (args ++ innerArgs) innerBody)
SDef (nsVariable moduleName name) innerArgs (nsBodyScoped moduleName (args ++ innerArgs) innerBody)
other -> other
isPrefixed :: String -> Bool
isPrefixed name = '.' `elem` name
namespaceVariable :: String -> String -> String
namespaceVariable "" name = name
namespaceVariable moduleName name = moduleName ++ "." ++ name
nsVariable :: String -> String -> String
nsVariable "" name = name
nsVariable moduleName name = moduleName ++ "." ++ name

View File

@ -12,39 +12,71 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Lexer = Parsec Void String
tricuLexer :: Lexer [LToken]
tricuLexer = do
header <- many $ do
tok <- choice
[ try lImport
, lnewline
pure tok
tokens <- many $ do
tok <- choice tricuLexer'
pure tok
pure (header ++ tokens)
tricuLexer' =
[ try lnewline
, try namespace
, try dot
, try identifier
, try keywordT
, try integerLiteral
, try stringLiteral
, assign
, colon
, backslash
, openParen
, closeParen
, openBracket
, closeBracket
lexTricu :: String -> [LToken]
lexTricu input = case runParser tricuLexer "" input of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Lexical error:\n" ++ errorBundlePretty err
Right tokens -> tokens
keywordT :: Lexer LToken
keywordT = string "t" *> notFollowedBy alphaNumChar *> pure LKeywordT
identifier :: Lexer LToken
identifier = do
first <- letterChar <|> char '_'
first <- lowerChar <|> char '_'
rest <- many $ letterChar
<|> digitChar
<|> char '_' <|> char '-' <|> char '?' <|> char '.'
<|> char '$' <|> char '#' <|> char '@' <|> char '%'
<|> digitChar <|> char '_' <|> char '-' <|> char '?'
<|> char '$' <|> char '#' <|> char '@' <|> char '%'
let name = first : rest
if (name == "t" || name == "!result")
then fail "Keywords (`t`, `!result`) cannot be used as an identifier"
else return (LIdentifier name)
integerLiteral :: Lexer LToken
integerLiteral = do
num <- some digitChar
return (LIntegerLiteral (read num))
namespace :: Lexer LToken
namespace = do
name <- try (string "!Local") <|> do
first <- upperChar
rest <- many (letterChar <|> digitChar)
return (first:rest)
return (LNamespace name)
stringLiteral :: Lexer LToken
stringLiteral = do
char '"'
content <- many (noneOf ['"'])
char '"' --"
return (LStringLiteral content)
lModule :: Lexer LToken
lModule = do
_ <- string "!module"
LIdentifier moduleName <- identifier
return (LModule moduleName)
dot :: Lexer LToken
dot = char '.' *> pure LDot
lImport :: Lexer LToken
lImport = do
@ -52,7 +84,7 @@ lImport = do
LStringLiteral path <- stringLiteral
LIdentifier name <- identifier
LNamespace name <- namespace
return (LImport path name)
assign :: Lexer LToken
@ -85,41 +117,15 @@ sc = space
(skipLineComment "--")
(skipBlockComment "|-" "-|")
tricuLexer :: Lexer [LToken]
tricuLexer = do
header <- many $ do
tok <- choice
[ try lModule
, try lImport
, lnewline
pure tok
tokens <- many $ do
tok <- choice tricuLexer'
pure tok
pure (header ++ tokens)
tricuLexer' =
[ try lnewline
, try identifier
, try keywordT
, try integerLiteral
, try stringLiteral
, assign
, colon
, backslash
, openParen
, closeParen
, openBracket
, closeBracket
integerLiteral :: Lexer LToken
integerLiteral = do
num <- some digitChar
return (LIntegerLiteral (read num))
stringLiteral :: Lexer LToken
stringLiteral = do
char '"'
content <- many (noneOf ['"'])
char '"' --"
return (LStringLiteral content)
lexTricu :: String -> [LToken]
lexTricu input = case runParser tricuLexer "" input of
Left err -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Lexical error:\n" ++ errorBundlePretty err
Right tokens -> tokens

View File

@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ parseSingle input =
parseProgramM :: ParserM [TricuAST]
parseProgramM = do
skipMany topLevelNewline
moduleNode <- optional parseModuleM
skipMany topLevelNewline
importNodes <- many (do
node <- parseImportM
@ -83,16 +81,7 @@ parseProgramM = do
skipMany topLevelNewline
exprs <- sepEndBy parseOneExpression (some topLevelNewline)
skipMany topLevelNewline
return (maybe [] (: []) moduleNode ++ importNodes ++ exprs)
parseModuleM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseModuleM = do
LModule moduleName <- satisfyM isModule
pure (SModule moduleName)
isModule (LModule _) = True
isModule _ = False
return (importNodes ++ exprs)
parseImportM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseImportM = do
@ -266,12 +255,19 @@ parseSingleItemM = do
parseVarM :: ParserM TricuAST
parseVarM = do
satisfyM (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False) >>= \case
token <- satisfyM (\case
LNamespace _ -> True
LIdentifier _ -> True
_ -> False)
case token of
LNamespace ns -> do
_ <- satisfyM (== LDot)
LIdentifier name <- satisfyM (\case LIdentifier _ -> True; _ -> False)
pure $ SVar (ns ++ "." ++ name)
LIdentifier name
| name == "t" || name == "!result" ->
fail ("Reserved keyword: " ++ name ++ " cannot be assigned.")
| otherwise ->
pure (SVar name)
| otherwise -> pure (SVar name)
_ -> fail "Unexpected token while parsing variable"
parseIntLiteralM :: ParserM TricuAST

View File

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ data TricuAST
| TFork TricuAST TricuAST
| SLambda [String] TricuAST
| SEmpty
| SModule String
| SImport String String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -34,17 +33,18 @@ data TricuAST
data LToken
= LKeywordT
| LIdentifier String
| LNamespace String
| LIntegerLiteral Int
| LStringLiteral String
| LAssign
| LColon
| LDot
| LBackslash
| LOpenParen
| LCloseParen
| LOpenBracket
| LCloseBracket
| LNewline
| LModule String
| LImport String String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

View File

@ -532,6 +532,9 @@ modules = testGroup "Test modules"
, testCase "Lambda expression namespaces" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/lambda-A.tri"
res @?= Leaf
, testCase "Local namespace import chain" $ do
res <- liftIO $ evaluateFileResult "./test/local-ns/1.tri"
res @?= Fork (Stem Leaf) (Fork (Stem Leaf) Leaf)

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
t (t (t (t (t t) (t t t)) t) t t) t

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
x = t (t t) t

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
!module Cycle
!import "test/cycle-2.tri" Cycle2

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
!module Cycle2
!import "test/cycle-1.tri" Cycle1

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
!module A
main = (\x : x) t

test/local-ns/1.tri Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
!import "test/local-ns/2.tri" Two
main = Two.x

test/local-ns/2.tri Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
!import "test/local-ns/3.tri" !Local

test/local-ns/3.tri Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
x = 3

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
!module Test
!import "lib/base.tri" Lib
main = Lib.not? t

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
n = t t t

View File

@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
!module A
!import "./test/multi-level-B.tri" B
main = B.main

View File

@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
!module B
!import "./test/multi-level-C.tri" C
main = C.val

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
!module C
val = t

test/named-imports/1.tri Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
!import "lib/base.tri"
!import "test/named-imports/2.tri"
!import "test/named-imports/3.tri" ThreeRenamed
main = equal? (equal? Two.x 2) (equal? ThreeRenamed.x 3)

test/named-imports/2.tri Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
x = 2

test/named-imports/3.tri Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
x = 3

View File

@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
!module A
!import "./test/namespace-B.tri" B
main = B.x

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
!module B
x = t

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
namedTerm = undefinedForTesting

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
!module A
main = undefinedVar

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
!module A
!import "./test/vars-B.tri" B

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
!module B
y = \x : x

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
!module C
z = t

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 1.12
name: tricu
version: 0.12.0
version: 0.13.0
description: A micro-language for exploring Tree Calculus
author: James Eversole